So many choices, choices, choices.
Pokecon Minneapolis is this weekend you guiz!! August 5th to 6th! Hope to see you there~!
Yo yo yo, finished this lovely guy. Will be a print.
So my computer went kaput like 2 weeks ago and I had some ‘free time’ to work on something traditional. Though of course I fixed it up later.
I like honey and I like lavender and I like bees. I’ll have this as print at Jafax, plus the original !! ;D
I think I’m going to try more linework again. I have a cool planner now and it’s time to get life in order.
Hey everyone! Just quickly announcing that I’ll be in Minneapolis for Pokecon on the 29th and 30th! I’ll have prints and stickers and all sorts of pokemon stuff. I did traditional work for some prints; here’s a sneak peak!
Ug, at last. I’ve been hanging on to this for like 6 months, waiting to see a friend so I could give it to her. And I finally was able to!
31 Days of Pokemon in July!
Day 31: ALL TIME FAVORITE Pokemon - Still love him as much as the day I first saw him. he’ll punch out your lights he will he’s mega cool
And that’s the end! :D
31 Days of Pokemon in July!
Day 30: Most Badass Pokemon - SPECIFICALLY shiny Greninja. Because it’s actually a ninja and it works so well.
31 Days of Pokemon in July!
Day 29: Scariest Pokemon - Imagine if you ran into this thing in real life in a dark alleyway.
31 Days of Pokemon in July!
Day 27: Coolest Pokemon - The way he moves! Like a digital deranged dancer
31 Days of Pokemon in July!
Day 26: Fave Starter - Hoenn was my first game so Torchic was my first starter~ And the Sinnoh games afterwards were my fave gen for a long time. So yeah, it’s these two birbs.
31 Days of Pokemon in July!
Day 25: Fave Legendary - I like a lot of legendaries too but I’m going with my OG favorite.
31 Days of Pokemon in July!
Day 24: Fave Pokemon Design - People complain about object-based pokemon when this line is seriously one of the most brilliant ideas EVER for a ghost pokemon.
31 Days of Pokemon in July!
Day 23: Fave Single Stage Pokemon - Ever since I first found this guy while exploring the Hoenn depths, he’s been my favorite. What a good fish.