高 弘昇(こう ほんそん)は、京都情報大学院大学の教授[1]である。サーバーキャンパス整備事業として,「日韓にまたがるサイバーキャンパス」を設計し,実装した。
編集- Hong Seung Ko, Kyoung Sik Min: “Overseas Mobile Trends-The Republic of Korea”, White paper on Mobile Society 2006, pp.262-267, NTT, July 2006.
- Hong Seung Ko,: “Early Realization of Ubiquitous Society with going ahead the u-Korea Conception; Part 1, JIJI Press, No.254, p.13, November 2005.
- Hong Seung Ko,: “Early Realization of Ubiquitous Society with going ahead the u-Korea Conception; Part 2, JIJI Press, No.256, p.12, December 2005.
- T. Makino, R. Chiu, R. Adachi, T. Nakaguchi and Hong Seung Ko: “A Strategic Royal Marketing Model on e-Business-as a new generation marketing model, IFORS, July 11~15 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii USA[3]
- Hong Seung Ko : “Bottleneck and Way of Overcome in Small Internet Shopping Site, Seminar on the Excellent Case of Internet Shopping Mall and Successful Strategy, November 2002.
- Hong Seung Ko : “Business Plan on Japan-Korea e-Marketplace, Meeting room of MRI, March 2001.
- Hong Seung Ko : “The Practical Work for Driving e-Business, Small Business Training Institute, September 2000.
- Hong Seung Ko : “Step by step Build up Strategy of Shopping Mall Site, Seminar on Shopping Mall Site Build up and Management Techniques, November 1999.