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Religiosa Amicorum Sodalitas

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(Redirectum de Tremebundus)
Pendle Collis, historica Religiosae Amicorum Sodalitatis lapis.

Religiosa Amicorum Sodalitas, cuius sodales vulgo Amici et Tremebundi[1] etiam Quackeri[2] (Anglice Quakers 'Qui Tremunt') notantur, Anglia condita saeculo septimo decimo est secta Christiana, unus ex numero gregum Christianorum dissidentium qui in Anglia tempore Civium Belli Anglici ortus est.

Amici aequalitatem omnium hominum adfirmant, poenamque capitalem adversantur, ac militiam recusant. Pro inoebedientia civile quorumdam sodalium abolitionismoque et tolerantiam religiosam attolendo ab historicis notati sunt. Anno 1947 Religiosa Amicorum Sodalitas Praemium Nobelianum Pacis Componendae accepit.

Nexus interni

  1. Nomen attestatur Francis Glass, A Life of George Washington, in Latin Prose, ed. J. N. Reynolds (Novi Eboraci: Harper & Brothers, 1835), pagina 49.
  2. "Quackeri secta sunt Protestantium, cui qui nomen dederit, voto se astringit se nunquam bello gerendo consensum praestiturum" (Urquhart 1869 (pag. 14 apud Google Books); alii vide e.g. hic et hic).
  • Abbott, Margery, Mary Ellen Chijioke, Pink Dandelion, et John William Oliver, eds. Historical Dictionary of The Friends (Quakers). ISBN 0810844834.
  • Allen, David. There is a River: a Charismatic Church History in Outline ISBN 1850785643.
  • Bacon, Margaret H.. The Quiet Rebels: The Story of the Quakers in America. ISBN 0875749356.
  • Bill, J. Brent. Imagination and Spirit: A Contemporary Quaker Reader. ISBN 0944350615.
  • Bill, J. Brent. Holy Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality. ISBN 1557254206.
  • Boulton, David, ed. 2006. Godless for God's Sake: Nontheism in Contemporary Quakerism. Dales Historical Monographs. ISBN 0951157868.
  • Brinton, Howard H. Friends for 350 Years. ISBN 0875749038.
  • Birkel, Michael L. Silence and Witness: The Quaker Tradition. ISBN 1570755183 (in BR, ISBN 0232524483).
  • Burnet, G. B. 2007. Story of Quakerism in Scotland. Cantabrigiae: The Lutterworth Press. ISBN 9780718891763.
  • Cooper, Wilmer A. A Living Faith : An Historical and Comparative Study of Quaker Beliefs. Ed. 2a. ISBN 0944350534.
  • Gillman, Harvey. A Light that is Shining: Introduction to the Quakers. ISBN 0852452136.
  • Hamm, Thomas D.. The Quakers in America. ISBN 0231123620.
  • Harrison, Richard S. 2006. Merchants, Mystics and Philanthropists - 350 Years of Cork Quakers. Published by Cork Monthly Meeting.
  • Hubbard, Geoffrey. Quaker by Convincement. ISBN 085245189X, ISBN 0140216634.
  • Ingle, H. Larry. First Among Friends: George Fox and the Creation of Quakerism. ISBN 0195078039, ISBN 0195101170.
  • Ingle, H. Larry. Quakers in Conflict: The Hicksite Reformation. ISBN 0875749267.
  • Moore, Rosemary. The Light in Their Consciences: The Early Quakers in Britain 1646-1666. ISBN 0271019891.
  • Moretta, John A. William Penn and the Quaker Legacy. ISBN 0321163923.
  • Mullet, Michael, ed. New Light on George Fox. ISBN 1850721424.
  • Punshon, John. Portrait in Grey : a short history of the Quakers. ISBN 0552451806.
  • Smith, Robert Lawrence. A Quaker Book of Wisdom. ISBN 0688172334.
  • West, Jessamyn, ed. The Quaker Reader. ISBN 087574916X.
  • Sheeran, Michael. 1983. Beyond Majority Rule: Voteless Decisions in the Religious Society of Friends. Philadelphia, Pa: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.
  • Steere, Douglas. 1967. On Being Present Where You Are. Wallingford, Pa: Pendle Hill Pamphlet No. 151.
  • Urquhart, David. 1869. Ad summum pontificem ut jus gentium restauretur, viri Protestantici appellatio: sex quaestionibus fit satis circa ea quae in futuro et jam indicto oecumenico concilio agitabuntur . . . per Davidem Urquhart. Londini: apud Wyman et Filios.

Libri pueriles

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Nexus externi

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  • De Quibus Tremunt et Quakerismo in pagina (nobelprize.org) Nobeliano Pacis Praemio dicata (Anglice)

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