Let’s talk about the Future of Jamstack — Join us

Jamstack gives developers full-stack powers

Findings from the Jamstack Community Survey 2022

The third year of the Jamstack Community Survey found a mix of things we expected – indeed, things we predicted last year – as well as some big surprises about the many diverse members of our community. Some key takeaways include:

  • Four out of five developers are now working remotely most of the time, and more than half say they would quit their jobs rather than go back to an office.
  • The number of people who have used serverless technology jumped to 70%, taking it fully into the mainstream.
  • React continued to grow to an almost unprecedented 71% share of developers, and Next.js rode that wave and is now used by 1 in every 2 developers.

Netlify sits at the center of the Jamstack community, and we conduct our annual survey so we can understand our community of developers. This helps us tailor our products and services to our community. In sharing our survey results, we also want to help developers better understand themselves and one another. Working as a developer often means working in a vacuum, without a sense of what’s happening in the broader community. Our survey data can help provide a sense of best practices as well as an idea of what else is happening in the community.

In addition to our usual framework census and our questions about content management systems, this year we asked about some emerging technologies that have received a lot of attention. The fuzzy group of technologies called “Web3” garnered mixed feelings despite a great deal of press in 2021 and 2022. Browser-native web components, on the other hand, seem to have finally reached mainstream adoption.

As usual, our survey covers everyone we can reach: every kind of developer responded to our survey from every region of the world, whether or not they were Netlify users, and whether or not they considered themselves Jamstack developers. Our survey this year received a little under 7,000 responses. If you’re interested in the specifics of our methodology, we have a detailed writeup of the demographics and margins of error in our survey.

As usual, we want to thank the developers who took the time to contribute to the survey. We have done our best to take the data you’ve given us and turn it into useful, actionable insights for everyone in our community, and we hope it helps you.

This year, our results are split into four sections:

As usual, we kick off by looking at the demographics of our community. Who are we, exactly?

There was not much change in the breakdown of reported job titles in our survey this year: as usual, nearly everyone (84%) who responded considers themselves to be an engineer of some kind. There was one curious change, however: the number of people calling themselves “full stack” versus “front end” has almost exactly flipped, from 32% full stack and 45% front end last year to 44% full stack and 33% front end in the 2022 survey. None of the other demographic markers we tracked changed very much, so we believe this is a real shift in how the community thinks of itself. We have two theories about why this might be the case, and we’ll discuss them in the sections on job changes and serverless.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Job Title 2021 2022
Developer (full-stack) 32% 44%
Developer (front-end) 45% 33%
Developer (back-end) 5% 5%
Designer 4% 4%
Manager 6% 4%
Executive/Business owner 4%
Content producer 2% 3%
DevOps 2% 2%

This year when asking about employment status we added a new category, “self-employed”, which meant that the results are not totally comparable to last year. A bunch of people who last year described themselves as “full-time” switched to the “self-employed” category, which probably doesn’t describe an actual change in status but more accurately describes what they already were. Students continue to be the second-biggest group in the community, at 21% of all respondents. As we said last year, this is a solidly positive sign for a community: the Jamstack remains a popular way to on-board students at bootcamps into deploying websites for the first time, and becoming the “default” way to build a website means the Jamstack can expect to enjoy growth for years to come.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Employment Status Percentage of Survey Participants
Full-time 50%
Student 21%
Self-employed 13%
Contractor 6%
Part-time 5%
Between jobs 5%
Retired 1%

When asking about our community’s level of working experience, we saw a continuing trend from 2020 and 2021: the community is slowly increasing in experience. 2021 was our biggest year for new community members, and you can see that cohort moving up by 1 year of experience in this chart. In 2022, nearly 1 in 5 developers say they have been working in their current career for 15 or more years.

Years of experience relevant to current job, 2020-2022

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2020—2022
Show Chart Data
Years of experience 2020 2021 2022
< 1 4% 13% 8%
1-2 13% 19% 16%
3-4 20% 18% 16%
5-6 15% 12% 14%
7-8 9% 7% 9%
9-10 12% 8% 9%
11-12 8% 5% 5%
13-14 5% 3% 3%
15 14% 14% 19%

Repeating a phenomenon we first noticed last year, the geographical diversity of our respondents has a strong correlation to their level of career experience. In the most experienced group, 84% of respondents come from either North America or Europe. In our newest group, those with less than a year of experience, that falls to just 43%. That means in 2022 for the first time, more than half of people who joined the Jamstack community came from outside of the two big regions!

An explanation for this correlation that we find persuasive is that access to technology is continuing to improve worldwide, leading to increased geographical diversity. We think this is an encouraging trend, and hope that it will lead to greater diversity in other dimensions as well.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Years of experience Africa Asia Pacific Central America Eastern Asia Europe Middle East North America South America Southern Asia Caribbean
< 1 9.3% 21.1% 0.5% 3.6% 21.7% 2.1% 21.7% 7.2% 12.9% 0.0%
1-2 12.4% 16.4% 1.2% 0.7% 27.9% 0.9% 21.6% 5.9% 12.0% 0.9%
3-4 8.4% 13.1% 1.3% 2.2% 37.4% 2.2% 24.5% 4.5% 5.4% 1.1%
5-6 5.7% 12.9% 2.5% 2.0% 34.5% 2.2% 28.3% 6.2% 3.7% 2.0%
7-8 3.7% 6.7% 0.7% 1.9% 39.6% 0.7% 37.0% 3.0% 5.6% 1.1%
9-10 2.5% 5.8% 1.1% 0.4% 42.4% 0.7% 40.6% 4.7% 1.1% 0.7%
11-12 3.8% 5.0% 0.6% 1.3% 51.9% 1.3% 32.5% 3.1% 0.6% 0.0%
13-14 3.5% 8.1% 0.0% 0.0% 39.1% 5.8% 35.6% 2.3% 5.8% 0.0%
15 0.7% 8.0% 0.5% 1.1% 40.3% 1.5% 44.1% 2.0% 1.3% 0.5%

Every region outside of Europe and North America grew in share. The fastest-growing region was Africa, which jumped from 4% of respondents to 8% from 2021 to 2022. This author is also delighted to note that his home region, the Caribbean, went from 0.5% to 1% in the same period.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2021—2022
Show Chart Data
Employment Status 2021 2022
Europe 39% 33%
North America 31% 28%
All Asia 18% 19%
Asia Pacific 11% 12%
Africa 4% 8%
Southern Asia 6% 8%
South America 5% 5%
Eastern Asia 1% 2%
Middle East 1% 2%
Central America 1% 1%
Caribbean 1% 1%

A phenomenon that gained a great deal of attention in 2021 was a spike in the number of people changing jobs, which has become known as The Great Resignation. We were interested to get hard numbers on the reality of this change, and we were not disappointed: fully one-third of our respondents reported that they changed jobs in the last year, a huge shift. In our job titles data we saw a big change in job titles, with 11% switching from front-end to full-stack roles, a change that seems totally plausible in the context of a community where 33% of people changed jobs.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Have you changed jobs in the last 12 months? Count
No 67%
Yes 33%

We had a second question about the great resignation asking people what motivated their behavior – either why they stayed, or why they left. The biggest reason people kept their jobs will be no surprise: people stay if they like their team. Humans are social animals, and a team you love makes work more bearable.

A more surprising finding was that the number two reason, as measured by those who called it “extremely important”, was remote work. People really, really like working remotely. Money was important, but it was only the fifth-biggest reason people stayed where they were. Career growth was also a very important reason to stay.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Not at all important Slightly important Moderately important Very important Extremely important
Team 3% 5% 19% 40% 34%
Remote work 5% 9% 22% 32% 32%
Career growth 3% 6% 21% 39% 31%
Company culture 4% 8% 21% 38% 29%
Money 3% 6% 25% 39% 28%
Corporate ethics 6% 9% 24% 37% 25%
My manager 6% 7% 24% 38% 24%
Technology choices 2% 7% 24% 44% 23%
Environmental impact 14% 16% 30% 26% 14%
Involuntary 31% 10% 34% 15% 10%

Why people left jobs was even heavier on remote work: being able to work remotely at the new job was the number one reason people left their jobs in our community, as measured by the number of people saying it was an “extremely important” reason. Growing in your career came in second when measured in this way, though if you include people who called things “very” important in addition to “extremely” important it came first. Company culture, bad teams, and not enough money came next.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Not at all important Slightly important Moderately important Very important Extremely important
Remote work 6% 6% 18% 30% 41%
Career growth 3% 5% 18% 35% 39%
Company culture 4% 6% 21% 38% 31%
Team 4% 6% 21% 38% 31%
Money 4% 5% 20% 40% 30%
My manager 6% 9% 24% 34% 26%
Corporate ethics 6% 9% 25% 36% 25%
Technology choices 4% 7% 25% 42% 22%
Environmental impact 15% 16% 30% 25% 14%
Involuntary 36% 10% 28% 15% 11%

Given that one-third of respondents changed jobs in the last year and many indicated that remote work was their primary reason for either staying or leaving a company, our next finding makes sense: a startling 83% of our respondents say they work remotely at least half of the time. Three in five (62%) work remotely at least 90% of the time, which we’re going to call “full time remote”. In last year’s survey about a third said their job had gone full-time remote, and we know from earlier surveys (such as GitHub’s Octoverse report) that about a third of people were already working remotely before the pandemic, so this is roughly double the pre-pandemic numbers.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Frequency Percentage of Survey Participants
0% 3%
1-9% 4%
10-24% 5%
25-49% 5%
50-74% 9%
75-89% 12%
90-99% 23%
100% 39%

Since a lot of remote work was driven by the pandemic and offices around the world are still in the process of reopening, we thought it was fair to ask whether or not this new state was going to be permanent, or whether people were returning to offices, but slowly.

The clear response was that remote work is here to stay. A solid majority (76%) of respondents said their frequency of remote work had either stayed the same or increased in the last year. Indeed the strongest signal is that this is the new normal: 52% of people said nothing changed about their remote working situation, and the ratio of those working remotely more often versus less often was just 1.04, meaning only a small net change.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Frequency Percentage of Survey Participants
Lots more in office 7%
Slightly more in office 16%
No changes 52%
Slighty more remote 9%
Lots more remote 15%

We also asked our community about their attitudes to various aspects of remote work. 87% of respondents say they enjoy remote work, but only 71% say their company has remote work “figured out”, which implies there’s 16% of people enjoying remote work even though they believe their company doesn’t do it very well.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Percentage of Survey Participants
Strongly disagree 3%
Somewhat disagree 4%
Neither agree nor disagree 7%
Somewhat agree 26%
Strongly agree 61%

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Percentage of Survey Participants
Strongly disagree 6%
Somewhat disagree 9%
Neither agree nor disagree 14%
Somewhat agree 32%
Strongly agree 39%

As we suspected from the job change data, the number of people who would like to work remotely even more often than they currently do is high: 59%. And the number saying they changed jobs specifically to be able to work remotely more often is 35%. That is a huge amount of change, and a strong motivator.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Percentage of Survey Participants
Strongly disagree 5%
Somewhat disagree 8%
Neither agree nor disagree 28%
Somewhat agree 16%
Strongly agree 43%

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Percentage of Survey Participants
Strongly disagree 23%
Somewhat disagree 8%
Neither agree nor disagree 34%
Somewhat agree 12%
Strongly agree 23%

Our final pair of questions about remote work determined two things: first, we confirmed that it’s not just that people hate when their working conditions change: asked if they would quit their jobs if asked to work remotely more often, only 11% said they would, while 55% of respondents said they would quit their jobs rather than work remotely less often.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Percentage of Survey Participants
Strongly disagree 65%
Somewhat disagree 11%
Neither agree nor disagree 13%
Somewhat agree 5%
Strongly agree 6%

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Percentage of Survey Participants
Strongly disagree 12%
Somewhat disagree 12%
Neither agree nor disagree 20%
Somewhat agree 27%
Strongly agree 28%

Moving on from demographics, let’s look at what we’re building in 2022.

Most people build lots of sites in a year, so we allowed people to give multiple answers to our question about what the sites they built were for. The results were similar to last year: the single most common answer was personal websites (such as blogs or resumes). Consumer software, B2B software and e-commerce remained major areas of focus.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Purpose Percentage of Survey Participants
Personal websites 45%
Consumer software 40%
B2B software 39%
E-commerce 38%
Informational 38%
Internal tools 37%
Documentation 29%
Lead capture 29%
Enterprise software 26%
News/Entertainment 14%
Social media 14%
Retail 13%
Games 11%
Streaming media 9%
Politics/Activism 5%

Another question we repeated from last year was asking people what kinds of websites they built. As was the case in 2021, Single Page Apps (SPAs) were popular, but a majority were various levels of static websites – either fully or mostly static. This is unsurprising, since the core of Jamstack has always been progressive enhancement of static websites.

Fully dynamic websites remain popular for some applications, and this time we asked about a new category: edge-dynamic sites, which we’re defining here as sites that are fully dynamic, and render all their content at the edge (i.e. using serverless functions or edge functions). This is a pretty new category and so it was also the smallest, but nearly half (47%) said they’d built at least one website of this kind this year. This tracks the growth in serverless we saw in later questions.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
None A few projects Many projects Most projects All
SPA 20% 41% 15% 16% 8%
Fully dynamic 28% 36% 15% 15% 6%
Edge-dynamic 53% 30% 9% 6% 3%
Mostly static 26% 43% 17% 11% 3%
Fully static 30% 40% 15% 11% 4%

Another standard question we ask every year is about what devices your work targets. We’ve used this previously to point out that while “mobile-first” has been the mantra of the industry for a long time, desktop devices still have a small edge in terms of being the most important target for our work, with tablets third.

However, over the last 3 years our “everything else” category, called “device-specific browsers” (we suggested things like Internet of Things devices, or smart watches) has been steadily growing and now fully one-third of people say this somewhat poorly defined fourth category is at least somewhat important. This was a surprise! We’ll be conducting follow-up surveys to discover what exactly the folks who call these devices important were talking about.

Percentage of respondents saying these targets were somewhat or very important

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2020—2022
Show Chart Data
Type 2020 2021 2022
Desktops 99% 98% 97%
Phones 95% 94% 94%
Tablets 92% 91% 90%
Device-specific browsers 18% 25% 34%

Our final question about the goals of our websites in 2022 was about audience sizes: how big is the audience your website serves? This is another question where we have data from all 3 years of the survey and are able to see a trend, although not much has changed. The most common type of website remains one built for a relatively small audience – hundreds, or a few thousand users. But more than a third of people say they’ve built websites this year intended for audiences of millions, and this category grew in 2022.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2020—2022
Show Chart Data
2020 2021 2022
10s of users 63% 65% 64%
100s of users 78% 77% 74%
1000s of users 83% 79% 75%
100-000s of users 58% 55% 55%
1-000-000s of users 32% 32% 36%

Our largest set of questions revolve around technical choices. It’s easy for this kind of data to turn into a popularity contest, so we should be clear: the most popular choice is not always the best choice for you. As we’ll see shortly, your use case matters much more than total adoption of a technology. However, within the bounds of a use case, popularity can help. Open source technology benefits from more contributors: bugs are fixed faster, documentation is better, rough edges are smoothed away more quickly, and there will be more plugins and third-party integrations.

This section contains a number of graphs like the one below. On the horizontal axis, we measure the usage of a technology, as measured by the number of people who say they have used that technology in the last year on “some projects” or “many projects”. We do not count people who say they use a technology “rarely”, so we believe our “some many” number represents real, regular usage.

At the same time as we ask people how often they use a technology, we ask them whether they would like to use it more or less in the coming year. We take the ratio of the “want to use it more” and the “want to use it less” numbers to create our vertical axis, which we call the “Satisfaction score”. A score of 1.0 or more means the technology’s users are on balance enthusiastic about it, while under 1.0 it means they are not. In the three years of our survey, a satisfaction score under 1.0 has been strongly (but not perfectly) predictive of a loss in usage the following year, which high satisfaction scores correlate well to growth in share.

The decoupled nature of frontend and backend code in the Jamstack ecosystem means that CMS are a big component of many of the websites we build. As anyone who’s built a site with one knows, once a CMS has become embedded into your company’s culture and workflows it can be hard to get it out again, so this is a critical choice for many people.

  • The overall leader in the CMS space remains WordPress, as it has been for many years. However, with a satisfaction score of just 0.5, unenthusiastic users of WordPress outnumber enthusiastic ones 2-to-1, and WordPress has lost usage share over the course of our surveys.
  • WordPress used as an API (“headless” mode) has more enthusiastic users than WordPress in traditional mode, and a substantial 22% share, but this share has been growing only slowly.
  • Notion is something of an outlier in this data: certainly some people are using it via its API to power websites, but we believe many people who answered yes to this option are using it for internal content. We intend to run a small follow-up survey to confirm this.
  • Given high satisfaction scores, Sanity and Strapi were our choices in last year’s survey to be breakout contenders in this year's, and they both grew share, though not as much as we had expected. Contentful lost usage share in this year’s survey compared to last year’s.
  • Of the smaller CMS systems, Storyblok is notable for high satisfaction. This is the first year we’ve tracked it and it came in at 8% share, so we’ll be looking for it to grow.
Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
CMS Used on "some" or "many" projects Satisfaction score
1. WordPress 37% 0.5
2. Notion 26% 2.3
3. WordPress (Headless) 22% 1.0
4. Contentful 19% 1.4
5. Strapi 18% 2.0
6. Sanity 16% 3.0
7. Drupal 14% 0.6
8. Wix 13% 0.6
9. Webflow 12% 1.0
10. Prismic 11% 1.8
11. Squarespace 11% 0.6
12. Ghost 10% 1.5
13. Storyblok 9% 2.0
14. Builder 8% 1.0
15. Forestry 8% 1.0
16. Agility CMS 7% 0.8
17. Weebly 7% 0.8
18. ButterCMS 6% 1.0
19. Contentstack 6% 1.0

There are not a lot of surprises in this year’s programming language data if you have seen our previous surveys. One note: when we show programming languages, we should be clear that this data is about their popularity within the Jamstack community; in more general computing surveys Java is a much more popular choice.

  • JavaScript remains the near-universal choice, with 96% of respondents saying they have used it in some or many projects in the last year.
  • TypeScript continues rapid growth, hitting 67% usage this year, overtaking SQL as the second-most used language.
  • When asked about their primary programming language, 53% of people still say JavaScript, a number that has declined in all 3 years of our survey, while 21% say TypeScript is their primary language, more than doubling its usage as a primary language. The continuing migration from JavaScript to TypeScript is a trend we are following closely.
Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Language Used on "some" or "many" projects Satisfaction score
1. JavaScript 96% 3.0
2. TypeScript 67% 7.4
3. SQL 64% 1.8
4. Shell (Bash) 53% 1.5
5. Python 42% 2.2
6. PHP 42% 0.6
7. Java 26% 0.6
8. C# 21% 1.1
9. Ruby 18% 1.0
10. C/C 17% 1.1
11. Go 16% 2.2
12. Rust 12% 3.0
13. Visual Basic 10% 0.7
14. Swift 9% 2.0
15. Objective-C 6% 0.5
16. Perl 6% 0.5
17. Elixir 6% 1.5

Always our largest section, we tracked 29 frameworks this year, with a few that we have tracked in previous years falling out of the survey (our cut-off for frameworks that are not growing quickly is 4% share).

The most obvious story in our framework data is the continued growth of React. With high satisfaction scores last year, we predicted it would continue to grow and that was borne out this year, hitting a new record of 71% share, the highest of any framework we’ve tracked in all 3 years. While there are many options for building a reactive web app, the enormous ecosystem around React continues to make it an easy choice for many.

Riding the tails of React’s popularity is Next.js, a full featured “kitchen sink” framework based on React. This year 47%, or nearly 1 in 2 developers say they used Next.js in some or many projects, and with a satisfaction score over 4.0 we expect to see it continue to grow.

Although we have been tracking it in our frameworks data, Vite is more of a bundler, competing with choices such as Webpack and Babel. It has been adopted as the default bundler for several other frameworks including Nuxt and SvelteKit, contributing to its high share, but its stellar satisfaction score is all its own.

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Language Used on "some" or "many" projects Satisfaction score
1. React 71% 2.9
2. Express 49% 1.7
3. Next.js 47% 4.2
4. jQuery 44% 0.3
5. Vue 33% 3.1
6. Vite 32% 9.7
7. Gatsby 28% 0.9
8. Nuxt.js 22% 2.7
9. Angular 2 20% 0.7
10. 11ty 19% 3.8
11. Svelte 19% 5.3
12. SvelteKit 15% 4.0
13. Jekyll 14% 0.4
14. Angular 1.x 14% 0.3
15. Hugo 13% 1.2
16. Preact 12% 2.0
17. Astro 11% 4.5
18. Remix 10% 2.3
19. Nest 9% 2.0
20. VuePress 8% 1.7
21. Gridsome 7% 0.8
22. Docusaurus 7% 2.5
23. Hapi 6% 1.0
24. SolidJS 6% 2.0
25. Sapper 5% 0.7
26. Stencil 5% 1.5
27. Quasar 4% 1.0
28. RedwoodJS 4% 3.0
29. Blitz.js 4% 3.0

Looking at the crowded bottom-left corner of the overall frameworks graph can hide some detail, so we take a closer look at frameworks at 10% share or less. In here are some older frameworks such as Hapi and Gridsome, but also some new entrants.

  • Remix jumped from 2% share in last year’s survey to 10% this year, and is an exciting new contender in the space. At the end of October Remix announced they have been acquired by Shopify so it will be interesting to see what effect that has on their trajectory.
  • Docusaurus does one thing very well and has been rewarded with consistently high satisfaction scores and modest growth.
  • SolidJS, a new entry to our survey, clocks in at 6% share.
Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Framework Used on "some" or "many" projects Satisfaction score
1. Remix 10% 2.3
2. Nest 9% 2.0
3. VuePress 8% 1.7
4. Gridsome 7% 0.8
5. Docusaurus 7% 2.5
6. Hapi 6% 1.0
7. SolidJS 6% 2.0
8. Sapper 5% 0.7
9. Stencil 5% 1.5
10. Quasar 4% 1.0
11. RedwoodJS 4% 3.0
12. Blitz.js 4% 3.0

We have found it instructive to look at how usage and satisfaction scores in our survey have changed from year to year. Keep in mind that these are changes; Next.js and Nuxt.js for example both have high satisfaction scores overall, just lower than last year. We split this graph into four quadrants.

A pattern we have seen every year is that frameworks that grow share usually lose satisfaction score while doing so. This makes sense: as more people adopt a technology, there are fewer enthusiastic early adopters, and more people using the framework for use cases that are outside of its sweet spot.

  • React and Next.js both show growth in share and loss in satisfaction, as expected.
  • Svelte and SvelteKit, another component-framework pair, did the same.
  • 11ty was the only purely static site generator (SSG) in our survey to show growth in usage share. For this reason we think 11ty is now the clear choice if a static site is your use case.

Technologies in the early phases of adoption tend to see rapid growth and users who get happier year on year.

  • As mentioned, Vite is seeing huge growth – it more than doubled its usage share from last year, while maintaining its high satisfaction score.
  • Remix, already mentioned, jumped from 2% to 10% share and increased satisfaction.

Occupying a quadrant almost by itself is jQuery. Anyone still using jQuery in 2022 is heavily invested in doing so and it shows.

Losing usage share and satisfaction score at the same time is bad news for project maintainers.

  • Gatsby has lost share in all 3 years of our survey, and its 0.9 satisfaction score indicates this trend is likely to continue.
  • Vue and Nuxt.js are new to this quadrant; in last year’s survey they were still growing. The continued growth of React and Next.js makes it difficult for similar alternatives to compete.
Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2021—2022
Show Chart Data
Framework Usage change (%) Satisfaction change Usage
1. React 2.9% -1.4 71%
2. Express -2.3% -0.2 49%
3. Next.js 3.8% -2.8 47%
4. jQuery -6.8% 0.1 44%
5. Vue -6.4% -2.1 33%
6. Vite 17.8% 0.1 32%
7. Gatsby -8.9% -1.0 28%
8. Nuxt.js -2.8% -2.9 22%
9. Angular 2 0.1% -0.2 20%
10. 11ty 1.6% -2.2 19%
11. Svelte 4.6% -0.2 19%
12. SvelteKit 6.9% -2.0 15%
13. Jekyll -2.5% -0.1 14%
14. Angular 1.x -1.3% 0.1 14%
15. Hugo -1.8% -0.1 13%
16. Preact 1.5% -0.7 12%
17. Remix 7.7% 0.9 10%
18. Nest 0.2% -0.6 9%
19. VuePress -0.8% -0.7 8%
20. Gridsome -1.5% -0.9 7%
21. Docusaurus 0.8% 0.6 7%
22. Hapi 0.4% -0.3 6%
23. Sapper -1.1% -0.5 5%
24. Stencil 0.7% -0.3 5%
25. RedwoodJS -0.3% 1.2 4%
26. Blitz.js 0.7% 1.0 4%

In addition to the current state of the Jamstack community, we also gathered some data about emerging trends, and tried to use our data to make some predictions about where we expect things will go in 2023.

The continued dominance of React in the web framework landscape seems set to continue, and we expect further growth from React and its allied Next.js in 2023. But React is only one of many possible ways to build a useful website.

If you’re looking for interactivity with high performance and a low resource footprint, such as if your user base is primarily mobile, you might want to look at Astro or Sveltekit.

As we mentioned already, if you’re building a static or nearly-static site, we continue to think 11ty is an excellent choice given its growth relative to other SSGs in the space.

We heard a great deal on social media in 2022 about Web3, so we included a couple of specific questions about Web3 technologies in this year’s survey (after running a small pre-survey, we did not include the Metaverse in our definition of Web3, as a majority of respondents did not think of it as part of Web3).

Overall, only about 10% of respondents said they had tried out any of the Web3 technologies we asked about. Applying the same “some or many projects” standard that we do when counting web frameworks, Web3 technologies did not cross 3% usage.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
None A few projects Many projects Most projects All
Bitcoin 89% 7% 1% 1% 1%
Ethereum 87% 9% 1% 1% 1%
Solana 93% 4% 1% 1% 1%
Other blockchain 89% 7% 1% 1% 1%
DAOs 93% 4% 1% 1% 1%
Other dApps 90% 6% 2% 1% 1%
NFTs 86% 10% 2% 1% 1%

Low usage is to be expected in an early technology, so we also asked sentiment questions. 13% of respondents did not know what Web3 was, while another third were neutral towards it. Of those who expressed feelings about Web3, those who were negative about it (31%) slightly outnumbered those who were positive about it (28%). If we translate this into the satisfaction score we use elsewhere in the survey, it would be 0.9, and we would expect Web3 to lose usage share in the coming year.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
In general, how do you feel about Web3? Count
I don't know what it is 13%
Strongly negative 18%
Negative 13%
Neutral 29%
Positive 20%
Strongly positive 8%

Browser-native Web Components were introduced 11 years ago but lacked support from all major browsers until roughly 2018. Since then, their adoption has accelerated notably, and while they are still not in use by the majority of our respondents we believe we can call them a solid choice in 2022.

Using the same standards we apply to web frameworks, native Web Components have usage of 32%. Even more positively, their Satisfaction Score is 4.3, so we expect rapid growth in the adoption of web components in 2023.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
Not aware of them 23%
Rarely and don't want to 16%
Rarely but want more 29%
Some and want fewer 5%
Some and want more 19%
Many and want fewer 1%
Many and want more 7%

The final trend we covered was the growth in serverless technology, sometimes also called edge computing. Last year we were taken somewhat by surprise to learn that serverless adoption had hit 46%, so this year we made sure to ask a more detailed question.

Using the standard we used last year of any adoption at all, serverless usage jumped from 46% to 71%. We expected growth, but that was much faster than we predicted. Applying our usual standard of “some many” projects we use for web frameworks, serverless technology is at 35% adoption, which relative to frameworks would make it bigger than Vue but smaller than Next.js.

We mentioned above that there was a big shift in the last year of people describing themselves as “full stack” developers from “front end” developers. We think the big jump in serverless adoption may be the explanation: serverless lets front-end developers build full-stack applications with a minimum of fuss, and the adoption has been so fast it’s changing how we describe ourselves.

Given the rapid growth since last year, we expect to see further growth in adoption and especially users moving from the “few projects” category into more serious usage.

Percentage of respondents

Source: Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Show Chart Data
None 30%
A few projects 36%
Some projects 18%
Many projects 12%
All 5%

Jamstack remains the standard architecture of the web

The evolution of the web as a platform continues to be rapid and exciting, with new technologies pushing the boundaries of what the web can do and how quickly developers can ship. We’ve also learned more about our community as human beings: where they are, who they are, and what motivates them.

We hope giving you a sense of the community you’re part of and the technologies that your peers use gives you a sense of place and some ideas about where you should put your time and energy in the next year.

Once again, we’d like to thank everybody who participated in the community survey.