

생명공학 연구

모두의 일상을 지켜내는 기술, 분자진단 기업 씨젠


[INTRODUCING OUR COMPANY] The people of Seegene are on a purposeful mission to improve the world we live in. We aim to improve the quality of life for everyone globally by bringing molecular diagnostics to the masses. Molecular diagnostics is the most effective method to accurately diagnose ailments and is also the best way to diagnose them early which is when you can make the most difference in the recovery treatment. With industry-leading IP in molecular diagnostics reagent assays, we are dedicated to leveraging our unique technologies to increase our product portfolio, expand our market coverage, and lowering the total cost to serve our customers so that molecular diagnostics become a part of the fabric of everyone’s life and thus, improving the quality of life for everyone in the world. [OUR HISTORY AND OUR FUTURE] Since our founding in 2000, we have been steadfastly focused on molecular diagnostics. Currently, our product portfolio consists of over 250 molecular diagnostics reagent kits as well as a wide range of instruments and consumables that are sold globally. Testament to our expertise, when the pandemic started, Seegene was one of the first companies in the world to provide testing kits that were crucial in the fight against COVID. Today, we are a company with revenue of over $1 billion dollars and 65% gross margins. With 8 overseas entities, we generate a majority of our revenue outside of Korea. In keeping with our spirit of innovation and making a difference in the world, there are many exciting innovations being worked on at Seegene which will make it easier for the world to access the benefits of molecular diagnostics. We are transforming our business from a discrete reagent assay and instruments business to a platform business that will create new markets for molecular diagnostics and improve the quality of life for everyone. We hope that you will join us in our mission to make a meaningful difference in the world.

생명공학 연구
회사 규모
직원 1,001 - 5,000명
전문 분야
in-vitro diagnostics (IVD), companion diagnostics, molecular diagnostic (MoDx), nucleic acid testing (NAT), infectious disease detection, respiratory pathogen detection 및 sexually transmitted disease (STD) detection


  • 기본

    송파구 잠실로 209

    KR 서울 05552

    길 보기
  • Entrance to Administration Rd

    AE 샤르자

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  • 325 N Wiget Ln

    US 캘리포니아 월넛크릭 94598

    길 보기
  • Merowingerplatz 1a

    DE 노르트라인베스트팔렌 뒤셀도르프 40225

    길 보기
  • 1300-661 University Ave

    CA 온타리오 토론토

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  • Avenida Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes 2040

    BR 미나스제라이스 벨로리존테 30870-100

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  • Avenida San Jerónimo 1172

    MX 멕시코 연방구 멕시코시티 10200

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  • Via Francesco Rolla

    IT 리구리아 제노바 16152

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  • Cl 70 Bis No. 4 41

    CO 보고타

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