
  1. cc

    A build-time dependency for Cargo build scripts to assist in invoking the native C compiler to compile native C code into a static archive to be linked into Rust code

    v1.2.7 11.7M #build-script #cargo-build #static #native #build-dependencies #compilation #compile
  2. cfg_aliases

    A tiny utility to help save you a lot of effort with long winded #[cfg()] checks

    v0.2.1 5.0M #conditional-compilation #build-script #cargo-build #build #cfg #conditional #compilation
  3. cross

    Zero setup cross compilation and cross testing

    v0.2.5 75K #cross-compilation #build-environment #build-system #compilation #docker #envvar #cargo-build
  4. cargo-llvm-lines

    Count the number of lines of LLVM IR across all instantiations of a generic function

    v0.4.42 2.2K #llvm-ir #generic #instantiation #cargo #cargo-subcommand #compilation #line
  5. sccache

    ccache-like tool. It is used as a compiler wrapper and avoids compilation when possible. Sccache has the capability to utilize caching in remote storage environments, including various cloud storage options…

    v0.9.1 10K #cache #compiler #compilation #build #local-storage #ccache #github-actions
  6. typst-kit

    Common utilities for Typst tooling

    v0.12.0 1.7K #typst #typesetting #system #markup #compilation #tooling #font
  7. js

    Call JavaScript from WebAssembly

    v0.5.7 120 #wasm #interop #bridge #callback #compilation #javascript #object
  8. wasmtime-cranelift

    Integration between Cranelift and Wasmtime

    v28.0.0 412K #wasm #wasmtime #cranelift #run-time #webassembly #integration #compilation
  9. swc-plugin-inferno

    SWC plugin for InfernoJS

    v2.1.1 190 #swc-plugin #jsx #virtual-dom #inferno #inferno-js #compilation #applications
  10. visibility

    Attribute to override the visibility of items (useful in conjunction with cfg_attr)

    v0.1.1 110K #conditional-compilation #override #conditional #pub #compilation
  11. fea-rs

    Tools for working with Adobe OpenType Feature files

    v0.19.0 #font #opentype #table #features #parser #adobe #compilation
  12. static-files

    help automate static resource collection

    v0.2.4 11K #static-file #npm-package #package-manager #resources #collection #compilation #detection
  13. midenc

    The compiler frontend/executable for Miden

    v0.0.7 #miden #assembly #intermediate-representation #ir #compiler #compilation #wasm
  14. target

    Get information on compilation target

    v2.1.0 17K #information #compilation #environment #architecture #pointers #os #width
  15. evalexpr-jit

    JIT compilation and symbolic differentiation of evalexpr expressions with Cranelift

    v0.1.2 150 #jit #variables #expression #cranelift #derivative #equation #compilation
  16. xargo

    The sysroot manager that lets you build and customize std

    v0.3.26 1.5K #cross-compilation #cross-compile #cargo-build #std #cross #compilation
  17. cachepot

    sccache-like tool. It is used as a compiler wrapper and avoids compilation when possible, storing a cache in a remote storage using cloud storage.

    v0.1.0-rc.1 #cache #compilation #build-system #cloud-storage #sccache #distributed #remote
  18. hugr-passes

    Compiler passes for Quantinuum's HUGR

    v0.14.1 1.2K #quantum-circuit #quantum #compiler #passes #quantinuum #hugr #compilation
  19. wiwi


    v0.11.0-pre.2 140 #fundamental #general #general-purpose #z85 #compilation
  20. regex-lite

    A lightweight regex engine that optimizes for binary size and compilation time

    v0.1.6 2.1M #regex #size #string-matching #size-optimization #binary #engine #compilation
  21. hugr

    Quantinuum's Hierarchical Unified Graph Representation

    v0.14.1 1.2K #quantum-circuit #quantum #representation #graph #quantinuum #compilation #unified
  22. cargo-xbuild

    Automatically cross-compiles the sysroot crates core, compiler_builtins, and alloc

    v0.6.6 360 #cargo-build #cross-compilation #cross #osdev #compilation #std #cargo-toml
  23. simplebuild

    build automation tool for c

    v0.1.2 #build-automation #build-configuration #build-tool #toml-config #config-file #compilation #projects
  24. cargo-wasi-src

    Subcommand for Cargo to easily build code for wasm32-wasi

    v0.1.28 440 #wasm-build #cargo-build #wasm32-wasi #cargo-subcommand #wasm-binary #target #compilation
  25. tket2-hseries

    TKET2 tool for preparing and validating Hugrs for compilation targeting Quantinuum H-series quantum computers

    v0.7.1 180 #quantum-computer #quantum-computing #quantum #quantinuum #compilation #tket2 #compiler
  26. rustc-ap-rustc_target

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_target in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit 9a27044f42ace9eb652781b53f598e25d4e7e918 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github…

    v727.0.0 500 #rustc #compiler #target #llvm #rustc-auto-publish #compilation #linker
  27. build-alert

    Display a message in the Cargo build output during compilation

    v0.1.6 1.2K #cargo-build #output #compilation #alert #display #message #debugging
  28. farmfe_plugin_script

    Script compilation plugin of farm

    v0.0.15 550 #build-tool #farm #plugin #build-web #script #compilation #vite
  29. eerie

    Rustic binding to the IREE Compiler/Runtime

    v0.2.2 100 #iree #bindings #compiler #run-time #compilation #mlir #rustic
  30. lmntalc

    A compiler for the LMNtal language

    v0.12.0 1.2K #compiler #lm-ntal #parse-tree #analysis #compilation #hyper-lm-ntal #flat
  31. windres

    Compiles Windows resource files (.rc) into a Rust program

    v0.2.2 1.2K #resource #resources #rc #build-time #windows #compilation #compile-time
  32. farmfe_plugin_lazy_compilation

    Lazy compilation plugin of farm

    v0.0.15 430 #farm #build-tool #plugin #lazy-evaluation #compilation #vite #web
  33. cargo-ramdisk

    Create target folder as a ramdisk for faster Rust compilation

    v0.2.2 #virtual-memory #compilation #ramdisk #folder #target #cargo #systems
  34. incremental-query

    incremental compilation algorithm similar to rustc's

    v0.2.0 120 #query #incremental #compilation #rustc #rerun #input #cache
  35. typst-ts-compiler

    Compile Typst documents

    v0.5.0-rc6 #typst #server-side-rendering #document #font #compiler #browser #compilation
  36. mc-sgx-core-build

    Build Helpers for SGX FFI Crates

    v0.11.0 600 #intel-sgx #sgx #build #ffi #wrapper #env-vars #compilation
  37. hc-wasmer-object

    Wasmer Native Object generator

    v4.3.6-hc.1 #object-file #wasm #wasm-module #compilation #wasmer #native #run-time
  38. nust64

    Build tools for compiling a Rust project into an N64 ROM

    v0.4.1 #n64 #rom #elf-file #mips #compilation #mips3 #file-format
  39. petr-cli

    command line tool for compiling petr code

    v0.1.0 #petr #command-line #command-line-tool #programming-language #compilation #effect
  40. dynamic-dispatch

    Allows compiling generic functions that do not have generic parameters inside a library, specifying all the possible specializations for each generic type

    v0.5.4 #generic #dispatch #dynamic #compile #functions #compilation #parameters
  41. cargo-sysroot-2

    Simply and Easily cross-compile the Rust sysroot crates

    v0.9.0 #sysroot #cross #compilation #libcore #no-std
  42. needs_env_var

    Skip compilation if environment variable is missing

    v1.1.0 1.2K #env-vars #variables #environment #compilation #macro #skip #testing
  43. mdbook-keeper

    An improved testing experience for mdbook

    v0.5.0 #mdbook #testing #cargo-build #third-party #compilation #cargo-workspace #experience
  44. mers_lib

    mers language in other projects

    v0.9.19 320 #scripting #mers #programming-language #checking #compile #compilation #projects
  45. pax-cartridge

    Static program definition container for Pax programs, intended to be patched during compilation

    v0.15.5 #pax #container #rendering-engine #definition #compilation #graphics #patched
  46. midenc-codegen-masm

    Miden Assembly backend for the Miden compiler

    v0.0.7 #miden #assembly #ir #intermediate-representation #compile #compilation #compiler
  47. rspack_plugin_lazy_compilation

    rspack lazy compilation plugin

    v0.2.0 100 #rspack #lazy-evaluation #plugin #compilation #web #bundler #javascript
  48. shame

    Commonly used utilities to trade performance and compilation time for development velocity

    v0.0.4 #performance #velocity #utilities #time #care #compilation #trade
  49. watson

    a no_std web assembly loader

    v0.9.2 #wasm #minimalist #assertions #compiler #interpreter #compilation #wasi
  50. compile-time

    Macros for getting compile time information

    v0.2.0 414K #compiler-version #compile #compilation #date-time #version-string #information #timestamp
  51. ellie_bytecode

    Bytecode assembler/encoder/decoder for ellie language

    v0.5.4 #ellie #bytecode #language #assembly #embedded #sandboxed #compilation
  52. pax-properties-coproduct

    Static container for program-variable data structures and polymorphic components

    v0.10.10 750 #blank #data-structures #polymorphism #compilation #mechanism #component #initial
  53. dusk-wasmtime-cranelift

    Integration between Cranelift and Wasmtime

    v21.0.0-alpha 390 #wasmtime #cranelift #run-time #compilation #standalone #integration #wasm
  54. ptx_compiler

    High level bindings to CUDA's ptx compilation APIs

    v0.1.1 #cuda #gpu #ptx #compilation #bindings #high #level
  55. auto-rust

    automatically generate Rust code using LLMs at compilation time

    v0.1.5 #llm #automatic #generate #compilation #time
  56. ink

    [ink!] Rust based eDSL for writing smart contracts for Substrate

    v5.1.1 6.9K #edsl #blockchain #web-assembly #compilation #wasm
  57. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  58. fr

    A programming language with an unusual compiler backend

    v0.1.1 #programming-language #compiler #memory #esolang #smpl #back-end #compilation
  59. cargo-n64

    Cargo subcommand to build Nintendo 64 ROMs

    v0.2.0 #nintendo #n64 #cross #compilation #cli
  60. cargo-mtime

    manage file mtime values in sandboxed compilation

    v0.1.1 #cargo-build #mtime #file #compilation #timestamp #sandboxed #sha-256
  61. cargo-incremental

    using and testing rustc's incremental compilation support

    v0.1.23 #incremental #compilation #rustc #walk #history #git-history #point
  62. coffee_break

    Take a break while your code compiles

    v2.1.1 #coffee #compile-time #relax #compilation #blazing-fast #cargo-build
  63. wasmer-object-near

    Wasmer Native Object generator

    v1.0.1 #object #wasm #wasmer #native #object-file #compilation #target
  64. petr-resolve

    resolution stage of the petr compiler

    v0.1.0 #programming-language #petr #resolution #compiler #stage #resolve #compilation
  65. autophagy

    AOT compiler for Rust

    v0.1.1 #compiler #aot #generation #assembly #dynamic #compilation #in-memory
  66. nanoimage

    Fork of image-formats

    v0.1.3 #compilation #fork #makepad #quads #time #draw #germans
  67. webpack-stats

    As zero-copy as possible representation of webpack-stats

    v0.2.0 #webpack #stats #zero-copy #chunk #representation #deserialize #compilation
  68. chandeliers-err

    Internal error message generators for the Chandeliers project

    v1.0.0 #error-message #chandeliers #analyzer #rustc #suite #emitted #compilation
  69. prqlc-macros

    Macros for PRQL compilation at build time

    v0.13.2 130 #build-time #macro #compilation #prql #sql #prqlc
  70. ldrc

    Linux Docker Rust Compiler for Windows

    v0.1.1 #docker #compilation #compiler #applications #compile #architecture #future
  71. faust-build

    Build FAUST dsp files into Rust modules as part of the normal crate compilation

    v0.2.1 #dsp #module #faust #compilation #normal #part #build
  72. prql-compiler-macros

    Macros for PRQL compilation at build time

    v0.12.2 #build-time #macro #prql #compilation #compiler #data #sql
  73. herbie-lint

    A rustc plugin to check for numerical instability

    v1.0.7 #lint #herbie #float #floating-point #compilation #math #plugin
  74. mayda_codec

    Separate compilation unit for functions generated by mayda_macros

    v0.1.4 #integer-compression #mayda #array #decompression #speed #compilation #generated
  75. foundry-compilers

    Compiler abstraction and Foundry project implementation

    v0.12.9 12K #compiler #path #foundry #solc #cache #compilation #abstraction
  76. unused

    Allows for unused generic parameters that do not act like they are owned

    v0.1.0 #generic #parameters #error #phantom-data #compilation #str #owned
  77. cairo-lang-sierra

    Sierra representation

    v2.10.0-rc.0 67K #representation #sierra #target #error #language #compilation #level
  78. simple-i18n

    compile time i18n implementation in Rust

    v0.1.4 #compile-time #internationalization #locale #language #toml #yaml #compilation
  79. cairo-lang-compiler

    Cairo compiler

    v2.10.0-rc.0 44K #compiler #language #sierra #compilation #cairo #entry-point #responsible
  80. antlion

    Handy way to evaluate at compile-time any Rust expression

    v0.3.2 #compile-time #expression #evaluate #macro #compilation #token-stream #handy
  81. sp-consensus-grandpa

    Primitives for GRANDPA integration, suitable for WASM compilation

    v22.0.0 76K #primitive #compilation #integration #grandpa #polkadot #substrate #wasm
  82. fast-rustc-ap-rustc_target

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_target in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit 15812785344d913d779d9738fe3cca8de56f71d5 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github…

    v1.0.0 #rustc #target #llvm #linker #compilation #compiler #different
  83. cairo-lang-project

    Cairo project specification. For example, crates and flags used for compilation.

    v2.10.0-rc.0 38K #specification #compilation #flags #language #cairo
  84. cccache

    All feature of cccache has been merged back into sccache, please use sccache instead

    v0.6.1 #cache #sccache #merged #back #compilation #compiler #tool
  85. thiserror_lite

    Almost drop-in replacement for thiserror, implemented using 100% declarative macros

    v0.1.0 130 #thiserror #declarative-macro #error #error-message #replace #compilation #syn
  86. diem-workspace-hack

    Diem workspace hack

    v0.1.0 #hack #diem #build #workspace-hack #compute #party #compilation
  87. cairo-lang-test-plugin

    Cairo test compilation plugin

    v2.10.0-rc.0 23K #plugin #compilation #language #testing #starknet
  88. minigltf

    a small gltf parser with minimal dependencies and fast compilation

    v0.1.0 #gltf #parser #compilation #model #versions #structured #tested
  89. zcash_script

    ffi bindings to zcashd's zcash_script library

    v0.2.0 2.5K #bindings #zcashd #cpp #compilation #ecc #bindgen #bindings-generator
  90. chip-8-compiler

    compile to chip-8

    v0.1.1 #chip8 #compilation #compiling #assembly
  91. winch-environ

    Winch's function compilation environment

    v0.7.4 #run-time #wasm #wasmtime #environment #compilation #winch #information
  92. nanoforge

    pulling docker images, unpacking them, and compiling them into a Rust project

    v0.1.0 #docker #build-tool #compilation #nanoservice #unpacking #nanoservices #package
  93. foundry-compilers-artifacts-solc

    Rust bindings for Solc JSON artifacts

    v0.12.9 11K #artifact #solc #foundry #bindings #solidity #compilation #types
  94. xcodebuild

    command wrapper, runner and log parser

    v0.1.10 #command-runner #log-parser #step #compilation #stream #line #process
  95. debug_code

    The util to remove code when not debug build

    v0.1.1 #conditional-compilation #proc-macro #compilation #conditional #debugging #cargo #build
  96. fusca

    JavaScript Engine powered by Rust

    v0.1.0 #javascript-engine #powered #sh #script #install #compilation #jit
  97. webpack-q

    Ask questions about webpack compilation statistics

    v0.2.2 #webpack #compilation #statistics #chunks #ask #tooling #graph
  98. fail_on_ci

    Script to abort compilation if one of the known CI-Servers is detected

    v0.1.7 #ci #fail #detected #temporary #true #macro #compilation
  99. xclog

    xcodebuild build-log formater and parser

    v0.3.2 #log-parser #xcodebuild #compilation #logging #command #build-log #formater
  100. label

    functions and iterate over them

    v0.6.0 #functions #iterate #re-exports #compilation #create #process #global
  101. foundry-compilers-artifacts-vyper

    Rust bindings for Vyper JSON artifacts

    v0.12.9 11K #artifact #vyper #foundry #bindings #compilation
  102. dumpbin

    Simplify using Dumpbin Windows tool

    v1.1.0 #compilation #binary-file #executable #object #windows #object-file #validation
  103. rustc-to-go-target

    Convert compilation targets supported by rustc (aka target triplets) into targets supported by Go

    v0.1.0 #targets #go #rustc #triplet #compilation #target #triplets
  104. xio_jobset_compilation

    XIO jobset compilation library

    v0.10.0 #compilation #xio #jobset #devices #deployment
  105. universal-sierra-compiler

    Sierra compilation. It compiles any ever-existing Sierra version to CASM.

    v2.2.0 550 #sierra #version #compile-contract #compilation #casm #tool #ever-existing
  106. constaes

    encrypt data at compilation time

    v0.1.1 #encrypted #time #data #compilation #compile-time
  107. holochain_deepkey_dna

    A compilation of the Deepkey DNA for use in Holochain

    v0.0.8-dev.2 1.5K #dna #holochain #deepkey #byte #bundle #compilation
  108. vermilion_jit

    A toolkit for JIT compilation

    v0.1.0 #jit #compilation #language #vermilion #toolkit
  109. lunir

    A universal intermediate representation oriented towards Lua

    v0.2.0 #intermediate-representation #lua #universal #bytecode #compilation #format #luau