Remember!!! My Etsy –> is only gonna be open until November 30th this year! So get stuff for yourself NOW if you were lookin’!
Also there’s a code up for my inprnt shop until December 17th !
ZYLSRY for 20% off all prints:
Hello, I am in possession of an Etsy store ( and have cute pokemon stickers and charms that I am looking to get out of my life and into yours.
Second stream of Fakemon was just eeveelutions cuz who doesn’t love these Pokemon please hire me ;_;
Twitch –>
✨Eeveeluzine is an illustrated artbook dedicated to our favorite fuzzy little bundle of raw potential! We asked 40 artists to illustrate their favorite Eeveelution and show us why they fell in love with the franchise.
💖Preorder a copy of the Eeveeluzine HERE!💖
✨Eeveeluzine will be a 40 page, 8.5" x 11", full-color, perfect-bound, hardcover coffee-table artbook.✨
✨The book will feature at least three full color illustrations of every one of the nine eeveelutions.✨
✨Each copy will be hand numbered.✨
✨All profits from Eeveeluzine are intended to benefit the Center for Animal Research and Education. The Center for Animal Research and Education’s mission is to provide for a safe, permanent and loving home to exotic animals in need. CARE focuses on excellence in physical and emotional care, advocating animal welfare through education, and conducting minimally-invasive research that will improve living conditions for captive animal populations world-wide.
✨All artwork for the book has already been submitted and compiled. The InDesign file is ready to be sent to the printers. The books are ready to be put into production after the first 100 copies have been ordered.
💖Preorder a copy of the Eeveeluzine HERE!💖
✨To keep up to date on the production, follow us on twitter or tumblr!✨
Hey guys~~ I was in this zine with a ton of good artists!!! Check it out! Reblog us!!!
Commissions at Pokecon 2017 ! We got Naruto Pikachu, a Ditto and a mom plus kid Vaporeon and Eevee
So many choices, choices, choices.
Pokecon Minneapolis is this weekend you guiz!! August 5th to 6th! Hope to see you there~!
31 Days of Pokemon in July!
Day 19: Fave Eeveelution - I like the majority of eeveelutions but I’ll pick Jolteon because it’s the only gen 1 pokemon in this whole challenge.
From a couple months ago: what pokemon would everyone in Undertale be? This is how far I got.
More livestream drawings from the Nezumi Con channel! Real rough but I think I’m getting better at this. Have some Halloweeeny pokemon~
Last pokemon for a little bit. I bred for a bunch of the eeveelutions, including this beautiful lady~ I like Glaceon too. I think 4th gen is my favourite.
I like this method of lineart; it’s relatively fast and I like having that kind of roughness in it, keeping some of the energy from the sketching stage. Do you guys like iiit? :C
More pokemon?? My lovely, perfectly-bred-for Leafeon, Seul. I just love Leafeon :3
Should try doing quick stuff like this more often~
Sylveon: Guys, calm down. No need for shit to get serious.
So. Since Eeveelutions are introduced in pairs with opposing types and since Sylveon is now revealed to be Fairy type and since Fairy will be super effective against Dragon types WE'REGETTINGADRAGONEEVEELUTIONGUIZ
I revamped an old design that I had for a dragon eeveelution but while looking up inspiration, I found this: HOLY CRAP
Looks legit to me, I like the design.
So I drew both of them. ANGRY.
Prices viewable on blog; click the link at the top~!
Nifty Ninfia/Sweet Sylveon - Digital
I’m glad I took time out of my day to make this. Here’s hoping that Ninfia is a flying eeveelution!
I’m getting more comfortable at letting my lineart be rough so that I can get more coordination practice and also, not be totally perfectionist and not do ANYTHING.