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Issue trying to import VRM model

A topic by Vancyt created Dec 26, 2022 Views: 472 Replies: 8
Viewing posts 1 to 4

I'm trying to use a custom model but when I try to run the program with my new model then it crashes but it works fine with the default model. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, maybe is because I'm using arch, I have tried with 3 different .vrm models and nothing works. Note: The terminal message was bigger but I removed some parts because it was too large.

Warning: unable to auto-locate config files in directory named by "<auto>etc".

/$$rp not found, mounting from /home/santander/Downloads/Persepolis/Compressed/vtuber-webcam-linux-64/

[>] CORE                      Using native module "panda3d._rplight" 

:display: loading display module:

Known pipe types:


(all display modules loaded.)

:ShowBase: Default graphics pipe is glxGraphicsPipe (OpenGL).

:display: Created output of type glxGraphicsWindow

:ShowBase: Successfully opened window of type glxGraphicsWindow (OpenGL)

:device(warning): /dev/input/event6 is not readable, some features will be unavailable.

:audio: NullAudioManager

:audio: NullAudioManager

:display: Created output of type GLGraphicsBuffer

0 <v4l2.v4l2_capability object at 0x7f257c274cc0>

0 <v4l2.v4l2_format object at 0x7f257c274c40>

ArmatureNode Root

  BoneNode Hips T:m(pos 0 0 0.870035)

    BoneNode Pelvis.L T:m(pos -0.0993412 -0.0888959 0.0613308)

      PandaNode Pelvis.L_end T:m(pos 0.0993411 0.0888959 -0.0622012)

    BoneNode Pelvis.R T:m(pos 0.0993411 -0.088896 0.0613308)

      PandaNode Pelvis.R_end T:m(pos -0.0993411 0.088896 -0.0622012)

    BoneNode Spine 1 T:m(pos 0 0.0182909 0.13795)

      BoneNode Spine 2 T:m(pos 0 0.0148687 0.158002)

        BoneNode Spine 3 T:m(pos 0 -0.0151443 0.168631)

          BoneNode Neck T:m(pos 0 -0.0484962 0.187789)

            BoneNode Head T:m(pos 0 0.00337064 0.0764519)

              BoneNode Ear.L T:m(pos -0.0977745 0 0.216941)

                BoneNode EarTip.L T:m(pos -0.015766 -0.0019176 0.100786)

                  PandaNode EarTip.L_end T:m(pos 0.0224074 0.0358543 0.112352)

              BoneNode Ear.R T:m(pos 0.0977744 0 0.216941)

                BoneNode EarTip.R T:m(pos 0.015766 -0.00191784 0.100785)

chain "Ear.L" with 1 nodes was used to create a spring with 1 segments

chain "Ear.R" with 1 nodes was used to create a spring with 1 segments

chain "Mane 3" with 3 nodes was used to create a spring with 3 segments

chain "Mane A 1" with 3 nodes was used to create a spring with 3 segments

chain "Mane B 1" with 2 nodes was used to create a spring with 2 segments

chain "Ponytail 3" with 4 nodes was used to create a spring with 4 segments

chain "Ponytail A 1" with 3 nodes was used to create a spring with 3 segments

chain "Ponytail B 2" with 2 nodes was used to create a spring with 2 segments

chain "Ponytail C 1" with 3 nodes was used to create a spring with 3 segments

chain "Tail 1" with 6 nodes was used to create a spring with 6 segments

:pnmtext: Loaded font Perspective Sans Regular

 ST LIS3LV02DL Accelerometer [unknown] [0000:0000]

marionette thread started

./performer_mp -W 1280 -H 720 -P /home/user/.config/kitsune.ONE/ -s -c generic:0

Assertion failed: !is_empty() at line 228 of panda/src/pgraph/nodePath.I line 6:  6029 Violation of segment  ./vtuber_webcam ${*}


Is it a free model? Is it available for download? So I can test too.

I can't speak for the original poster, but I was able to replicate this while trying to test mouth tracking using this model:


I have updated an app so it doesn't crash on this model, but it still have some problems with physics bones, which I will try to fix later.

I'm having a similar problem with any model I try except for the default xbot one.

I tried a model which seemingly doesn't create any springs and it's the same ( )

Here are the logs for trying to load this model


I have updated an app, so now it works fine with this model.

All models I tried work like i charm now, ty so much for your great work.

A small bug, but it's kinda funny: When I switch avatars with the program running, the old one stays frozen at its last position, causing this


Yeah, I saw this bug and haven't figured out how to fix it yet. For now you have to restart an app when you change an avatar.

(1 edit)

I have the same Issue. I suppose its my model thats being problematic. is there a thing that i could try changing on my model so it works? or would it be possible to updaate it so it does work with my model?
my model is a complete clusterfuck because i dont know what im doing. so i most likely think i am the problem.

nope my program wont even launch with the standart model. something is much more kaputt than just the avatar

thank you and have a good day