There's quite a bit that I'd like to see from MasterPlan - here's a current running total of some of the bigger things I'd like to add.
- Shape Tasks. Shape Tasks would be used to plan out shapes for visualization. This could be useful for, say, planning out floor plans for level design or world map design.
Multiple "pages" to the Taskboard; that way you could easily segment your Board out without having to do so spatially.(This is now implemented, along with rename-able Boards.) It might be better to reimplement this as folders; that way, you can have a more visual, graphical means of arranging Boards / folders / projects, even within a single plan file.- Boards should be able to be partially transparent; that would work really well with Shape Tasks, as it would allow you to create shapes on different layers to visualize different floors of a floor plan.
- An abstracted map when you zoom out enough to make things easier to parse if you have a large board.
- Reworking how Tasks are edited. Currently, the Task Edit screen takes up the entirety of the screen; it'd be good to edit Tasks directly on the board, rather than opening up a new board.
- Git integration. It'd be cool if you could add specific text to Git commit messages and have MasterPlan automatically pick up on that to complete the related tasks in the software.
Undo and Redo definitely need to be added.This has been implemented for Tasks; still needs to be refined, as well as done again for text editing.Text highlighting within the text box editor.This has been implemented.- Juice - sounds and animations when moving or completing Tasks.
- Metrics - It'd be nice to get a pop-up indicating some metrics about your current Taskboard. For example, how many Tasks you have to deliver within x days, how many Tasks you must complete per day to stay on track, hour estimations for Tasks, etc.
- Rebindable shortcuts.
- Collaboration capabilities - it would be nice to be able to collaborate with others who are using the same plan. It might be good to simply auto-reload projects if changes are detected and attempt to merge changes; that way you could use external methods like VCS or shared drives to collaborate on the same file without having to add those kinds of capabilities into MasterPlan itself.
There's lots more that could be done, but those are just some things to start with.