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A member registered Jul 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi Rae, thanks for comment!
I would say - stop waiting to learn and start learning :D

wow, really cool level design and use of the theme! Level 10 was awesome! I wish there were more levels where you could turn so big! Nice story too! 

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I love the controls and idea of controlling player without gravity.

Game has a nice challenge to it. Was difficult at start but once I got the hang of it was really fun to go through levels. 

Enemies that have more HP could be more distinguishable from the ones that have 1 HP.

I got to the boss level, which was kind of huge jump in difficulty, I thought I'm doing fine, but somewhat I softlocked myself :( Grapple and movement stopped working and enemies even thought they killed me I didn't get the end game screen

Nicely made! I really enjoyed the dialogs and sense of humor! Everything fits well together. Just wish there was bit more challenge to the game ;) 

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It seems that you haven't selected platform on your downloadable file, I can't use itch application to install your game:

Could you look into that? I believe it will help you with getting more ratings too!

Thanks for feedback! Indeed there is no limit for powerups, and if you get too much you become invincible xD We are very happy that you enjoyed it!

Thank you for your comment! I'm happy to see our inspiration is well noticed!

Nice game! Cool art style, everything fits together. I like how you made a topic of the game something important. I loved saving ocean creatures :) I just wish there would be more challenge to the game. You are swimming around sharks and they don't mind :D Haven't found any bugs, well done!

Wow, you did alot in such a short time, impressive! While environments and graphics are rich, controls of the character could be improved. I've also tried to go onto collision course with that huge ship, but the game crashed before we collided xDD Overall I had fun exploring!

Hey, I have 16:9 ratio and also giant square blocking my vision :( I also don't understand why I'm dying after few seconds of walking...

Pretty cool and creative idea! Good presentation and nice art style! Game is running well too! 
At the end though I wasn't sure if getting angry and using that wide range attack doesn't kill me too in some way? I feel that difficulty level is rising too quickly. And these doors sure have lot's of HP :D Sometimes I didn't realize what killed me ;)

oh, so there is final boss? I'm gonna try again :D

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I always liked rhythm games, and I'm shocked how well you mixed it up with 'breathing' - very creative! Technically also well done, good job!

Only advise I can think of - maybe make the frog gain levels faster? Besides, great experience! 

quite interesting experience, I was able to "miss" level 5 :D Nice work with the shaders! red eyes got me scared! Pretty good job overall, only jumping felt janky. Very creative.

Extremely well done! I had fun catching bugs :D When session is over you have that feeling "just one more"! Besides good design and visuals, well incorporated theme, feels like complete product! There isn't a single thing that I could point out to improve, amazing!

Wow, it's crazy how much you did in 10 days! Kinda similar setup to our game but completely different approach! I like how it incorporates horror theme. Well polished too! Would be nice to have some ambient music that could inform when danger is close by. I managed to somehow softlock myself in closet xD somehow the oxygen pipe got disconnected while I was hiding inside, and couldn't leave anymore :D Regardless, good job! Congrats!

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First I struggled to kill even one enemy, so I tried tutorial, and still struggled.
Then I tried using technique from Jana below, it got pretty fun :D but lost feel in my fingers quickly :D
Then I combined both ! and damn, this game is freaking awesome! It screams for controller support! Controls could be bit more polished, but overall you got me from feeling disappointed to be blown away in 15 minutes :D
edit: music is simple but cool too! good job guys!

Well made and polished! Surprised there is a story too! Definitely see some portal inspiration ;) 

I loved the fact that you can shoot down bullets coming at you, very satisfying! Boss fight was the type of challenge I'm looking for in any game! Good job!

PS. Not sure if that's intended - but if you unlock exit and die before leaving, it will be shown after restart.

Hey juwambo! Totally agree on music part xD I should set the volume lower by default. Thanks for feedback!

Hey! Thank you for comment! Indeed Binding of Isaac was our heavy inspiration. We had more enemies planned but didn't manage to put them into final build :(

Thank you for testing and feedback! We didn't had much time to polish the difficulty, you can try going to side rooms to get stronger before going higher - with each color the difficulty is rising

Thank you for feedback! To be honest I didn't had much time for balancing the difficulty and testing it so I'm very happy to ready your comment! There are also no limits, if you collect enough at some point your character is just walking death killing entire room in one click! :D (so much that it breaks the sound in game lol)

Thank you for trying out our game and useful feedback! We are considering continuation of development for this title :) It was my first game jam and I'm super happy with the results and proud of our team :) 

Very well made! Good music and presentation. If there would be anything to improve, I would say it's bit too easy for me. What's happening on level 12 should be happening on level  7 :) Regardless, good job, congratulations!

Hello noneex ! Thank you for trying the game and your feedback!
I agree I could do better job at explaining the duct tape - the idea behind is that the backpack has separate hurtbox and health points. Every time it gets hit, the air is starting to leak, and you can use duct tape to patch that leak. 

very well implemented theme of the jam! Creative, cool level design! Simple and fun!
In later levels it's easy to get lost, would be nice to have some indication on where is the exit, but maybe that's just me :)

haha, quite funny game! Bit too easy though, after sucking entire world I still had like 40 seconds left on the clock :D But it is surprisingly well made! Good job!

haha, quite funny game! Bit too easy though, after sucking entire world I still had like 40 seconds left on the clock :D But it is surprisingly well made! Good job!

Really cool and creative idea! It could do better job at explaining how to play, move, avoid attacks and so on. But once you get a grip, it's pretty damn satisfying! It gives me Ninja Gaiden feeling.

With that said, performance is bit bad, especially with many enemies on the map. I loved the VS with the master and the village.

I can see this becoming a full time project, adding some ways to link the combos would be nice.

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Hello Everyone,

Currently global leaderboards and some radar functions are not working in web version :( sorry for that!
They are perfectly fine in windows build though!

Awesome! Thank you for quick reply! Have a wonderful day!

Hey CodeRedYT!
This project is pretty amazing! If it's not too much to ask - could you help out fellow developer here and give me some hint or direction how to create working leaderboard working in web version? :) I have mine running on http web requests and it just won't work :(

pretty impressive, cool idea!

Happy I could give some valuable feedback! Thanks for shoutout! ;) 

Hi Mate,

It does makes a world of difference! It feels so much better now!

Also, I think I found a bug, after completing few levels I went back to main menu, and tried to select levels - but only first one was available ;) not a big issue for small game though

quite fun!

Bit strange how dog slows down in air after you let go of the lynch.

I can get crazy speeds on it when using right mouse button, but moment I let go that speed is reduced to normal jumping speed. Just an idea, would be fun to be able to fly over long distances like this :)

Really cool small game!
Quite difficult too! Well made.

Probably it was design decision, but I find it hard to see the traps while trying to avoid flying bullets :D