jay dragon writes stuff

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

"a hit dog will holler" is such a fuckign bad proverb. Yeah man i maen it sure will but also so will any dog. Theyre fucking loud man a dog will holler basically for any reason


also its always deployed by peole who make vague insituatiosn that other people are baby eaters or whatever and when those people see what theyre doing theyre like "ummmm. Saying youre not a baby eater is the kind of ting a baby eater would do. Awdul defensive [smug emoji]


constantly making airy offhand comments to my preferred younger son about how he’s next in line for the throne after his brother but he still hasn’t killed my detested firstborn for me. kids these days have no fucking initiative.


I keep sending them off on “boar hunts” together and wouldn’t you know? they keep coming back after with big smiles and boar heads and the unmistakable stench of brotherly camaraderie. what sick sad days are these!