Viewing posts filed under #livestream

Livestreaming Limbo!

  • Tonight from 7PM to 9PM, I’m going to be livestreaming the game Limbo for Nezumi Con! It’s a dark little game about a kid going to find his sister. And I’m going to be actually speaking this time, if anyone’s interested or has the time! 

    Just go to the NezCon Livestream!

  • Here’s from the livestream tonight! Pokemon and Holidays and Hoenn! Got a request to draw Abomasnow from artinbeing! You’re always awesome, dude ;D
I’ll be posting up some stuff from school over the break plus Christmas presents that I’ll be making....
    Here’s from the livestream tonight! Pokemon and Holidays and Hoenn! Got a request to draw Abomasnow from artinbeing! You’re always awesome, dude ;D
I’ll be posting up some stuff from school over the break plus Christmas presents that I’ll be making....
    Here’s from the livestream tonight! Pokemon and Holidays and Hoenn! Got a request to draw Abomasnow from artinbeing! You’re always awesome, dude ;D
I’ll be posting up some stuff from school over the break plus Christmas presents that I’ll be making....
  • Here’s from the livestream tonight! Pokemon and Holidays and Hoenn! Got a request to draw Abomasnow from artinbeing! You’re always awesome, dude ;D 

    I’ll be posting up some stuff from school over the break plus Christmas presents that I’ll be making. Hope everyone’s having a Happy Holiday ~!

  • Happening now!

    Suta’s back with more Pokemon drawing! This session, we’ll be exploring Hoenn in honor of the new games, as well as Pokemon during the holidays. Come join us and request a drawing of your own or just watch the Pokemon come to life! This time, the soundtrack’s gonna get wintery…

  • Coming tomorrow night from 7 til 9…Suta’s back with more Pokemon drawing! This session, we’ll be exploring Hoenn in honor of the new games, as well as Pokemon during the holidays. Come join us and request a drawing of your own or just watch the Pokemon come to life! This time, the soundtrack’s gonna get wintery…

  • Pokemon Drawing Livestream this Saturday!

  • I’m going to be doing another livestream for Nezumi Con this Saturday! It’ll be in the evening and it’ll be pokemon-oriented~ Mostly hoenn and winter and holiday related! I’ll post up the link on Saturday and remind you guys again on Friday!

  • Livestream happening today like soon!

  • Livestream! Tonight at 7!

  • Pokemon requests from the 24 hour Nezumi Con Livestream! I was at the tail end and I’ve never done a livestream before so it was a bit nerve wrecking…but I got 5 requests and I did them all!! You can find the livestream recordings here, if you are...
    Pokemon requests from the 24 hour Nezumi Con Livestream! I was at the tail end and I’ve never done a livestream before so it was a bit nerve wrecking…but I got 5 requests and I did them all!! You can find the livestream recordings here, if you are...
    Pokemon requests from the 24 hour Nezumi Con Livestream! I was at the tail end and I’ve never done a livestream before so it was a bit nerve wrecking…but I got 5 requests and I did them all!! You can find the livestream recordings here, if you are...
    Pokemon requests from the 24 hour Nezumi Con Livestream! I was at the tail end and I’ve never done a livestream before so it was a bit nerve wrecking…but I got 5 requests and I did them all!! You can find the livestream recordings here, if you are...
    Pokemon requests from the 24 hour Nezumi Con Livestream! I was at the tail end and I’ve never done a livestream before so it was a bit nerve wrecking…but I got 5 requests and I did them all!! You can find the livestream recordings here, if you are...
  • Pokemon requests from the 24 hour Nezumi Con Livestream! I was at the tail end and I’ve never done a livestream before so it was a bit nerve wrecking…but I got 5 requests and I did them all!! You can find the livestream recordings here, if you are inclined to see them. ^^

    If you were present with us at any time of the event or would like to just help a good cause 8D, consider donating to Nezumi Con! The donation button is at the bottom of the page! Have a good night everyone! :D

  • What up guys, now starts the 24 hr Nezumi Con Livestream Fundraising Event, starting off with my friend W playing Portal! Follow the link to the Facebook page to get the link to the stream and see the 24 hr schedule of cool people doing cool things! I’m going to be participating, drawing pokemon between 9PM and 12AM and listening to an eclectic selection of music from my iTunes Library. I’ll be taking requests and everything will be uploaded later! This is also the first livestream I’ve ever been a part of and if it goes well, I might do it more often! ^^

    Please drop in during the day and chat with us and if you help us make Nezumi Con awesome by donating thru our sidebar at

  • Nezumi Con Livestream Event!

  • Yo, heads up guys. 

    This is a bit last minute but I’m going to be part of a 24-hour livestream event on September 13th! I’ll be doing it to help promote and raise money for Nezumi Con, a Milwaukee-based Anime Convention that I have been part of for four years in a row! There’ll be other artists doing various things throughout the day and in the evening, I’ll be drawing pokemon!

    I’ll be taking some requests and just drawing random critters from 9 PM - midnight on the 13th! I’ll post about the event again later with a link to the livestream on the day of and hopefully I’ll see some of you guys there! ^^

  • &. lilac theme by seyche