
  1. yada

    double-array trie library aiming for fast search and compact data representation

    v0.5.1 1.0M #trie #double-array #search #trie-node #binary-representation #multiple-values #heap-allocation
  2. barcoders

    A barcode-encoding library

    v2.0.0 2.4K #barcode #data-encoding #image-generation #barcode-encoding #binary-representation #barcodes
  3. cbor4ii

    CBOR: Concise Binary Object Representation

    v0.3.3 35K #binary-data #cbor #serialization #binary-representation #binary-format #binary-encoding #serde
  4. ckc-rs

    Poker hand evaluation library

    v0.1.15 230 #poker #binary-representation #card #evaluation #hand #suit #evaluator
  5. oid

    Rust-native library for building, parsing, and formating Object Identifiers (OIDs)

    v0.2.1 31K #asn1 #binary-representation #binary-encoding #x500 #unique-identifier #formatting #data-structures
  6. jsonbb

    A binary representation of json value, optimized for parsing and querying

    v0.2.0 2.3K #json-parser #json #binary-representation #json-query #deserialize-json #json-format #querying
  7. bbd

    Binary Braille Dump

    v0.3.1 210 #braille #binary-representation #binary-data #binary-encoding #codec #unicode #pattern
  8. cbor-data

    using CBOR as in-memory representation for working with dynamically shaped data

    v0.8.17 #binary-representation #cbor #binary-format #binary-data #binary-encoding #data-interchange #builder
  9. wasm-graph

    WASM format graph representation

    v0.2.5 #wasm-binary #binary-format #format #web-assembly #binary-representation #wasm
  10. packable

    packing and unpacking binary representations

    v0.11.0 3.4K #binary-encoding #serialization #binary #binary-representation
  11. vsf

    Versatile Storage Format

    v0.1.2 #binary-serialization #storage #serialization #data-exchange #binary #data-format #binary-representation
  12. uuidv6

    UUIDv6 implementation

    v0.1.4 130 #uuid #v6 #uid #binary-representation
  13. balanced-tree-index

    constant-time manipulation of a complete binary tree with a flat in-memory representation

    v2.3.0 240 #binary-tree #constant-time #binary-representation #utilities #memory-access #data-structures
  14. transformable

    Transform its representation between structured and bytes form

    v0.2.2 #byte #binary #binary-representation #wire
  15. oasis-borsh

    Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing

    v0.2.12 #binary-representation #binary-serialization #binary-format #hashing #borsh
  16. bbd-lib

    Binary Braille Dump

    v0.3.1 200 #binary-representation #braille #codec #decoding #pattern #bbd #lib
  17. pcompress

    Experimental, efficient, and performant binary representation of districting plans

    v1.0.7 #compression #mcmc #redistricting #binary-representation #binary-format #plans #markov-chain
  18. ascii_converter

    converting between different ascii representations

    v0.3.0 210 #ascii #hex #binary #converter #binary-representation #convert-hex #convert-text
  19. bcs-link

    Binary Canonical Serialization (BCS)

    v0.1.3 #binary-encoding #deserialization #binary-representation #binary-format #blockchain #canonical #bcs
  20. bcs

    Binary Canonical Serialization (BCS)

    v0.1.6 86K #binary-encoding #deserialization #binary-data #blockchain #canonical #binary-format #binary-representation
  21. pogp

    The POG Protocol for game development defines a portable game loop and language-neutral binary representations of Inputs and State

    v0.0.19 #binary-representation #input #state #game-state #protocols #loop #pog
  22. cbor

    CBOR (binary JSON) with type based decoding and encoding

    v0.4.1 1.8K #binary #binary-format #json #binary-data #format #binary-representation #encoding
  23. borsh-v

    Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing

    v0.7.3 #binary-representation #hashing #binary-serialization #borsh #binary-format #deserialize #fields
  24. bip39-dict

    BIP39 dictionaries with apis to convert between words and binary representation

    v0.1.3 500 #bip-39 #mnemonic #bitcoin #crypto #binary-encoding #binary-representation
  25. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  26. message_macro_derive

    A macro to generate/parse binary representation of messages

    v0.1.2 #macro-derive #message-format #binary-representation #proc-macro #serialization #deserialize #networking
  27. oasis-borsh-derive-internal

    Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing

    v0.2.14 #binary-representation #borsh #serialization #hashing #binary-encoding #oasis #initialization
  28. binary_byte

    A small and independent Rust crate made to perform simple operations with the binary representation of bytes

    v0.1.2 #byte #binary #binary-representation #numeric-base
  29. laminar-bcs

    Binary Canonical Serialization (BCS)

    v0.1.3 #deserialization #binary-encoding #binary-representation #bcs #canonical #libra #length
  30. zwnbsp

    Zero width no-breaking space character utilities for Unicode and HTML

    v0.0.1 #binary-representation #character #unicode #html #ascii #utilities #space
  31. oasis-borsh-derive

    Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing

    v0.2.10 #binary-representation #borsh #serialization #hashing #specification #deserialize #borsh-deserialize
  32. cbor-data-derive

    using CBOR as in-memory representation for working with dynamically shaped data

    v0.8.15 #data #representation #cbor #dynamically #in-memory #shaped #binary-representation