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A member registered Jul 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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very soon! \o/


1. Yes, O and 0 are considered the same. Also i and 1.

2. Sadly no, Ctrl C and Ctrl V works fine on the desktop version, but doesn't work on WebGL. Something about not WebGL can't have access to the clipboard?

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Hi everyone! I'm a Unity dev with ~7 years of experience, looking forward to jam with a team!

If your team need help with programming, game design, implementing assets, or just need an extra pair of hands handling Unity stuff, feel free to contact me! (Here or on discord: zitta)

Thingies I worked on:

Sure! You can find me on discord (Zitta#9257 or zitta)

Thank you! Cards are made during the jam but music is made before


That's unfortunate :( Sorry I don't know a lot about Linux, but can you find the logs on your system? I know for Windows the logs should be in Users/*username*/AppData/LocalLow/LiquefiedFunctionalism/Orbs/

But if not, I'll try to make some debug functionality on the next build. Hopefully that'll help me identify the source of the issue.

I'm super sorry about this bug :(

Thanks! But unfortunately I'll have to do some research on those logs since it isn't my Unity scripts that are causing the bugs. Meanwhile I uploaded an windows build. Hopefully that'll works fine.

That's weird since those missing script shouldn't have break the game, and other then that there isn't any Unity related errors. I'll need to do some research on each lines of these logs. Meanwhile I have uploaded a windows build. Hopefully that will works fine.

Thanks for the information! However I fail to replicate it on my Firefox. Is it possible for you to check on your browser console when it happens again? (it should be ctrl-shift-K for Firefox or ctrl-shift-J for Chrome) It would be super helpful if you can send me a screenshot of your console!


Thanks for playing! Some sort of warning system does make sense. We will definitely add that in the update

Thanks for playing! We are making more atm :)

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it. We are still working on a longer version. Hopefully soon we will have something to show!

Yes. In the current version there is no "ending". The game will just go infinite after the storm.

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Nah I don't have Instagram. But you can dm me on discord (REDACTED) or send me emails (REDACTED)

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! We are considering to continue working on this project, so maybe there will be a post-jam version or even a full game!

Thanks for playing! The name is sort of a last minute decision. We just happen to come up with "ballad of los suenos" right before submitting :)

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Sure! We will be glad to help!

Nice! I wish rerolling the dice is automatic, and rolling a 6 feels really bad. But overall good job!

Great! Seems like the "points left" counter doesn't update until you start to spend points, and sometimes a wave ends even though there are still leftover enemies. But overall, good job!

It nice to see a fellow systematic game in this jam. Great visual and audio. The animation feels very slow tho, especially since everything are deterministic. Also, I wish I can see the effects of my current roll, so I don't need to do calculation every turn. Other than that, great work!

It's always nice to see a fellow systematic game in this jam. The style is consistent, and the visual and audio quality are good.

Some critique on the design: It seems like once I got a good attack card, I can safely discard/sell the rest, since there isn't a limitation on how often a card can be used. Because of this, finding a new card feels less consequential.

After I find the boss, the game won't let me explore anymore. This feels unintuitive, since I would really want to explore more rooms to get more powerful cards and buy more upgrades to prepare for the bossfight. And because I don't have any control on when to find to boss, it also feels arbitrary. (Although I don't know if the player will always find the boss after a certain number of rooms; if that's the case, it will be nice to have a counter to communicate that)

Some nitpick: Seems like the blood elixir is used for healing, but the text on the card reads "DMG: 9d4". That really throws me off.

But overall great work!

It's cute that your blocks can also collect coins for you!

Cool! I wish there is more indications of how much damage is being dealt and who are getting attacked etc. Without those I feel like I can't really optimize my placement, other than trying to heal missing health while doing the most possible damage.

The sound design is soooooo good!

Nice game!

Interesting... Seems like something went wrong when the game tries to read numbers from string keys.

It could be because of regional settings and number formatting. I never knew this is a thing. Maybe we will need a better way to parse string into float then. I will definitely do some research on that for the next build.

Today I learned something new. Thanks a lot for the log!

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That is very strange.

It should create a log in Users/username/AppData/LocalLow/DefaultCompany/PartyFinder. It will be super helpful if you can send me the log!

(You can just post it here or email me at [REDACTED])

Huh interesting... have never encountered anything like that. I'll look into it.

Also, we just uploaded a new version of the build. I tested it specifically for this problem and it was working fine. Please let us know if the new version doesn't work for you!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for the comments!

As for the banner, it's just a frame by frame animation.

It's a simple and fun game and I really enjoyed it a lot! For me the most enjoyable part is in the middle when I do not have to wait for platforms to scroll down and also do not have enough time to think carefully. But I do feel like it takes a little bit too long to get there and the scrolling speed quickly become out of hand after that. I think I will definitely enjoy it more if the game start with greater scrolling speed and the scaling is toned down a little bit.

Still, it's a really fun game! I like it a lot.

It's very satisfying to headshot enemy, I enjoyed it a lot. But I do feel like once I miss some of the shots and the enemies begin to get too close the only way to recover is to spam spacebar and forget about landing headshot until enemies are pushed far enough.

Also a target indicator should be nice. Sometimes I do happen to misjudge which enemy is going to be shot next.

Thank you! I'll definitely work on the heavy strike sound if I want to polish it more in the future.