
  1. age

    [BETA] A simple, secure, and modern encryption library

    v0.11.1 17K #file-encryption #encryption-key #encryption #encryption-decryption #secure #ssh-key #modern
  2. paper-age

    Easy and secure paper backups of secrets

    v1.3.4 190 #qr #secret #backup #encryption #pdf #passphrase #age
  3. stor-age

    show aging of directories

    v0.6.6 #age #data-analysis #data-processing #filesystem #hpc #spectrum-scale #cluster
  4. age-plugin-yubikey

    YubiKey plugin for age clients

    v0.5.0 #yubi-key #file-encryption #age #encryption #yubikey #linux
  5. rage

    [BETA] A simple, secure, and modern encryption tool

    v0.11.1 900 #file-encryption #age #encryption-key #encryption #key-file #file-path #file-read
  6. unic-ucd-age

    UNIC — Unicode Character Database — Age

    v0.9.0 10K #unic #unicode #age #character-property #unicode-text
  7. algae-cli

    Lightweight age profile for user-friendly encryption (CLI tool and library)

    v1.0.4 300 #age #public-key #encryption #secret-key #cryptography #command-line-tool
  8. apache_age

    Rust driver for the Apache AGE. Based on postgres package

    v0.6.3 #postgresql #age #graph #driver #apache #back-end #operations
  9. age-plugin-openpgp-card

    Age plugin for using ed25519 on OpenPGP Card devices (Yubikeys, Nitrokeys)

    v0.1.1 #openpgp #ed25519-key #age #yubi-key #encryption #yubikey
  10. age-plugin

    [BETA] API for writing age plugins

    v0.6.0 800 #file-encryption #plugin #age #recipient #plugin-system #key #identity
  11. rustybuddy

    A CLI-based pet simulation game written in Rust

    v0.1.2 170 #pet #save #save-load #game #energy #health #age
  12. small_jwt

    small JWT libary

    v1.1.0 360 #jwt #token #web #user #serde #claim #age
  13. aoe2rec

    parse Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition recorded games

    v0.1.1 #age #game #empires #recorded #edition #ii #parse
  14. bobo

    an elegant utils library with oop support

    v0.1.4 410 #object-oriented #oop #class #elegant #age #tool #person
  15. board_game_parser

    A Rust-based parser for board game data, designed for efficient data extraction and transformation

    v0.1.0 130 #board-game #extract #parser #author #age #price #player
  16. properties-file-parser

    project for .properties file parsing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.properties)

    v0.1.4 #properties #wikipedia #en #key #org-wiki #grammar #age
  17. tscale_sequence

    generating tscale sequences

    v0.1.2 #sequence #population #math #gamedev #age #group #impact
  18. just_nvim

    Neovim plugin for encrypting and decrypting text files inside neovim using age with ease

    v2.0.2 150 #utility #tool #neovim #plugin #age #encrypting #ease
  19. aoe2rec-py

    Python package for the aoe2rec rust crate, which allows to parse Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition recorded games

    v0.1.5 #aoe2rec #package #python #ii #edition #age #parse
  20. date-differencer

    Calculate the time interval between two DateTime instances and output the result in years plus months plus days plus hours plus minutes plus seconds plus nanoseconds (instead of representing…

    v0.1.3 #date-time #date #age #time #diff #datediff
  21. parsec_access

    Access the PARSEC database for stellar evolutionary trajectories

    v1.0.0 #mass #parsec #database-access #si-units #age #stellar #astronomy
  22. setget

    creating and managing users. This is created to learn about how to create and publish crates.

    v0.1.1 #user #user-name #age #information #create #details #publish
  23. yage

    manage encrypted secrets in YAML files with age encryption

    v0.5.0 #yaml #secret #file-encryption #secret-key #encryption #encryption-decryption #age
  24. ragegun

    Performs lexica based analysis on text (i.e. age, gender, PERMA, OCEAN personality traits, ..)

    v0.2.2 #nlp #traits #lexica #gender #age #personality #perma
  25. genie

    Libraries for reading/writing Age of Empires II data files

    v0.5.0 #age #ii #empires #scenario #language #file #edition
  26. genie-scx

    Read and write Age of Empires I/II scenario files

    v4.0.0 160 #scenario #age #read-write #empires #reader-writer #converter #version
  27. entrust

    A CLI password manager

    v0.1.2 #password-manager #cli-password #encryption #age #gpg #pass #cli
  28. age-plugin-simplepq

    Post-Quantum plugin for age clients based on ML-KEM

    v0.1.2 #post-quantum-cryptography #post-quantum #age #encryption #cryptography
  29. genie-hki

    Read Age of Empires I/II hotkey files

    v0.2.1 #hotkey #age #empires #read #key-code #shift #ctrl
  30. age-plugin-hpke

    HPKE plugin for age clients

    v0.1.2 #hpke #age #encryption #cryptography #public-key #cli
  31. age-core

    [BETA] Common functions used across the age crates

    v0.11.0 20K #age #encryption #across #functions #file-encryption #recipient #beta
  32. age-plugin-ledger

    Ledger Nano plugin for age clients

    v0.1.2 #ledger-nano #age #plugin #key #clients #devices #interaction
  33. aoe-djin

    Djin is a utility crate to extract Age of Empire II Definitive edition game data

    v0.3.2 #ii #age #extract #empire #edition #utility #parser
  34. qsort-rs

    A quick sort algorithm that accepts any type and non-recursive approach

    v0.1.1 #sorting #algorithm #student #quick #age #approach #gender
  35. jpst

    string template engine that supports JSON Path

    v0.1.1 480 #json-path #template #template-engine #age #string
  36. genie-cpx

    Read and write Age of Empires I/II campaign files

    v0.5.0 #read-write #campaign #age #empires #scenario #i-ii
  37. genie-drs

    Read .drs archive files from the Genie Engine, used in Age of Empires 1/2 and SWGB

    v0.2.1 #age #engine #drs #resources #genie #file-format #archive
  38. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  39. genie-support

    Support library for genie-* crates

    v1.0.0 #genie #module #age
  40. tinycache

    minimal file cache with binary serialization

    v0.1.0 #cache #file #binary-encoding #serialization #age #tracing #read
  41. easy_json_serde

    Dead-simple JSON serialization / deserialization

    v0.2.2 #deserialize-json #serde-json #serialize-deserialize #age #dead-simple #dog
  42. extract_jsons_from_string

    extract valid JSONs from a string to a vector

    v0.1.3 #json #string #extract #vector #valid #jsons #age
  43. age-plugin-tlock

    tlock plugin for age clients

    v0.1.1 #age #encryption #tlock #cryptography #cross-platform #networking #cli
  44. deta

    Deta SDK for Rust

    v0.3.0 #sdk #key #base #toml #user-key #deserialize #age
  45. genie-rec

    Read Age of Empires I/II recorded game files

    v0.1.1 #age #game #reader #empires #recorded #file-reader #i-ii
  46. genie-lang

    Read different types of language resource files from Age of Empires 1 and 2

    v0.2.1 #language #age #read #genie #resources #file #empires
  47. ord_by_key

    convenient macro for implementing Ord trait with logic specified in an inline expression

    v0.1.3 #ord #expression #traits #key #logic #inline #age
  48. genie-dat

    Read and write Age of Empires I/II data files

    v0.1.0 120 #age #empires #game #read #i-ii #ao-e1 #data
  49. typetrait

    Helper macro to generate types for typestate programming

    v0.1.1 #generate #helper #macro #types #user-input #union #age
  50. arkaoe

    Web server providing tools for the Age of Empires II real-time strategy video-game

    v0.1.0 #age #web-server #empires #tool #aoe #aoe2
  51. passage

    A password manager with age encryption

    v1.0.0-rc.1 #password #password-manager #age #manager #encryption
  52. chariot_palette

    reading/writing JASC palettes

    v0.1.5 #palette #jasc #bin #file #file-format #age #handles
  53. tapas

    A Workflow Executor for HPC

    v0.0.0 #hpc #workflow #executor #system #age #typesetting #html