"Frustrating lib with good intentions but a bad underlying analytical framework" is a type of person it's hard to deal with because on the one hand, their views are basically entirely caged inside whatever Standard Worldview has been constructed to present the western country they live in as The Good Guys Of History, and so they're going to advocate for that.
On the other hand, you know that under the right conditions they can just be shown the information they need to get better, actual left wing politics that are in line with their intentions.
But crucially, the time for that is never going to be when people are mad at them for a shitty lib take they posted, because that's when they're locked down and on the defensive. The exact time where you're most aware of how much of a frustrating lib they're being.
A lot of ideas that are bad get spread in a form that'll sound nice and good and fair if you're not on your fifth prestige level in theory understanding. This causes conflict. Not sure what to do about that.
Like take for example a subject where I'm on at least six prestige levels by now: Systemic transmisogyny.
A lot of people just aren't consciously aware of problems like, say, trans women in abusive relationships actually needing access to women's shelters because That Is Where They Need To Go To Escape Their Shitty Abusers. Because this information is effectively completely erased from mainstream discussions of the issue of trans bans.
This information provided to someone who's existed in the propaganda environment, under the right conditions, can immediately flip their view on trans inclusion in women's shelters because they literally have only ever heard the counternarrative about cis men lying about their identity to get access.
But only specifically when they're open to new information. Not when they're locked down in guided moral panic.