
  1. ear

    EAT Attestation Results implementation

    v0.3.0 2.1K #attestation #results #eat #serde #json #cose #serialization
  2. sev-snp-utilities

    AMD SEV-SNP utils

    v1.5.1 470 #sev-snp #amd #attestation
  3. azure_mgmt_attestation

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #attestation #azure-api #service #api-bindings #operations #resource-manager
  4. azure_svc_attestation

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #attestation #azure-api #generated-bindings #version #operations #service
  5. mc-attestation-verifier

    SGX Enclave Attestation Report Verification

    v0.4.3 750 #sgx-enclave #intel-sgx #attestation #report #verification #security
  6. webauthn-attestation-ca

    Webauthn Attestation CA Descriptions

    v0.5.1 35K #webauthn #attestation #authentication #security #ca #descriptions #devices
  7. ias

    API definitions, tools, and client for the Intel Attestation Service

    v0.2.1 250 #intel-sgx #api #attestation #client #service #sgx-enclave #definition
  8. mc-sgx-dcap-quoteverify

    Rust wrappers for the libsgx_dcap_quoteverify library

    v0.11.0 320 #intel-sgx #sgx #quote #attestation #dcap #verification #api-bindings
  9. cca-realm-measurements

    Compute the Realm Initial and Extensible Measurements for Arm CCA

    v0.1.0 120 #realm #attestation #arm #confidential #cca #virtualization #command-line-arguments
  10. report-test

    interface to get a local SGX attestation (“report”). This is useful for testing remote attestation

    v0.4.0 210 #sgx-enclave #intel-sgx #attestation #sgx #enclave
  11. attestation-doc-validation

    attesting enclaves according to the Evervault Attestation scheme. This crate is used to generate ffi bindings.

    v0.9.0 430 #attestation #enclaves #enclave #evervault #aws #generated-bindings #nitro-enclaves
  12. clique-sibyl-commonlib

    Clique Sibyl Common Library, for generating and verifying TEE attestation (Intel SGX, Intel TDX) and providing customized TLS verification with TEE attestation

    v2.3.4 370 #attestation #tls #generate #clique #rustls #sgx #tee
  13. sev-snp-utils

    AMD SEV-SNP utils

    v1.3.4 #sev-snp #amd #attestation #api-bindings
  14. trustflow-attestation-sys

    TrustFlow Attestation Rust Library

    v0.3.1-dev20241104 #confidential-computing #attestation #tee #privacy #privacy-preserving #trusted-execution-environment #llm
  15. trustflow-attestation-rs

    TrustFlow Attestation Rust Library

    v0.3.1-dev20241203 130 #confidential-computing #attestation #tee #trust-flow #privacy-preserving #llm #system
  16. cca-rmm

    Arm Realm Management Monitor structures

    v0.1.0 #realm #arm #attestation #confidential #cca #virtualization
  17. tee-attestation-verifier

    Remote Attestation Verifier for AWS Nitro Enclaves

    v0.1.4 #attestation #aws #nitro #enclave #remote #verifier #certificate
  18. appattest-rs

    module for validating Apple App Attestations and Assertions

    v0.1.0 #attestation #ios #apple #assertions #security #verify #verification
  19. trustedflow-attestation-sys

    Trustedflow Attestation Rust Library

    v0.1.1-dev240313 #confidential-computing #privacy-preserving #attestation #tee #trusted-execution-environment #trustedflow #llm
  20. lit-sev-snp-utils

    AMD SEV-SNP utils

    v1.4.4 #sev-snp #amd #attestation #api-bindings
  21. remote-attestation-verifier

    Remote Attestation Verifier for AWS Nitro Enclaves

    v0.1.2 #attestation #aws #nitro #enclave #remote #verifier #certificate
  22. intel-tee-quote-verification-rs

    Intel(R) TEE Quote Verification Rust Library

    v0.3.0 260 #quote #intel #tee #verification #sgx #linux #attestation
  23. trustedflow-attestation-rs

    Trustedflow Attestation Rust Library

    v0.1.2-dev240313 #confidential-computing #attestation #privacy-preserving #tee #system #trustedflow #trusted-execution-environment
  24. txoo

    A Bitcoin transaction-output oracle

    v0.9.0 1.8K #filter #oracle #block #attestation #on-chain #bitcoin #compact
  25. ccatoken

    CCA attestation token decoding, verification, and appraisal

    v0.1.0 #attestation #arm #cca #parser-implementations
  26. sgx-quote

    Zero-copy Intel SGX quote parser using nom

    v0.1.0 7.8K #intel-sgx #sgx #dcap #attestation #nom
  27. sshkey-attest

    FIDO SK SSH Key Attestation

    v0.5.0 1.7K #openssh #attestation #ssh #ssh-key #fido #parser
  28. nostr-ots

    NIP-03: OpenTimestamps Attestations for Events

    v0.2.1 250 #attestation #nostr #events #open-timestamps #nip-03 #concepts #proof
  29. dcap-qvl

    implements the quote verification logic for DCAP (Data Center Attestation Primitives) in pure Rust

    v0.2.0 250 #quote #dcap #primitive #verify #attestation #sgx #pure
  30. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  31. erc20_processor

    Payment processor for ERC20 tokens

    v0.4.7 #erc20 #payment #attestation #token #balance #deposit #running
  32. teepot-tee-quote-verification-rs

    Fork of intel-tee-quote-verification-rs

    v0.2.2 #intel-sgx #key-value-store #quote #tee #verification #attestation #remote
  33. eas-sdk-rs

    client library for Ethereum Attestation Service

    v0.1.0 #attestation #ethereum #eas #sdk #client
  34. teepot

    TEE secret manager

    v0.1.1 #key-value-store #tee #attestation #remote #intel-sgx #sgx-enclave #secret
  35. aws-nitro-enclaves-attestation

    Attestation primitives library (for C/C bindings) for use in AWS Nitro Enclave applications

    v0.1.0 #nitro #enclave #attestation #aws #amazon
  36. sev_attest_tool

    SEV-SNP attestation verification

    v0.1.0 #sev-snp #sev #attestation #amd #cryptography #generate
  37. aws-nitro-enclaves-attestation-ffi

    C/C bindings for attestation primitives library for use in AWS Nitro Enclave applications

    v0.1.0 #enclave #nitro #attestation #aws #amazon
  38. switchboard-attestation-client

    interact with Switchboard V3 attestation tooling

    v0.1.7 #sgx #quote #attestation #switchboard #verification #service #solana
  39. configfs-tsm

    Generate quotes for remote attestation on confidential computing platforms using Linux's configfs-tsm filesystem interface

    v0.0.1 180 #quote #platform #confidential-computing #interface #generate #linux #attestation
  40. pink-attestation

    create and verify off-chain attestation for pink

    v0.1.0 #attestation #pink #ink #fat-contract
  41. manticore

    A WIP implementation of the Cerberus attestation protocol

    v0.0.1 #attestation #protocols #compute #open #cerberus