justasuta 1419265897 22 December 2014 copy link to post permalink link copied This is a project from last year that I never shared; a redesign of a book cover. Fun fact: 20,000 leagues is how FAR they travelled under the sea, not how deep. 124 notes justasutacaptain nemo20000 leagues under the seabooksvector
justasuta 1404487837 4 July 2014 copy link to post permalink link copied 4 notes Justasutagirlsbooksrainbowsreading
justasuta 1404315050 2 July 2014 copy link to post permalink link copied Commissions for a friend~ (Parte Deux) 20 notes justasutareadingbookskitsunefoxdragon
justasuta 1404228652 1 July 2014 copy link to post permalink link copied Commissions for a friend~ (Part 1) 8 notes justasutareadingbooksunicornphoenix