The narrative potential inherent in a sedimentary rock.
Fun things that are fun: caves and deep places, distant city lights at night, electrical wires, solemnity, half-forgotten mathematical formulas, the color green, thresholds, transitions, middle grounds, interstitial spaces, liminality, processes, margins, formlessness, impermanence, displacement, metaphysics, knitting, rust, moss, the conundrum of potted plants on a patch of soil, the sphere, the sustainability of semiotics, language, language barriers, syllables covered by a sudden wind, garlic and onions and radishes, community building, degrees of hope, the pre-apocalyptic zeitgeist, vulnerability, passivity, reaching the 0°K of narrative impetus, grades 2 to 7 on the Mohs scale, sandstone, pumice, basalt, secrets and mysteries, answers well-hidden, answers impossible, answers forgotten, answers that make total and fulfilling sense when written on the sand in a made-up alphabet, the labyrinth that is a book that is a garden et cetera et cetera we all know how that one goes, a sudden wind again, mountains, mountains, mountains.