
  1. schema_registry_converter

    Encode/decode data from/to kafka using the Confluent Schema Registry

    v4.2.0 19K #json-schema #schema #avro-schema #kafka #avro #protobuf #codec
  2. jsonschema-transpiler

    transpile JSON Schema into schemas for data processing

    v2.0.0 #json-schema #avro-schema #data-processing #serialization #schema-validation #big-query
  3. avro-rs

    working with Apache Avro in Rust

    v0.13.0 44K #avro-schema #serialization #binary-data #binary-encoding #serialize-deserialize #apache #format
  4. schema_registry_converter_sf

    just a fork of the original schema_registry_converter crate with a fix for the avro serialization

    v4.1.0 #schema #avro-schema #kafka #avro #json-schema #protobuf #data-integration
  5. serde_avro_derive

    Derive avro schema for Rust structs for serde_avro_fast

    v0.3.1 1.0K #avro-schema #serialization #structs #automatic #deserialization #generation #derive
  6. avrogen

    This program allow allow to generate rust code from avro definition files. Modules are created from namespace information

    v0.2.0 250 #avro-schema #avro #serde #code-generation #cli #schema-definition
  7. degauss

    Your friendly neighborhood Avro schema compatibility checker

    v0.1.8 #avro-schema #serialization #compatibility #schema-validation #schema-compatibility
  8. avro-schema

    Apache Avro specification

    v0.3.0 15K #avro #analytics #schema #specification #read #apache #documentation
  9. rs-avro-schema-gen

    Generates simple AVSC from input JSON

    v0.1.0 #avro-schema #schema #avro #json #avsc #cli
  10. mz-avro

    working with Apache Avro in Rust

    v0.7.0 #avro-schema #serialization #serialize-deserialize #apache #binary-encoding #record #binary-format
  11. klox_models

    Models for klox generated from avro schemas

    v0.1.0 #avro-schema #models #generated #klox
  12. serde_avro_derive_macros

    Derive avro schema for Rust structs for serde_avro_fast

    v0.3.1 1.3K #schema #avro-schema #macro #serde-avro-fast #struct #serialization
  13. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  14. avroscript

    parse and convert avro schema to arbitrary types

    v0.1.1 #avro-schema #avro #convert #typescript #command-line-tool #parse #type