Navê etîketê | Appearance on change lists | Full description of meaning | Source | Çalak? | Tagged changes |
CreateTranslation | CreateTranslation | Guhartinên ku bi amûra çêkirina wergeran tên çêkirin. Ji bo veşartina rûpelên ku bi vê etîketê hatine çêkirin di rûpela Guhartinên dawî de pê li "Nîşankirin" bikin, dûre pê li "Yên bijartî derxe" bikin û "CreateTranslation" hilbijêrin. | Defined by the software | Erê | 290.050 guhartinan |
OAuth CID: 4664 | paws [2.2] | granting access for paws users. Giving additional "Edit protected pages" grant as requested in T338023 | Defined by the software | Erê | 217.524 guhartinan |
wikieditor | (hidden) | Edit made using WikiEditor (2010 wikitext editor) | Defined by the software | Erê | 65.692 guhartinan |
mobile edit | Guhartina mobîl | Guhartinên bi telefonekê çêkirî (malper an sepan) | Defined by the software | Erê | 24.271 guhartinan |
mobile web edit | Guhartina malpera mobîl | Guhartinên bi malpera mobîlê çêkirî | Defined by the software | Erê | 23.899 guhartinan |
mw-reverted | Betalkirî | Edits that were later reverted by a different edit | Defined by the software | Erê | 17.347 guhartinan |
mw-manual-revert | Betalkirina destî | Edits that manually restore the page to an exact previous state | Defined by the software | Erê | 12.029 guhartinan |
visualeditor-wikitext | 2017 amûra guhartina çavkaniyê | Guhartinên bi rêya 2017 amûra guhartina çavkaniyê hatine pêkanîn | Defined by the software | Erê | 9056 guhartinan |
mw-new-redirect | Beralîkirineke nû | Guhartinên ku beralîkirineke nû çêdikin an jî rûpelekê dikin beralîkirinek | Defined by the software | Erê | 3218 guhartinan |
mw-undo | Betal bike | Edits that undo previous edits using the undo link | Defined by the software | Erê | 2455 guhartinan |
discussiontools-added-comment | (hidden) | A talk page comment was added in this edit | Defined by the software | Erê | 2322 guhartinan |
mw-removed-redirect | Beralîkirinê jê bir | Edits that change an existing redirect to a non-redirect | Defined by the software | Erê | 2035 guhartinan |
mw-replace | Xist şûnê | Guhartinên ku bêhtirî ji 90% naverokê jê dibin | Defined by the software | Erê | 1636 guhartinan |
advanced mobile edit | Guhartina mobîl a pêşketî | Guhartina ku ji aliyê bikarhêner ve bi moda pêşketî ve hatiye çêkirin | Defined by the software | Erê | 1414 guhartinan |
visualeditor | Guhartina dîtbarî | Bi bikaranîna guhartina dîtbarî hat guhartin | Defined by the software | Erê | 1368 guhartinan |
discussiontools | (hidden) | Bi DiscussionToolsê re hat guhartin | Defined by the software | Erê | 1314 guhartinan |
discussiontools-source | (hidden) | DiscussionTools di şiklê çavkaniyê de bû | Defined by the software | Erê | 1214 guhartinan |
cureyê rêzimanî kêm e | cureyê rêzimanî kêm e | Defined by the software Applied manually by users and bots | Erê | 1176 guhartinan | |
mw-rollback | Vegerandin | Edits that roll back previous edits using the rollback link | Defined by the software | Erê | 1060 guhartinan |
discussiontools-source-enhanced | (hidden) | DiscussionTools was in enhanced source mode with the toolbar | Defined by the software | Erê | 1014 guhartinan |
discussiontools-reply | Bersiv bide | Bikarhêner cewab da şîrovekê bi DiscussionToolsê re | Defined by the software | Erê | 869 guhartinan |
mw-blank | Valakirin | Guhartinên ku rûpelekê vala dikin | Defined by the software | Erê | 450 guhartinan |
discussiontools-newtopic | Mijareke nû | Bikarhêner mijarekê lê zêde kir bi DiscussionToolsê re | Defined by the software | Erê | 445 guhartinan |
mw-changed-redirect-target | Guhartina aliyê beralîkirinê | Edits that change the target of a redirect | Defined by the software | Erê | 190 guhartinan |
massmessage-delivery | MassMessage delivery | Message delivery using Extension:MassMessage | Defined by the software | Erê | 142 guhartinan |
discussiontools-visual | (hidden) | DiscussionTools di şiklê dîtinê de bû | Defined by the software | Erê | 100 guhartinan |
visualeditor-switched | Guhartina dîtbarî: Ji çavkaniyê hatiye guhartin | Bikarhênerî bi edîtora dîtbarî dest bi guhartinê kir, dû re çûye ser edîtora wîkînivîsê. | Defined by the software | Erê | 50 guhartinan |
OAuth CID: 1805 | SWViewer [1.4] | App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/SWViewer | Defined by the software | Erê | 39 guhartinan |
OAuth CID: 1841 | PAWS [2.1] | PAWS (PAWS: A Web Shell) allows users to run Pywikibot (and other Python / R / bash code) online without needing an ssh login. The OAuth integration allows them to do so without having to expose their passwords. | Defined by the software | Erê | 21 guhartinan |
OAuth CID: 1352 | SWViewer [1.3] | App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/SWViewer | Defined by the software | Na | 21 guhartinan |
OAuth CID: 6365 | SWViewer [1.6] | App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/SWViewer | Defined by the software | Erê | 12 guhartinan |
OAuth CID: 1261 | SWViewer [1.2] | App to view recent changes on small wikis for SWMT. Diffs, whitelist, quick reverts, etc. See [[ru:User:Iluvatar/SWViewer]]. | Defined by the software | Na | 4 guhartinan |
blanking | blanking | No longer in use | Na | 2 guhartinan | |
emoji | Emoji | Used by global abuse filter 110. | Defined by the software | Erê | guhartinekê |
mw-contentmodelchange | content model change | Edits that change the content model of a page | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
mw-server-side-upload | Server-side upload | Media files that were uploaded via a maintenance script | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
Nuke | Nuke | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan | |
centralnotice | Central Notice | Edit created via the CentralNotice Admin UI | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
centralnotice translation | Central Notice Translation | Edit of CentralNotice content created via the Translate extension | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
redirect | redirect | Defined by the software | Na | 0 guhartinan | |
ASCII text added | ASCII text added | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan | |
T144167 | T144167 | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan | |
OTRS permission added by non-OTRS member | OTRS permission added by non-OTRS member | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan | |
meta spam id | meta spam id | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan | |
repeated xwiki CoI abuse | repeated xwiki CoI abuse | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan | |
abusefilter-condition-limit | condition limit reached | Edits or other events that couldn't be checked by all active abuse filters (help). | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
editcheck-references | (hidden) | EditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
editcheck-references-activated | Edit Check (references) activated | EditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed, and the UI was shown | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
editcheck-newcontent | (hidden) | EditCheck thinks new content was added to the page | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
editcheck-newreference | (hidden) | A reference was added to the page | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
editcheck-reference-decline-common-knowledge | Edit Check (references) declined (common knowledge) | EditCheck reference was declined as common knowledge | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
editcheck-reference-decline-irrelevant | Edit Check (references) declined (irrelevant) | EditCheck reference was declined as irrelevant | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
editcheck-reference-decline-uncertain | Edit Check (references) declined (uncertain) | EditCheck reference was declined as being uncertain | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
editcheck-reference-decline-other | Edit Check (references) declined (other) | EditCheck reference was declined for an unlisted reason | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
visualeditor-needcheck | Guhartina dîtbarî: Kontrol bike | Guhartina ku bi edîtora dîtbarî hatiye çêkirin ku li wir sîstemê dît ku di wîkînivîsê de dibe ku guhartinên nexwestî hebin. | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
mobile app edit | Guhartina sepana mobîl | Guhartinên ku bi sepanên mobîl hatine çêkirin | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
android app edit | Guhartina sepana Androidê | Guhartinên ku ji sepana mobîl ya Androidê hatine çêkirin | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
ios app edit | Guhartina sepana iOSê | Guhartinên ku ji sepana mobîl ya iOsê hatine çêkirin | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-suggestededit | App suggested edit | Edits made with the Suggested Edits feature in the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-undo | App undo | Undo actions made from the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-rollback | App rollback | Rollback actions made from the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-description-add | App description add | Short descriptions added from the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-description-change | App description change | Short descriptions modified from the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-description-translate | App description translate | Short description translations added from the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-section-source | App section source | Edit made from article section source editor in the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-full-source | App full source | Edit made from article full source editor in the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-select-source | App select source | Edit made from selecting an article word in the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-talk-source | App talk source | Edit made from talk page full source editor in the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-talk-reply | App talk reply | Talk page inline reply added from the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-talk-topic | App talk topic | Talk page new topic added from the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-image-caption-add | App image caption add | Image captions added from the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-image-caption-translate | App image caption translate | Image caption translations added from the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-image-tag-add | App image tag add | Image tags added from the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-image-add-top | App image add top | Image added to the top of the article from the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-image-add-infobox | App image add infobox | Image added to the infobox from the mobile apps | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
app-ai-assist | App AI assist | Edits from the mobile apps that were machine assisted | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
disambiguator-link-added | Disambiguation links | Edits that add links to disambiguation pages | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
discussiontools-edit | Şiroveya guhartî | Bikarhêner şîroveke heyî bi DiscussionToolsê re guhart | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |
fileimporter-remote | Modified by FileImporter | Edits made by the FileImporter extension after successfully importing a file from this wiki. | Defined by the software | Erê | 0 guhartinan |