Culture Flipper

Culture Flipper

번역 및 현지화

California San Jose 팔로워 1,648명

Your Art, Your Words, Your World


Culture Flipper is a localization expert group focused on brand experience. Our journey begins with translation, transcending language and culture barriers to deliver a vivid customer experience. Every facet of text is tended to by a team of experts, linking it across the spectrum of communication. From one to infinity, witness your world expand with us by your side.

번역 및 현지화
회사 규모
직원 2-10명
California San Jose
전문 분야
Localization, PR, Marketing, Copywriting, Consumer Insights, Decoding Culture, Press Releases, SEO, Terminology, Entertainment, Globalization, Market Research, Translation, content marketing, User Experience, User Engagement, Fintech, Healthcare, Subject-Matter Experts, Music, Metadata, App Store, In-Country Marketing, Film & Media, Blockchain, Transcreation, Go-To Market, Asia, APAC, Asia Pacific, Case Studies, Global growth, localization, i18n engineering 및 L10n engineering


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    Women in Translation Month may be over, but the importance of reading and learning about the role of women authors and translators continues. At Culture Flipper, we are committed to supporting and uplifting these voices year-round. Keep exploring, keep reading, and keep celebrating the incredible contributions of women in translation. In our final post for this month we feature Sena, Title and Todd. Remember to like, comment and share so we can reach more people interested in women writers and translators' stories! #WITMonth #WomenInTranslation #August #flippers #cultureflipper #wearecultureflipper #flippercheers

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    Culture Flipper님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

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    August is Women in Translation Month, a celebration dedicated to amplifying the voices of women authors from around the globe. Launched by the Women in Translation Project, WITMonth highlights the diversity of female writers and their stories. At Culture Flipper, we’re excited to feature the talented writers and translators in our team and showcase their contributions and achievements. Today we present DaYe Rhody Kim, a very talented translator from Korean to English. #WITMonth #WomenInTranslation #August #flippers #cultureflipper #wearecultureflipper #flippercheers

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  • Culture Flipper님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 1,648명

    August is Women in Translation Month, a celebration dedicated to amplifying the voices of women authors from around the globe. Launched by the Women in Translation Project, WITMonth highlights the diversity of female writers and their stories. At Culture Flipper, we’re excited to feature the talented writers and translators in our team and showcase their contributions and achievements. Today we present DaYe Rhody Kim, a very talented translator from Korean to English. #WITMonth #WomenInTranslation #August #flippers #cultureflipper #wearecultureflipper #flippercheers

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  • Culture Flipper님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

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    English During the 1968 Olympic Games, South Korea gifted Mexico the Korean Friendship Pavilion. It is a replica of the Tapgol Park Pavilion in Seoul. Millions of Mexican people pass by this corner daily in Chapultepec Park, yet few know its historical significance. With this brief story on South Korean-Mexican relations, we celebrate the growth of our team and Latin American family. Mexico is our gateway to the vast world region, where the demand for diverse cultural content grows significantly. Little by little, Culture Flipper is gaining ground in the area and will continue to build on decades of friendship and collaboration. Let’s continue to honor the historic ties between the two nations. We recognize the tremendous opportunity for growth and collaboration in Latin America. Here we go! 한국어 1968년 멕시코시티 올림픽 기간, 한국은 멕시코에 양국의 우정을 상징하는 ‘한국정(Pabellón Coreano de la Amistad)’을 선물했습니다. 서울 탑골공원 팔각정을 그대로 재현한 한국정은 멕시코시티 차풀테펙(Chapultepec) 공원에 자리하고 있습니다. 매일 수백만 명의 멕시코 사람들이 그 곁을 지나가지만 한국정의 역사적 의미를 아는 사람은 많지 않습니다. 한국과 멕시코의 인연에 관한 이 짧은 이야기로, 라틴아메리카 팀원들과 더불어 성장하고 있는 컬처플리퍼의 현재를 알리고자 합니다. 멕시코는 광활한 세계를 향한 관문이며 다양한 문화 콘텐츠를 향한 갈망이 나날이 커가는 지역입니다. 조금씩 그리고 꾸준히, 컬처플리퍼는 이 지역에서 입지를 넓히고 있습니다. 그리고 한국과 멕시코가 수십 년간 쌓아온 우정과 협력을 바탕으로 더욱 발전할 것입니다. 컬처플리퍼는 한국과 멕시코의 인연을 굳건하게 이어가고 싶습니다. 라틴아메리카는 무궁한 성장과 협력의 기회가 기다리는 지역이기 때문입니다. 컬처플리퍼는 라틴아메리카와 함께 미래를 창조할 것입니다. Español El pabellón coreano de la Amistad es un obsequio que Corea del Sur le hizo a México durante las Olimpiadas de 1968. Es la réplica de uno de mayor tamaño que se encuentra en el parque Tapgol de Seúl. Millones de mexicanos pasan por esa esquina en Chapultepec todos los días, pero pocos conocen su significado. Con esta breve historia, celebramos que nuestro equipo está creciendo y que, poco a poco, Culture Flipper va ganando presencia en América Latina. Continuaremos construyendo sobre décadas de amistad y colaboración, empezando por México como nuestra puerta de entrada a esta vasta región del mundo, donde hay un notable crecimiento en la demanda de contenido cultural y diverso. Sigamos honrando estos lazos históricos entre ambas naciones. Sabemos que América Latina representa una gran oportunidad de crecimiento y colaboración. ¡Allá vamos!

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  • Culture Flipper님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

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    Pride is more than a parade, it’s a powerful celebration that honors the LGBTQ community’s resilience and diversity. Millions of people around the world use its significance to advocate for equality and acceptance. The Stonewall Riots of 1969 marked a pivotal moment in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and out of that moment, Pride grew into a global movement. In some Asian countries, the struggle for equal rights and respect has seen some improvements, such as in South Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, India, and Indonesia. For instance, just last week Thailand’s Senate overwhelmingly passed a bill approving marriage equality in the country. This is a major win for LGBTQ rights in Asia. In contrast, some government politics in the region are not aligned with their people’s attitudes. For example, Seoul’s government refused to grant permission for a Pride event to be celebrated in Seoul Plaza this year. Remarkably, the event had a massive attendance — in the streets.  We aim to recognize and elevate similarities across the globe. Changes in Latin America have much in common with Asia’s struggle for equality. Latin America has had some major wins for LGBTQ rights. Marriage equality is now a reality in most countries. Many cities have vast Pride celebrations. Mexico City is one of them, and São Paulo’s Pride has consistently had more than 3 million attendees every year. Although there are miles to go before we sleep, we are optimistic. Inclusion remains an ultimate goal in cultures miles apart. We use our platform to stand in solidarity with the quest for all people’s right to live with dignity on this planet. 

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    "Juneteenth" is a portmanteau of June and nineteenth, the date in 1865 that commemorates freedom by law of enslaved people in the US. In recent years, Juneteenth has become more than a day of remembrance; it is a celebration for the people who supported the Civil Rights movement before its inception. It’s for the unbroken spirits of those who fought for their lives, with their lives, to be seen as equal. Juneteenth is a day of empowerment in a time where "time itself is ready for a change." (Coretta Scott King) In 1905, King Chulalongkorn, also known as Rama V, sought to modernize Thailand. He abolished slavery on April 1st. Though the details are different, the abolishment of slavery in the US directly affected his decision to end it completely in his own country for both moral and practical reasons. The words of Martin Luther King, Jr. 60 years later mirror the doctrine of Theravada Buddhism, the dominant religion in Thailand at the time: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." We honor our shared experiences around the world. As the late Coretta Scott King put forth, "Struggle is a never-ending process. Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation." This holds true not just in every generation, but every culture too.

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    넷플릭스 주간 차트 탑10, 오늘 아침에(KST) 공개됐습니다. 비영어권 TV 부문 글로벌 주간 탑10으로 글로벌 시청 트렌드를 살펴볼까요? 원문 링크는 댓글에!👇 집계 기간 5.27-6.2, 넷플릭스 글로벌 비영어권 TV TOP10 1. <낫 원 모어 우먼: 시즌 1>, 스페인, 드라마, 도서 원작(스페인, 중남미 11개국 1위) 2. <더 에이트 쇼>, 한국, 드라마, 웹툰 원작(한국, 베트남, 모로코 1위) 3. <귀멸의 칼날: 합동 강화 훈련편>, 일본, 애니메이션(일본, 홍콩, 말레이시아, 필리핀, 싱가포르, 타이완 1위) 4. <히어로는 아닙니다만>, 한국, 드라마(인도네시아 1위) 5. <자, 다음 분 오세요>, 튀르키예, 드라마(튀르키예 1위)  6. <프랑코 에스카미야: 레이디스 맨>, 멕시코, 스탠드업 코미디(멕시코, 과테말라, 볼리비아 1위) 7. <당신이 원했던 삶>, 이탈리아, 드라마 8. <아순타 케이스>, 스페인, 드라마 9. <아랑전: 고독한 늑대의 길: 시즌 1>, 일본, 애니메이션, 도서 원작 10. <눈물의 여왕>, 한국, 드라마 지난주 글로벌 1위 한국 오리지널 <더 에이트 쇼>, 스페인 신작 하이틴 드라마 <낫 원 모어 우먼>의 등장(5.31)에 한 계단 내려왔지만 29개국에서 10위권. <눈물의 여왕> 10주간 글로벌 10위권. 한국 드라마 <히어로는 아닙니다만> 지난 3주간 6-8위 맴돌다 4위로 뜀. 일본 애니메이션 <귀멸의 칼날: 합동 강화 훈련편> 3주 연속 1-3위. <더 에이트 쇼>는 지난주까지 홍콩, 인도네시아, 태국에서 1위였으나 홍콩에선 <귀멸의 칼날>에 1위를 내주고, 인도네시아에선 한국 드라마 <히어로는 아닙니다만>에, 태국에선 미국 드라마 <리벤지>에 밀림. Image source: Netflix Tudum, Weekly Global Top 10 list of non-English TV (URL link in a comment below)

    • Netflix top10 non-English TV list with each show's poster

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