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¿Is it finished or it's still a demo? 

The game is done, we (me and Bitmap Soft) are working on getting the game ready for a physical release. It should be coming soon.

Nice! I love that I was able to play right in my browser full screen with Gameboy controls without installing anything. Fun music too!

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This was really fun! It feels like an official game I would have played on my atomic purple Game Boy Color back in 2000! I can't wait until it's finished!

Nice work, just done the tutorial and had a look around the map, looking forward to delving further.

Cute, fun, and great music & art! Can't wait to play the full game :)

I'm glad this wasn't around when I was 8, because not having a GameBoy would have sucked even harder. It is STINKING CUTE <3<3<3

That means so much to me to hear that. Thank You.

Fantastic presentation and concept. Look forward to future updates.

Thank you very much. 

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This is fantastic, feels like it could have been a proper studio release for the GBC, really polished and charming, definitely playing some more of it!

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Thank you so much. This is exactly what I'm trying to create. A long lost game that was never released and only just discovered. 

Really good stuff, love your animation work!

Thank you.

Absolutely amazing demo. Graphics are on-par with most first-party Nintendo titles of yesteryear. Music is full of bopping tunes that always bring a smile. Your clever level design always feels fresh. You have a masterpiece on your hands, here, for certain!

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Thank you for those kind words, that's a lot to live up too. I will do my best.

Your graphics and environments are so good. I love the water lilies. You inspire me!

Thank you, that means a lot coming from you.

Lovely game! visually pleasing and cute

Thank you.