In libris, libertas (Posts tagged literature)

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

The smell of the earth after the rain. The soft, chilly breeze of an early autumn morning. The crunch of the leaves as you step on them to begin or end your day. The jacket you have been carrying with you all day and put on late at night when it was finally cold enough to wear it. The crispy air of a winter morning. The cozy smell of a freshly cooked meal that awaits you after an exhausting day. The sound of collective laughter. The empty yet intense feeling once you reach the last page of a book. The relief and the pride in finishing a time consuming task. The animals you come across outside that make you smile enough to continue with your day brand new. The sound of the ocean as it attacks the steady rocks. The realization that you are alive. The sense of relief when you shed those tears you had been keeping inside you in the form of negative, overwhelming feelings. The eye contact you kept with a stranger you will never encounter again. The lingering feeling of a movie you just watched that may have impacted you permanently. The realization of everything’s temporariness, even your own’s.


spilled thoughts poetry words quotes romanticism literature my soliloquies