
  1. predicates

    boolean-valued predicate functions

    v3.1.3 2.4M #predicate #logic #combinatorial #boolean #match
  2. evalexpr

    A powerful arithmetic and boolean expression evaluator

    v12.0.2 181K #expression-evaluator #expression #boolean #evaluator #arithmetic #evaluate #scripting-language
  3. bitmaps

    Fixed size boolean arrays

    v3.2.1 540K #fixed-size #bitmap #compact #boolean #arrays #primary #sized-chunks
  4. biodivine-lib-bdd

    thread-safe implementation of basic binary decision diagrams

    v0.5.23 220 #bdd #boolean-expression #boolean #data-structures #behavior #object #symbolic
  5. condtype

    Choose types at compile-time via boolean constants

    v1.3.0 66K #boolean #type #condition #depend #const #generics
  6. bool_ext

    defines and implements a complete set of Option/Result-style Boolean functional combinators on Rust’s bool primitive type

    v0.7.0 750 #boolean #combinator #bool #functional #adapter
  7. oxidd-dump

    Dump OxiDD decision diagrams to file

    v0.4.0 210 #diagram #decision #oxi-dd #bdd #boolean #zero-suppressed #dump
  8. oxidd-rules-bdd

    Binary decision diagrams (BDDs) for OxiDD

    v0.9.0 190 #diagram #decision #oxi-dd #bdd #binary #boolean #framework
  9. predicates-tree

    Render boolean-valued predicate functions results as a tree

    v1.0.12 1.9M #logic #boolean #predicate #combinatorial #match
  10. btypes

    Better types (BTypes) for when you dislike normal types, I guess

    v0.7.12 500 #types #capacity #operations #boolean #string #named #guess
  11. oxidd-cache

    Apply cache for OxiDD

    v0.9.0 210 #diagram #oxi-dd #decision #bdd #cache #boolean #zero-suppressed
  12. oxidd-manager-pointer

    Pointer-based manager implementation for OxiDD

    v0.4.0 #diagram #decision #oxi-dd #bdd #zero-suppressed #zdd #boolean
  13. oxidd-parser

    Parsers for logic file formats

    v0.3.1 #diagram #decision #file-format #order #bdd #oxi-dd #boolean
  14. volute

    Boolean functions implementation, represented as lookup tables (LUT) or sum-of-products (SOP)

    v1.1.5 #lookup-tables #boolean #logic #lut #truth-table
  15. oxidd-reorder

    Reordering algorithms for OxiDD

    v0.4.0 150 #order #diagram #decision #oxi-dd #algorithm #bdd #boolean
  16. oxidd-rules-mtbdd

    Multi-terminal decision diagrams (MTBDDs) for OxiDD

    v0.4.0 140 #diagram #decision #oxi-dd #mtbdd #bdd #framework #boolean
  17. bool_vec

    A crates that exposes a vector called BoolVec which allows you to store a boolean in a single bit

    v0.3.0 350 #boolean #bit #single #bool #bit-vector #vec #byte
  18. geo-clipper

    Boolean operations on polygons

    v0.8.0 4.8K #polygon #boolean #offset #geo
  19. clipper2

    A polygon Clipping and Offsetting library for Rust

    v0.5.0 #polygon #boolean #clip #clipper
  20. rawcode

    Implements a simple as-is encoding format

    v0.3.2 160 #boolean #format #fixed-length #encoding #primitive #integer #byte
  21. linesweeper

    Robust sweep-line algorithm and two-dimensional boolean ops

    v0.0.2 230 #robust #boolean #sweep-line #two-dimensional #sets #operations #state
  22. boolean_function

    Mathematical analysis of Boolean functions

    v0.1.1 #boolean #function #algebra #s-box #cryptography #cellular-automata #unsigned-integer
  23. fast-boolean-anf-transform

    Fast implementation of the boolean Algebraic Normal Form (ANF) transform

    v0.0.3 #boolean #transform #algebraic #forms #normal #form #unsigned-integer
  24. a-tree

    A dynamic data structure for efficiently indexing arbitrary boolean expressions

    v0.5.0 600 #data-structures #boolean-expression #tree #boolean #event-filtering #subscription
  25. biodivine-pbn-control

    controlling parametrized Boolean networks

    v0.3.1 #boolean #networking #control #parametrized #experiment #models #results
  26. binf

    that adds utilities for dealing with binary flags

    v1.1.4 #flags #binary #boolean #packed #structs #zig #fields
  27. truck-shapeops

    boolean operations to Solid

    v0.4.0 #cad #operations #solid #boolean #shape #import #graphics
  28. varisat

    A CDCL based SAT solver (library)

    v0.2.2 18K #sat-solver #variables #formula #boolean #proof #cdcl #assignment
  29. cryptominisat

    Rust bindings for CryptoMiniSat, a boolean satisfiability solver

    v5.8.0 #sat-solver #sat #boolean #satisfiability #bindings #find #clauses
  30. cbitset

    A bit set, being able to hold a fixed amount of booleans in an array of integers

    v0.2.0 7.0K #bit-set #bit-array #boolean #fixed #integer #hold #able
  31. boolean_expression

    manipulating and evaluating Boolean expressions and BDDs

    v0.4.4 3.4K #boolean #bdd #expression #diagram #decision #binary #evaluating
  32. weak_true

    Similar to the automatic implicit conversion to boolean values in weakly typed languages

    v0.1.5 #conversion #boolean #implicit #language #values #pointers #typed
  33. boolean-logic

    propositional logic evaluator that creates truth tables for propositional expressions

    v0.1.3 #propositional-logic #truth-table #boolean-expression #boolean #bool-logic
  34. iron-shapes-booleanop

    Boolean operations on polygons for iron-shapes

    v0.1.0 #polygon #operations #design #boolean #electronic #automation #layout
  35. nanoval

    A nan-tagged value for representing f64, i32, u32, booleans, null and arbitrary pointers

    v0.3.1 #value #pointers #i32 #f64 #u32 #boolean #nan-tagged
  36. simple_predicates

    local configuration management utility

    v0.4.2 #boolean #configuration-management #predicates #eval #deserialize #u32 #variables
  37. libreda-logic

    Logic library for LibrEDA

    v0.0.3 #logic #eda #boolean #vlsi
  38. clipper2-sys

    Polygon Clipping and Offsetting (Clipper2 wrapper)

    v0.4.0 110 #polygon #boolean #clipper2 #clip #offset
  39. abibool

    C ABI compatible boolean types

    v0.5.3 #bool #boolean #winapi #compatible #abi #types #interface
  40. boolean-enums

    Generate enums with Yes and No variants. Supports no_std and serde.

    v0.3.4 #enums #boolean #yes #bool #no
  41. boo-hoo


    v0.2.0 #zero-knowledge-proofs #input-output #circuit #proof #boolean #cryptography #experimental
  42. flaneur2020/pua-lang

    a dialect of The Monkey Programming Language

    GitHub 0.1.0 #programming-language #monkey #variables #boolean #string #hash #syntax
  43. dala

    Dalia is a light weight formula language

    v0.3.0 #formula #arguments #language #light-weight #string #boolean #false
  44. clipper2c-sys

    Exposing unsafe FFI for Clipper2 library for Rust

    v0.1.4 #boolean #polygon #clip #clipper2 #clipper
  45. signalbool

    catch signals and set a boolean flag for later use

    v0.2.5 #signal #sigint #flags #interrupt #boolean #signal-handler #set
  46. random_str

    Generate random strings, chars, booleans, and integers

    v0.1.2 #random-string #boolean #random-password #integer #chars #numbers #text
  47. boolnetevo

    Evolve populations of boolean networks to approximate bitstring functions and their (unknown) inverses

    v0.4.0 #boolean #evolution #inverse #bitstring
  48. xdd

    Decision diagrams including BDD, ZDD, MBDD, πDD and more for combinatorics

    v0.1.0 #bdd #zdd #set #multiset #boolean #combinatorics #boolean-expression
  49. quine-mccluskey

    Boolean function minimizer based on Quine–McCluskey algorithm

    v1.0.0 #boolean #algorithm #minimize
  50. boolvec

    A vector of boolean stored contiguously in memory

    v0.2.6 290 #boolean #bool #vec #data-structures
  51. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  52. minisat

    interface. Solves a boolean satisfiability problem given in conjunctive normal form.

    v0.4.4 #problem #interface #sat-solver #boolean #satisfiability #forms #normal
  53. m4ri-rust

    M4RI-based boolean linear algebra

    v0.4.0 #linear-algebra #matrix #m4ri #boolean #scientific-computing #vector #matrix-vector
  54. flip-flop

    implements the flip-flop operator from Perl and Ruby as a Rust macro

    v1.0.0 #operator #macro #boolean #true #ruby #flip #expression
  55. predicates-core

    An API for boolean-valued predicate functions

    v1.0.9 2.4M #predicate #boolean #combinatorial #match #logic
  56. dconf_rs

    API for interacting with dconf

    v0.3.0 12K #dconf #gnome #api #linux #set #boolean
  57. sqlite-fastrand

    A SQLite extension for generating numbers and blobs very quickly

    v0.2.1 #sqlite #sqlite-extension #numbers #blobs #quickly #generate #boolean
  58. rargsxd

    Small and simple argument parsing crate

    v0.2.6 #arguments-parser #boolean #string #arg #long #name #copyright
  59. truth-values

    Generate all possible combinations of N bools

    v0.1.0 #boolean #logic #iterator #product #truth-table
  60. bitval

    For packing booleans in variables using bitwise operations

    v0.1.0 #bit-field #boolean #bit-manipulation #data-access #bit-set #packing #individual
  61. rust_argp

    Arguments-likes strings parser

    v0.0.2 #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #string-parser #arguments #query-string #boolean #vec-string
  62. permanganate

    Graph and Boolean SAT solver for Numberlink and Flow Free

    v0.2.0 #sat-solver #flow #free #graph #boolean #satisfiability #numberlink
  63. growable-bitmap

    A growable (and shrinkable) compact boolean array

    v0.2.0 #bitmap #growable #array #boolean #compact #boolean-array #shrinkable
  64. swahili-dsl

    A Swahili-based DSL made for educational purposes

    v0.1.8 #dsl #educational #language #boolean #variables #mini #macro
  65. tribool

    Three-valued logic

    v0.3.0 130 #logic #three-valued #serde #indeterminate #xor #boolean #three-state
  66. polygon_clipping

    An algorithm for computing boolean operations on polygons

    v0.1.0 #polygon #boolean #intersection #union #geometry
  67. quine-mc_cluskey

    Quine-McCluskey algorithm and Petrick's method

    v0.2.4 27K #algorithm #boolean #petrick #automatic #minimize #quine #forms
  68. bool2cnf

    transfer boolean expression to dimacs directly

    v0.1.9 #boolean #cnf #parser #dimacs #transfer
  69. truthy

    Check if a value is "truthy"

    v1.1.0 #boolean #bool #macro #non-zero #numbers #and-or #string
  70. any_all_workaround

    Workaround for bad LLVM codegen for boolean reductions on 32-bit ARM

    v0.1.0 180 #llvm #workaround #bad #boolean #codegen #arm #32-bit
  71. predicate

    Use enum to predicate something, support & and | operator

    v0.1.0 200 #enums #boolean #assert #filter #enum
  72. filter_ast

    An AST for boolean filter expressions

    v0.2.1 #filter #ast #boolean #expression #representation
  73. bellperson

    zk-SNARK library

    v0.26.0 2.6K #zk-snarks #numbers #circuit #gpu #boolean #bellman #abstraction
  74. ish

    Sometimes things are true-ish

    v0.0.2 #true #false #true-ish #false-ish #compare #integer #boolean
  75. string-config-parser

    configuration file parser for Rust

    v0.2.1 #key-value #config-parser #pair #config-file #comments #different #boolean
  76. fool

    Traits for interoperation of Boolean and sum types

    v0.0.4 #boolean #conversion #extension #result #options
  77. bellman

    zk-SNARK library

    v0.14.0 23K #zk-snarks #circuit #scalar-field #groth16 #boolean #proving #arithmetic-operations
  78. as_bool

    Define how a type should be represented in a boolean context

    v0.1.3 #boolean #true #false #truth #represented #context #table
  79. bool_traits

    Use boolean expressions as trait bounds

    v0.1.1 #traits #boolean #bounds #expression #generics #no-alloc
  80. iif

    Returns one of two parts, depending on the evaluation of an expression

    v1.2.1 #expression #boolean #depending #evaluation #parts #vba
  81. bqrs

    apply boolean query to text

    v0.1.3 #query #text #boolean #match #search
  82. rustollens

    A small and experimental library with a type-level representation of booleans with companion connectives for compile-time sort-of fun with logic

    v0.1.0 #boolean #logic #type-level #type-level-logic
  83. bool

    Straightforward re-useable enum based boolean (which you likely won't need =))

    v0.3.0 #enums #boolean #true #false #respectively #won-t #re-useable
  84. compact_bitset

    A type for storing fixed-size arrays of booleans densely to optimize space

    v0.1.3 #boolean #arrays #fixed-size #space #bit #optimization #container
  85. clipper-sys

    Boolean operations on polygons (Clipper wrapper)

    v0.7.2 4.9K #polygon #clip #boolean #clipper
  86. bool_expr_parser

    Boolean expresion parser and evaluation library

    v0.3.13 #expression-parser #expression #boolean #boolean-expression #parser
  87. rbitpack

    For packing booleans in variables using bitwise operations

    v0.1.0 #boolean #packing #unpacking #bit-manipulation #operations #overflow #size
  88. eitherable

    Extension trait to create the either type from booleans. (and maybe other types)

    v0.1.0 #boolean #traits #create #left #right #extension #maybe
  89. achan

    & convenient representation for any value

    v0.2.0 #value #representation #enums #numbers #boolean #f64 #list
  90. positron

    parse and execute boolean expressions

    v0.2.4 #boolean #expressions #parse #execute #gate #circuit
  91. negatable-set

    Wrapper for sets that allows full boolean operations including negation

    v0.1.0 #set #negation #operations #boolean #full #negatable #btree-set
  92. bool-logic

    manipulating and evaluating boolean expressions

    v0.2.0 130 #expressions #evaluating #boolean
  93. ptr-bool

    A pointer and boolean with size of a pointer

    v0.1.0 #pointers #boolean #byte #size #bit #storing #bit-pack
  94. boolean

    Straightforward re-useable enum based boolean (which you likely won't need =))

    v0.3.0 #enums #true #false #respectively #won-t #re-useable