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A member registered Jan 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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This is a cool game i love the concept but something in the game flow felt too slow for my opinion. I couldn't test what the new blocks do until i fit all the others and it makes the game feel not so well.

Great idea amazing job!!!

This is really cool game amazing job

Thanks. I'm glad to hear u were able to finish this level 😋

Thank u so mutch

Thank u for the replay

The art look really good and u got greate game loop 

This game looks really cool, love the art

I like this super fun game. I love the idea and the art. I found the rest button, so when i lost all the cards the game was a bit stuck.

This is short but amazing game it super pulish and fun amazing job

Thanks a lot

This is amazing game!!! great job!!! this is so simple and fun

The game idea is soooo cool but i the controls are super hard and i wasnt able to move propertly but i love the game idea and the movment

This is super cool game and amazing consept but its hard to control a bit...

This is cool game didnt understand how moving the window sould help me but i found bug that i close the window i start the game over...

This is really cool game great job

This is super cool game  I love the art style 

The idea is really cool i had some problem with the first opstical and the resat button didn't work for me

The game art was super cool. I wasn't able to buy anything because I didn't have enough cash. Something small you had in the shop was a manual on how to play the game, but if I want to see it, I have to understand how to move and interact with elements, so it's not really effective.

I love the game Idea but it was a bit too hard to control for me...

The problem I talked about was the bar and the movement.

I love the 'bigger tongue' but it was hard to control a bit, and it took me a long time to understand it through my mouse. I didn't finish the game; it was a bit too hard for me (I'm not a good gamer). I didn't understand how to kill anything, so all the doors with the enemy countdown were locked for me. I love the shooting bubble. It was really cool, but I didn't understand how it helped me. I was able to shoot this on one of the enemies and make him stop shooting me. That's all I figured out. I probably missed something.

I glad you tried the game and like the concept after the Jam i will fix it

(1 edit)

This really cool game. I love the design, but I had the same problem with it. The tongue mechanism (when the gum acts like a tongue or a snack) didn't feel good, and the snack bar looked half full when I didn't have move gum to use.

he movement was good on a small screen, but when I expanded the screen, the character stuck a bit maybe this is my computer...

Thank you for the replay. I agree with you. This is my first time making my main mechanic in a game based on physics, and the system didn't build so well, so I hope to have time and study it more so I can fix this. In my mind the player wasn't supposed to collide with the elements in the room, but I forogt change the player tag so they collide and make the game mutch harder and more luck than skills. About the music, I just forgot to chack the 'loop' chack box in for the music so it plays once (I will fix it after the jam).
I'm really glad you got to the end and found the bill cipher reference. I'll try to add him to some of my projects just for Easter eggs.

Thank u so mutch for playing the game 😋

This is really cool game the animation look AMAZING!!! All the art is looking so good amazing job. i had few problems like I didnt understand at first how to play the expnation in the touturial was too long for me, i wish the game would teach me as i play the game but this is a game jam so i get it but for next game i think it can be better. and i have same problems with the UI elements (i have really width screen), they didn't fit well on my screen... 
I think u can fix it if u would change the "Canvas Scaler" to "Scale with Screen Fit" and then u will write the resulotion you test the game with and then make sure the match slidder will be all the way to the Height couse in comupter games u want the game will fit to the Height and not the Width couse the Widht in must cases are the game.

Sorry for the long replay... but you have really good game

I love the music and the art; it looks really cool. I had a few problems with the game, like: I wish there was a tutorial that says what the goal is because in the beginning I didn't use any weapons and only blocks, and I felt like I was going to lose because I didn't understand how the game works. I also had a bug where one of the robots had stock in place after he broke the block stone, and I don't have any weapons on the screen. I can't read the game or the level.

Thank you so mutch

Thank u so mutch for playing, i'm glad u didn't give up 🤩 i will upload when the jam will end. I agree with u i planed to have  more hope i will have time to add more after the jam.

I'm looking forword to chack the changes u will do 😋

Wow this is one of the best game i played so far in this jam. great job. The art looks amazing, the idea super creative

I glad you enjoy the game overall and didnt give up 😋

I didn't know that thank u for telling me

(1 edit)

I'm glad to hear that. I agree with u i will fix it after the jam...

Thank u for playing the game. I agree with u, witch version of the game have you tried? thr fixed one or not? just so i know if i sould fix it again 😅

Yourwelcome. It's hard to explain, but I will try. The jump fall is a bit too fast; when I jump, the character goes up and starts slowing down, and when it gets to the end, the character starts speeding up and it makes the jump feel weird. The movement itself looks good, but I think the animation sequences make the character look like it goes one step forward and one backward, and it makes me feel like the character is a bit giddy.

Amazing idea geate way to use the theme this is really clever great job. i level 7 was too hard for me and i didnt understand many times why in one level i can scale the character in the box and is same level i cant. but this is amazing job!!!!

The game is sooo goood amazing job the only problem was it was hard to notic where i can walk where i cant couse the color was too similar to the background so i stock many times couse i didnt understand i was collid with someting or there is a path right next to me

This is really cool game it was a bit too hard for me but i'm not good with games also 😅

(2 edits)

First of all, thank you for planning the game, and I'm glad you enjoy most of it. I agree the 3rd level has the same problems. I tried fixing that,  but the export ended after the submission date, so...  The player sould not be colIid with the background element i forgort give the player the 'player' tag in unity...

I upload a new version, I wasn't able to publish it couse the export took too long.
if you will have time I would love to know what do you think about it... newest version