Hochepot (vocabulum Francogallicum) vel hutsepot (Batavum) est potagium e carne bubula et vervecina cum bacone patatis holeribusque compositum. Hac forma in Belgica, Francia septentrionali, olim et in Anglia conficiebatur. Alia fercula nominibus cognatis sed aliter compositis reperiuntur, videlicet hutspot Nederlandiae, hotpot comitatus Lancastriensis in Anglia boreali.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 33 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("gees in hoggepot")
- 1381 : Diversa servicia no. 22 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 59-79) ("gees in hochepot")
- 1591 : A. W., A Book of Cookrye 2a ed. London: Edward Allde, 1591 (prima editio, 1584) Textus ("To make a hodgepodge")
- 1863 : The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin (Londinii: Richard Jones, 1863) Textus ("How to make hodgepot; How to a make hodgepot in pots")
- 1604 : Lancelot de Casteau, Ouverture de cuisine. Leodici: Léonard Streel; Textus interretialis ("Heuspot de boeuf; Heuspot de veau; Heuspot de venaison")
- 1669 : Kenelm Digby; George Hartman, ed.? The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened. Londinii: Henry Brome, 1669 (pp. 177-179 apud Google Books) ("To make an hotchpot; Another hotchpot; The Queens hotchpot from her escuyer de cuisine, Mr. La Montague", i.e. reginae Henriettae Mariae)
- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 13-14
- 2012 : Andrew Dalby, Maureen Dalby, The Shakespeare Cookbook (Londinii: British Museum Press. ISBN 9780714123356) p. 69