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Spoopy cats in Hell! Loving the card ability mechanic.

I got stuck in the 3rd room and there were no enemies or doors or anything... other than than an amazing game

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It's a great game and i love the graphics those are insanely good.

Also its a great idea.

This could easily be a game on steam.

Thanks so much!

With any luck, I hope someday it might be !!

unplayable for me due to the control system but appreciate the great artwork !

I'm sorry to hear that, do you just not have a keyboard or something?

just wanna make sure it's not a problem with the game.

would gamepad/controller support help?

thanks for the feedback, would love some clarification so i can improve the gameplay experience. 

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hi , its not really a game problem - i just am used to using arrow keys for movement , space for jump and zx for action ... also im playing on a laptop so using the mouse is awkward as hell and theres no scroll wheel !

you can use Q to switch cards, but arrow keys is not currently supported as it doesn't make sense to use arrows mouse.

Thanks for letting me know, i'll keep this in mind for future development.

Wow, that was really good man! Really liked the style and the concept of the cards, gameplay feals smooth. 

Just found out kinda strange that the lookahead doesn't exists at all, the camera show less in front of the player when you try to go foward indeed.

Also, I had a small problem with the "second" part of the level, one of the flying enemies went outside of the level and I had to use a power to hit it there.

That was really fun to play! You did a great job in you programming and design, the time slow when hitting got really well with the game and the temathic fits so perfectly. Just wished that there was more levels to play.

Keep up with the good work man :^)

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Thanks for your feedback!

lookahead is something i would love to add, just not sure the best way to implement it (I'm using godot 4)

also from other playtesting, definitely need to adjust some of the enemy behavior and difficulty.

The polish and theme were my main priority, so I'm happy to hear they are well received.

glad you enjoyed it, I will certainly be working to improve based on your feedback.

One great video that talks a lot about what makes a 2D Camera good is this one. Even tought it's not a tutorial itself it is a very good design video that teaches a lot about it.
I am defnelly going to play your games in future updates man! Can't wait to see more of your job.

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Thanks for the resources!

I'll definitely take this into consideration for future developments.