GIZ Jordan

GIZ Jordan

التجارة الدولية والتنمية

Bonn/Eschborn، Germany ١٨٬٥٤١ متابع

We work to shape a future worth living around the world

نبذة عنا

As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, we are dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment promotion, energy and the environment, and peace and security. The diverse expertise of our federal enterprise is in demand around the globe – from the German Government, European Union institutions, the United Nations, the private sector and governments of other countries. We work with businesses, civil society actors and research institutions, fostering successful interaction between development policy and other policy fields and areas of activity. Our main commissioning party is the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The commissioning parties and cooperation partners all place their trust in GIZ, and we work with them to generate ideas for political, social and economic change, to develop these into concrete plans and to implement them. Since we are a public-benefit federal enterprise, German and European values are central to our work. Together with our partners in national governments worldwide and cooperation partners from the worlds of business, research and civil society, we work flexibly to deliver effective solutions that offer people better prospects and sustainably improve their living conditions. The registered offices of GIZ are in Bonn and Eschborn (Germany). Registration information: Our netiquette: Data privacy statement:

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
التجارة الدولية والتنمية
حجم الشركة
٢٠١ - ٥٠٠ من الموظفين
المقر الرئيسي
Bonn/Eschborn, Germany
وكالة حكومية

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في GIZ Jordan


  • عرض صفحة منظمة GIZ Jordan، رسم بياني

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    🌟News from the GIZ Psychosocial Support and Trauma Work Project in Jordan. 🚀 Recently, the PSS team along with technical international experts conducted a workshop in Zarqa. The workshop included 20 participants from community-based organisations including Athar Association for Youth Development , NAYA Community Network, Jabal Zamzam Association and others from Zarqa and Mafraq. The training focused on collaboration tools based on “clean language,” “symbolic modelling,” and “systemic modelling,” technique which are primarily used in #counseling, #psychotherapy and #coaching, education, business, organisational change, and health. The workshop is part of the upcoming #Peer_Support Initiative with local #communities to exchange, share resources and continuous professional development. The PSS project works to improve the quality of psychosocial support services provided by the state and civil society and commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). © GIZ Jordan

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GIZ Jordan، رسم بياني

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    🌟 Exciting news from WoMENA and UN Women Jordan! Under the patronage of Eng Musa Myteh, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Independent Election Commission - Jordan, we proudly announce launching the National Framework for Women’s Empowerment in Elections and Political Parties (Women Empowerment Strategy 2024-2026). This initiative marks a significant step in enhancing women's participation in elections and political parties in Jordan. The framework focuses on Empowering Women in Elections—ensuring Jordanian women can freely participate as candidates and voters, manage the electoral process, and ascend to leadership positions within the IEC—and #Empowering_Women_in_Political_Parties, enhancing their active participation Let us all work together to ensure that the upcoming elections are a milestone for democracy and the empowerment of women in the region, reflecting the democratic aspirations of Jordanians.  © GIZ Jordan

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GIZ Jordan، رسم بياني

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    The GIZ Office-Jordan would like to tender the following: ‘‘Consultancy service to design, plan and conduct a qualitative data collection tool (KOMPASS study) within 2024 (until Q4 2024).” This tender is addressed to the local registered companies in Jordan. Interested Companies are requested to send an email of interest with subject “Tender no.  83469978 – Consultancy service to design, plan and conduct a qualitative data collection tool (KOMPASS study) within 2024 (until Q4 2024).” including the following documents to this email [email protected] , latest by Sunday 28.07.2024 clearly mentioning the tender number and subject. 1.   Valid up-to-date company’s registration certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply. (شهادة تسجيل الشركة سارية المفعول صادرة عن وزارة الصناعة و التجارة و التموين) 2.   Valid up-to-date company’s objectives certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply. (شهادة غايات الشركة سارية المفعول صادرة عن وزارة الصناعة و التجارة و التموين) 3.   Company profile and history. Tender documents will be provided to the eligible interested bidders (free of charge) after screening all received e-mails of interest. GIZ reserves itself the right to select the companies for the shortlist. For procedural reasons, no information on the status of evaluation will be given pending the decision on concluding the shortlist, and we therefore ask you to refrain from making inquiries neither in person, via e-mail or telephone. In such case, GIZ shall not be obliged to inform the disqualified bidders regarding their disqualification, the reason of being disqualified nor the name of other bidder(s) who have been shortlisted.

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GIZ Jordan، رسم بياني

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    ✨Visit to the Family Protection and Juvenile Department (#FPJD) ✨ GIZ Jordan Country Director Dr Lorenz Petersen joined the “Supporting Systems for Gender Based Violence Prevention and Protection” project team on a visit to the #FPJD headquarters and their Amman field station. This visit provided invaluable insights into the impactful work being done by the FPJD team. During our time at the headquarters, the FPJD team shared updates on their ongoing initiatives, including: 🔹 Capacity Building Programs. 🔹 Launching the #Gender-Based Violence (#GBV) Awareness Campaign. 🔹 Establishment of a Comprehensive #Service Centre. Through Dr Peterson’s visit to the North Amman field station, he observed firsthand the dedicated efforts in handling #GBV #cases. The “Supporting Systems for GBV Prevention and Protection” project is implemented by GIZ Jordan and funded by the #EU. © GIZ Jordan

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GIZ Jordan، رسم بياني

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    🌿 An Ambitious Green Transition Journey 🌿 RZ Products - Alhadaf International Company For Importing & Industry isn't just leading in the food packaging and disposables sector, but spearheading a #greentransition. With the support of the GIZ Jordan implemented Green Action in Enterprises (GAIN) project, they achieved significant reductions in #energy and #water costs with impactful waste management initiatives. Carton waste decreased by 22% last year, equating to a reduction of 182 tons and 76,414 kg in CO2 emissions which boosted productivity by 26%. Simple practices, such as mock-ups and carton waste reuse, have led to a 7X higher sales value than regular waste. In the process, Alhadaf has hired 12 new #female_workers, with more than half of their leadership positions now held by women. Commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ Jordan, the GAIN project aims to #accelerate, and shape change towards a green and inclusive #economy, enhancing the quality of life in #Jordan. © GIZ Jordan/ GAIN Project

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GIZ Jordan، رسم بياني

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    Ahmed Hassan Al-Numairi, a 21-year-old from Jordan, has successfully completed his training at the "Jordanian German Center of Excellence for Solar Energy (CoE), one of the supported centers from the MOVE-HET project, a GIZ Jordan initiative in the #TVET sector on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). We celebrate young talents like Ahmed, who are equipped with the skills to address #global_challenges and foster a #sustainable #future. Ahmed appreciated the #CoE's mix of theory and hands-on experience. Currently, he's working on a solar installation project with Al-AlBait University.

    عرض صفحة منظمة Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)، رسم بياني

    ٦٦٬٣٠٥ متابع

    Ahmed Hassan Al-Numairi ist 21 Jahre alt und kommt aus Jordanien. Er hat erfolgreich die Ausbildung im von uns unterstützt "Jordanian-German Center of Excellence for Solar Energy" (CoE) abgeschlossen. Und warum erzählen wir von Ahmed Hassan Al-Numairi? Weil heute der #WorldYouthSkillsDay ist. Junge Menschen brauchen zahlreiche Fähigkeiten, um die globalen Herausforderungen zu bewältigen und zu einer friedlichen und nachhaltigen Zukunft beizutragen. Ahmed Hassan Al-Numairi ist einer dieser jungen Menschen. Er hörte vom CoE und seinen verschiedenen Ausbildungsprogrammen im Bereich #Solarenergie: „Mir gefiel besonders der kombinierte Ansatz. Die Programme boten nicht nur Theorie, sondern auch praktische Erfahrungen vor Ort.“ Die Ausbildungsprogramme des CoE sind für ihren Praxisbezug bekannt. Dazu gehören Exkursionen, bei denen die Auszubildenden praktische Erfahrungen bei der Installation und Wartung von Solarzellen sammeln. “Wir konnten mit echten Geräten arbeiten und von erfahrenen Profis lernen. Das war die beste Art zu lernen,“ sagt Ahmed. Zurzeit arbeitet Ahmed an einem Solarinstallationsprojekt mit der Al-AlBait Universität. Sein Werdegang zeigt, wie wichtig praktische Ausbildung ist, um die nächste Generation von Fachkräften für die weltweite #Energiewende vorzubereiten.

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GIZ Jordan، رسم بياني

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    👉 A stronger #MSMESupportSystems for an #EmpoweredTomorrow! 👈 Throughout its 6-year journey, the MSME Promotion project implemented by GIZ Jordan on behalf of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) contributed to a strengthened #MSMESupportSystem in #Jordan: With nearly 40 MSME support institutions strengthened, almost 20 partnerships newly established, and over 25 new MSME support services in place, the project directly impacted 1000 MSMEs that created over 300 new jobs. 💼📈 🎥 Click here to see what MSMEs say about the impact on their business: Based on what has been achieved in close cooperation with the project, its partners will sustain the support systems and continue to make it easier for MSMEs to establish, run and grow their business.🚀 As this project closed, GIZ Jordan remains committed to support driving positive change. Together, we continue shaping an #EmpoweredTomorrow! 💪🏼🌍

  • عرض صفحة منظمة GIZ Jordan، رسم بياني

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    The GIZ Office-Jordan would like to procure the following: ‘‘Steel Cabinets” This tender is addressed to the local registered companies in Jordan. Interested Companies are requested to send an email of interest with subject “Tender no. 91181973 - Steel Cabinets” including the following documents to this email [email protected] , latest by Saturday 20.07.2024 clearly mentioning the tender number and subject. 1.   Valid up-to-date company’s registration certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply. (شهادة تسجيل الشركة سارية المفعول صادرة عن وزارة الصناعة و التجارة و التموين) 2.   Valid up-to-date company’s objectives certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply. (شهادة غايات الشركة سارية المفعول صادرة عن وزارة الصناعة و التجارة و التموين) 3.   Company profile and history. Tender documents will be provided to the eligible interested bidders (free of charge) after screening all received e-mails of interest. GIZ reserves itself the right to select the companies for the shortlist. For procedural reasons, no information on the status of evaluation will be given pending the decision on concluding the shortlist, and we therefore ask you to refrain from making inquiries neither in person, via e-mail or telephone. In such case, GIZ shall not be obliged to inform the disqualified bidders regarding their disqualification, the reason of being disqualified nor the name of other bidder(s) who have been shortlisted.

  • عرض صفحة منظمة GIZ Jordan، رسم بياني

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    The GIZ Office-Jordan would like to procure the following: ‘‘Stationary and Art materials” This tender is addressed to the local registered companies in Jordan. Interested Companies are requested to send an email of interest with subject “Tender no. 91181975 - Stationary and Art materials” including the following documents to this email [email protected] , latest by Saturday 20.07.2024 clearly mentioning the tender number and subject. 1.   Valid up-to-date company’s registration certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply. (شهادة تسجيل الشركة سارية المفعول صادرة عن وزارة الصناعة و التجارة و التموين) 2.   Valid up-to-date company’s objectives certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply. (شهادة غايات الشركة سارية المفعول صادرة عن وزارة الصناعة و التجارة و التموين) 3.   Company profile and history. Tender documents will be provided to the eligible interested bidders (free of charge) after screening all received e-mails of interest. GIZ reserves itself the right to select the companies for the shortlist. For procedural reasons, no information on the status of evaluation will be given pending the decision on concluding the shortlist, and we therefore ask you to refrain from making inquiries neither in person, via e-mail or telephone. In such case, GIZ shall not be obliged to inform the disqualified bidders regarding their disqualification, the reason of being disqualified nor the name of other bidder(s) who have been shortlisted.

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GIZ Jordan، رسم بياني

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    The GIZ Office-Jordan would like to procure the following: ‘‘Sports Gear” This tender is addressed to the local registered companies in Jordan. Interested Companies are requested to send an email of interest with subject “Tender no.  91181974 – Sports Gear” including the following documents to this email [email protected] , latest by Saturday 20.07.2024 clearly mentioning the tender number and subject. 1.   Valid up-to-date company’s registration certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply. (شهادة تسجيل الشركة سارية المفعول صادرة عن وزارة الصناعة و التجارة و التموين) 2.   Valid up-to-date company’s objectives certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply. (شهادة غايات الشركة سارية المفعول صادرة عن وزارة الصناعة و التجارة و التموين) 3.   Company profile and history.   Tender documents will be provided to the eligible interested bidders (free of charge) after screening all received e-mails of interest. GIZ reserves itself the right to select the companies for the shortlist. For procedural reasons, no information on the status of evaluation will be given pending the decision on concluding the shortlist, and we therefore ask you to refrain from making inquiries neither in person, via e-mail or telephone. In such case, GIZ shall not be obliged to inform the disqualified bidders regarding their disqualification, the reason of being disqualified nor the name of other bidder(s) who have been shortlisted.

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