Hello World!

I Am Karan Trehan An Engineering Manager A Developer A Writer A Problem Solver

Engineering manager with 12 years of software development expertise

Hello there! I am Karan.

I have been building softwares since 2012 and have a deeper background in mobile; having designed, architected, tested and maintained innumerable software systems. I closely work with mobile, web, backend, devops and AI teams.

Currently I work as a Senior Engineering Manager at Samagra, transforming governance through technology. Focussed on software design, development, people management, mentoring, hiring, prioritizing, writing documentation, resolving blockers & coordinating with design, program & product teams to build features with high impact on the Indian populace.

Previously I have worked with teams at Gojek, Pepperfry, Udacity, mPaani (now LoveLocal) & SKCS LLP.

Nowadays I also try to give back, as much as possible, to the amazing tech community through conferences, meetups, open-source contributions, talks and mentorships.

Talk to me about Android, Mobile or Technology in general!

Karan Trehan


People Management


Senior Engineering Manager

April 2024 - Present • New Delhi / Remote

  • Leading the product delivery of AI services in the org

Engineering Manager

January 2023 - March 2024 • New Delhi / Remote

  • Leading and managing a team of 12 software engineers while we build population scale open source software systems for India
  • Expanded management from mobile only to mobile, web, devops, QA and AI teams
  • Worked across Eduction, Agriculture, Finance and Judiciary among other domains domains
  • Played an important role in designing large systems which can run on limiting processing power hardware
  • Defined the software management process in the organization - Sprints, Retros, Demo Days, DevBoxes, Ticket Management, RCAs, etc..
  • Worked with architects and developers across various state organizations to design and develop governance solutions
  • Improved the stability of products across multiple domains
  • Worked on reducing the cost of running programs across geographies
  • Leading the eduction & people-connect domain AI services at the organization
  • Led multiple community building inititatives in the org

Engineering Manager : Mobile - Driver Platform

May 2022 - November 2022 • Bengaluru / Remote

  • Managing the excellence pod of Android and iOS engineers at Driver platform building the driver app for our driver partners
  • Managed 11 Android and iOS engineers
  • Responsible for building the platform on which other engineers and pods would develop their feature sets on
  • Focussed on people management, mentoring, hiring, prioritizing tasks, clarifying requirements, writing documentation, resolving blockers, coordinating with design, business, product, QA and backend to build features
  • Worked on unifying the architectures of our Android and iOS apps, prototyping cross-platform mobile tech & introducing Kotlin multiplatform to the driver platform
  • Also managed the modularising of our existing Android app from a monolith, extracted out all the base functionalities and created scripts / tools to help other clusters do the same for their feature sets quickly
  • Worked with the team on implementing an in-house analytics system removing our dependency on external vendors across Android and iOS

Goto Financial
Engineering Manager : Mobile - Gopay

March 2021 - May 2022 • Remote

  • Leading & managing the User spend pod at Gopay (GoTo Financial) building promo and discoverability features
  • Working with the team in evaluating new frameworks to build apps in
  • Worked with Flutter to build multiple systems from scratch like navigation, networking, analytics & server driven UI
  • Managed feature development in Flutter for the gopay app
  • Working on standardizing the mobile interview process across gojek and gopay

Team Lead : Android - Gopay

June 2020 - February 2021 • Bengaluru / Remote

  • Lead the consumer pod Android team at gopay
  • Lead the team in integrating an online bank in the Gojek app
  • Lead the team in rebuilding Transaction history for Gopay
  • Also participated in a standardizing the Android interview process at Gopay

Product Engineer : Android - Gopay

January 2020 - June 2020 • Bengaluru, India

  • Working with the Gopay mobile team
  • Developed a currency helper for usage across all Gojek products
  • Developed the Gopay Home Bar
  • Developed the Gopay Social flows

Senior Android Developer

June 2018 - December 2019 • Mumbai, India

  • Responsible for developing features for the consumer app with 50K daily active users at that time
  • Designed and led the Kotlin MVVM migration of the app
  • Setup & contributed to the official tech blog
  • Led the AR experiments for the organization using ArCore
  • Led the design and development of the internal analytics system on mobile
  • Led the migration of the orders features on the Android app
  • Developed the Gift registry module on the Android app
  • Developed the omnichannel module on the Android app
  • Developed the support module on the Android app


May 2017 - December 2018 • Remote

  • Classroom mentor for the Android Basics Nanodegree and Android Development programs.
  • Mentoring students for concepts, strategies, projects and the philosophy of Android development.

Senior Android Developer

April 2016 - June 2018 • Mumbai, India

  • Leading the development, testing and maintenance of all the Android solutions provided by the organization
  • Led & designed the offline-first development approach
  • Rearchitected the app from scratch to support low-end devices
  • Led the development of POS extension SDKs
  • Led the design of the autentication system rewrite
  • Created Android Studio templates to easily create glued components for screens
  • Developed an mSwipe extension app

Director : Innovative Technologies

January 2014 - March 2016 • Mumbai, India

  • Led the marketing and development efforts for the organization
  • Helped with sales as well as R&D
  • Led a team of 4 developers working on backend APIs and Android development
  • Led the development of POS extension SDKs
  • Developed systems for pharma, education, sports, voice, sports & security


November 2012 - March 2016 • Mumbai, India

  • Developed systems for internal products
  • Helped in Sales and R&D

Swapnil Karekar
Education Technology Developer

November 2012 - October 2013 • Mumbai, India

  • Developed websites for educational institutions using Joomla


Co-Organizer - GDG MAD

March 2018 - December 2020 • Mumbai, India

  • Helped the organizing team put together events for the tech community in Mumbai
  • Hosted multiple events like panels, webinars, etc
  • Hosted multiple roundtables where the entire audience would share ideas

Open Source


Sprinting with GitHub

This blog talks about our motivation, setup, experience and takeaways with Github Projects. By the end of this blog you will know if GitHub Projects is the right method for you.


Code Obfuscation Errors On Android: A Cautionary Tale

How the GoPay team solved an issue which caused thousands of crashes on our Android app.


Action Handling On Android: A ‘GoPay Social’ Case Study

Technical details of the Android implementation for interactions on our social flows.


Rx vs Coroutines: Complex network chains on Android

Comparitive post on writing complex network chains on Android using Rx and Coroutines


Starwars - Showcase App

A sample modular Android app written in Kotlin using Rx, Koin, Coroutines and Architecture components


Kotlin Migration @ Pepperfry: Part Three - Learnings

Learnings from the ongoing MVVM Kotlin migration @ Pepperfry.


Kotlin Migration @ Pepperfry: Part Two — Process

Process behind the MVVM Kotlin migration @ Pepperfry for a better developer experience.


Kotlin Migration @ Pepperfry: Part One — Motivation

Motivation behind the MVVM Kotlin migration @ Pepperfry lead by me.


The non-code aspects of us programmers

A look at the non-code aspects which make us great programmers and better persons.


To Synk or not to Synk

A guide to intelligent syncing of data in your offline-first Android apps to makes sure your app does not make repeated calls


Android @ Google I/O 2018

A repo summarizing all the important Android related launches, talks, discussions at the Google I/O 2018


Posts - Showcase App

A sample Android app using Kotlin, Dagger 2, RxJava, RxAndroid, Retrofit with a modular setup...


Writing a modular project on Android - Talk

@ MADMeetup - Feb, about the need and process for modularizing an Android app.


Writing a modular project on Android - Article

A guide to writing a modular Android app with Posts as the core example


Effective Networking On Android

A guide to effective networking on Android using Kotlin and Retrofit


GDD India - Reliving the days

@GDGMumbai GDDExtended, to help people understand what happened there off the camera & the feeling of being there.


Google Certifications - Be Distinct!

@ GDGMumbai DevFest, to promote various benefits and perks of being Google certified.


Recap of the Google IO 2017

@ MADMeetup June, to recap Google I/O 2017 from a user as well as developer point of view with concentration on Android.

Get In Touch






karntrehan website @ gmail dot com