Re-imaginings of the Christmas Carol Ghosts
The Spirit of Christmas Past is filled with regrets and nostalgia, wallowing in days gone by and trying to hold on tight to what’s left. Past is lost, scraping together twisted pleasures and remembering intensified sorrows, unable to let go, growing old and growing dimmer along with the memories.
The Spirit of Christmas Present is serious and practical, enduring both the harshness and snowy beauty of the season in content appreciation. The Spirit values survival above all else, keeping wits about and progressing through life step by step with quiet modesty, unrestrained by memories or ambitions.
The Spirit of Christmas Future is the youngest and most energetic of the three, always enthusiastic about things yet to come and never fretting much about old and current problems. Its spontaneity is a bit overwhelming but Future is hopeful and optimistic, seeing to brighten the dark future that most people perceive.
Repost from DA: The Future is Certain - Digital