jay dragon writes stuff

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

"Frustrating lib with good intentions but a bad underlying analytical framework" is a type of person it's hard to deal with because on the one hand, their views are basically entirely caged inside whatever Standard Worldview has been constructed to present the western country they live in as The Good Guys Of History, and so they're going to advocate for that.

On the other hand, you know that under the right conditions they can just be shown the information they need to get better, actual left wing politics that are in line with their intentions.

But crucially, the time for that is never going to be when people are mad at them for a shitty lib take they posted, because that's when they're locked down and on the defensive. The exact time where you're most aware of how much of a frustrating lib they're being.


A lot of ideas that are bad get spread in a form that'll sound nice and good and fair if you're not on your fifth prestige level in theory understanding. This causes conflict. Not sure what to do about that.


Like take for example a subject where I'm on at least six prestige levels by now: Systemic transmisogyny.

A lot of people just aren't consciously aware of problems like, say, trans women in abusive relationships actually needing access to women's shelters because That Is Where They Need To Go To Escape Their Shitty Abusers. Because this information is effectively completely erased from mainstream discussions of the issue of trans bans.

This information provided to someone who's existed in the propaganda environment, under the right conditions, can immediately flip their view on trans inclusion in women's shelters because they literally have only ever heard the counternarrative about cis men lying about their identity to get access.

But only specifically when they're open to new information. Not when they're locked down in guided moral panic.


Guattari’s idea is both refreshing and profound. He suggests that when a person experiences psychosis, her psychosis changes according to her surroundings, and, therefore, treating her with fear by locking her up, keeping her in restraints, overmedicating her, and exposing her to other methods of suppression only serves to change her psychosis to a psychosis of fear and paranoia. Who, psychotic or not, in the same situation wouldn’t also feel terror and paranoia? Indeed, there is a legitimate reason to be paranoid and afraid. Further, the shock of being treated inhumanly, the sense of alienation and of betrayal, and, perhaps paramountly, the realization that humans can and do treat other humans in this way, is itself shocking and traumatizing. It is a shock and trauma that alters the psyche, changing the personality of the person who undergoes it.

Cynthia CruzDisquieting: Essays on Silence



When I became freelance, one of my first marketing contracts was fixing my boss' blog posts and articles that he had 'written' with ChatGPT.

It was the single most soul-sucking task I have ever done in my life. I could have ghostwritten it for them faster than it took me to edit it.

ChatGPT would often hallucinate features of the product, and often required more fact-checking than the article was worth.

It is absolutely no surprise that 77% of employees report that AI has increased workloads and lowered productivity, while 96% of executives believe it has boosted it.

The reality is that it's only boosted the amount of work employees have to do which leads to increased burnout, stress and job dissatisfaction.



In the words of Cory Doctorow, AI can't do your job, but AI salesmen can convince your boss that AI can do your job.

fuck this shit lol capitalism must burn

music is about universal truths, like breaking up with your record label, having several million dollars, and the abcs


music is about timeless experiences, like a steamboat disaster, a school shooting, or when a girl is kind of being a super freak


music is about asking important questions of those in power, like "is war bad?", or "do drummers really need working eardrums", or "what if an octopus were to have a garden?"


no, you dont get it, music is fundamentally about melody, which comes from celtic folk music (like the mcdonalds jingle), harmony, which was invented by european monks (like the THX deep note), and rhythm, which comes from Africa (like a 'Steamed Hams' remix)


blatantly false. music is fundamentally about capturing the breadth of human emotion, which is why autistic people can only only hear 7 of the 12 notes that there are


fuck you. music is composed of 6 foundational elements: timbre, dynamics, pitch, yaw, roll, and united airlines obliterating priceless 500 year old violins


ummm no, music is actually a social signifier used exclusively by members of the ruling class to control the masses, communicate status, and attract a mate. everyone who has ever sung is bourgeois and in heat


that's not it at all. what we call music is actually just the sound that hills make a powerful mage casts a spell that causes them to become "alive". hills hate being alive so they make the sound we call music to express their distress. what we call music is just the anguished cries soil and rock forcibly made self aware. im surprised y'all didnt know this

thank u dreadwedge


watching gen z and millennials make fun of gen alpha has been torturous. "But they're actually stupid" 1. theyre middle schoolers 2. isn't that what older gens said about us? don't you remember being 11?

it truly is just "impulse reaction to cringe <- has not yet unlearned shame"

the cycle continues let me out of here

guys. guys I think we should kill cringe culture


My kids and their friends are Gen Alpha, and they are sweet, sweet kids living though appalling times.

They grew up with the most rigidly binary models of childhood that have existed in my lifetime (girl-glue, anyone?) and been viewed as their earning potential since before they could walk. They have been exploited and abandoned on the internet by their parents, have been exploited on the internet by the algorithm when they were too young to understand it. They are the first large generation of the children of Mommy bloggers, anti-vaxxers, trad wives, and quiverful types.

They’ve survived a pandemic, and had it cut through their schooling in a way that has been enormously traumatic. They have the smallest outdoor range of any generation to date. In their lifetime, climate change has become violently real, socioeconomic disparity has only increased, reactionary movements have increased, and rights that we’ve taken for granted have been rolled back. They are the generation of British trans kids taking their lives on the now-static youth GIC waiting lists. The American trans kids who are watching their very existence become illegal. They are the generation of creative kids whose arts and humanities funding has been cut to the bone. A generation who have grown up watching soft-lit, queer friendly cartoons, walking out in to a world of violent trans and homophobia.

They are depressed, anxious, afraid. Their aspirations are low, their hopes for the future fragile.

They are clever, and creative, and charming, and brave. And they are KIDS.

Be nice to them, they’re dealing with a lot.


re: this post but also slightly off topic, this is also why the SOGIESC (sexual orientation, gender identity & expression, and sexual characteristics) framework developed in the Global South as a legal framework to deal with sexual minority rights, stands in some ways in direct opposition to the LGBTQ framework of the West, which asserts that rights for minority groups flow from identity/inclusion within the minority group, forcing the obvious question of how the law determines identity (this is part of how transmedicalism emerges as an answer to the question “who is really transgender?” and also likely informs community fights over who ‘really counts’ as lgbtq). the framework of SOGIESC gets around this problem by resolving it entirely, instead insisting that because everyone has a gender identity and sexual orientation, everyone has a right to their given gender identity and sexual orientation, and any obstacle to realising these rights must be challenged and dismantled. empirically this bears out as well, given that global south countries, especially in Latin America, have some of the most progressive legislation on trans rights worldwide, with Argentina being the first country in the world to allow for legal gender transition without requiring medical documentation or proof of medical transition. We can see how different theories of state and legal power between LGBTQ vs SOGIESC emerge: a series of legal concessions granted to a narrowly-defined minority by a hegemonic, cis-heterosexual majority (LGBTQ ), versus the universal vision of sexual minorities whose rights are the rights of all people (SOGIESC).

and like obviously this is not a solution without problems (the ESC was only added ten years after the original conception of SOGI, for example, an obvious oversight that was corrected - we may never escape the acronym wars), and as a framework that is fundamentally legal in both scope and design there is the obvious question of how law fits into a truly just socialist society (a historical and ongoing debate within various socialist states that I know much less about; I’m also thinking about the ‘mission drift’ and mangling that ‘intersectionality’ has dealt with over the years, also a concept that comes out of legal scholarship). but as an international legal standard it seems like an obvious critical response to the various problems of the LGBTQ framework, especially re: how the law determines who “actually counts” as gay trans queer etc