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A member registered Jul 16, 2015 · View creator page →

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Try now! I don't have a handy copy of an older version but I can rebuild it from a previous state of the code base.

I've reverted all the changes I made and reuploaded B.Carve.aex to right before I started making my changes! You should be able to download it again and replace your current one without any of the newer changes I made.

4k would take a very long time to seam-carve and it might even appear to hang at times due to how long it can take to process. Just reducing by 25% would be something like 3'628'800 carving iterations! I have some optimization ideas though to get it to re-use work across frames which would drastically increase this speed, but it may take some time unfortunately.

Does it still work on smaller frames or at half/quarter res? Is it crashing or just hanging?

Haven't added it just yet! I'd have to add support for different color-distance functions generally, but that's next on my list! Turns out this has been a "todo" for quite some time too and I'd like to come out with a bunch of distance functions all at once!

Hey! Yesterday's update was a minor change to react to some submitted bugs and potential-bugs as I refactor the code base and respond to some feedback and suggestions. It also adds a couple new color palette options(Flipnote DSi, Flipnote 3DS). Currently the "build date" is the best way to identify which version you have , by right-clicking an instance of the plugin and going to "About", with the latest being September 8th!

You're correct though that I should make it easier to both identify your current build and see what's new when I push updates and I should try out the Dev Log feature more to communicate this better.

Hey there! Sorry this took a bit. I just updated the Windows build with both a Flipnote DSi and a Flipnote 3DS color-palette! MacOS will be updated soon too.

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I've fixed some bugs and uploaded a new version! You can be certain that it's the latest version if you right-click and go to About and ensure the build date is September 8th! It can still be very slow on larger frames, but I'll work to do some big optimizations I've been meaning to do in due time.


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Hey! Thanks for trying out my plugin. It's been a while since I've worked on this plugin so it's already due for a big clean-up and refactor!

Edit: Found the bug! Looks like any time the plugin takes more than 4294967295 nanoseconds to render a frame(about 4.3 seconds) it will error out. Expect a patch soon!

Ohh this looks like a good idea and wouldn't be too hard to implement at all from the looks of it. I'll heavily consider it!

(2 edits)

The effect is working correctly, but the layer itself is scaled down to .7 of its original size so After Effects introduces additional filtering and averaging and sub-pixeling.

Try clicking this "/" symbol until it is stair-steppy to disable the additional filtering that After Effects introduces.

When you render it out, be sure to use "Current Settings" when exporting so it does not re-introduce that additional filtering anymore.

Another solution is to apply it to an adjustment layer rather than this scaled-down layer.

Ah we're getting somewhere! SaiThumbs might not be handling the external drive properly. Did it use to work for your external drive before and now it isn't? Maybe try running Disk Cleanup and clear your thumbnails cache like so:

Can you tell me some information about your system?

I don't have a lot of information at the moment to look at this issue much further unfortunately...

Oh jeeze sorry this is happening.

Is this correlated with configuration or system changes that have happened recently like a Windows-Update or driver-installation of some sort?

It should already be compatible! Are you getting an error of some sort?

Hey! Does the issue seem to happen even with a very minimal case scenario? (a still image or simple animation)

I want to try and re-create the issue on my end so I may look into it!

Hey there! Another user here might have had a similar issue as yours. Does enabling the "EnableLUA" registry-setting fix the issue? It might be that it does not have proper permissions. Be sure to run the installation scripts as an administrator as well.

I am facing the error problem only in deep glow & displacer pro

I am not the author of Deep Glow & Displacer Pro, these are made by

Unless you are having this issue with B.Carve or PixDither, you should be reaching out to them for support.

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What I am saying is that I notice of all the plugins you mentioned not working suddenly are exclusively GPU accelerated, but you're saying some non-GPU accelerated ones are having the same issue. You've made a post both on PixDither and on B.Carve though which is adding to the confusion. Another user on another one of my GPU-accelerated plugins seemed to have a similar issue here.

One way to diagnose the issue is to upload the log file somewhere to see what's going on:

Try uploading the `.crash` file somewhere for me to inspect. In the meantime I might suggest updating/reinstalling your graphics drivers and perhaps even the latest Visual Studio C redistributable(the x64 link in this case) in case that is a possible cause.

So this is a PixDither issue? Not B.Carve?

You mention that Deep Glow and Displacer Pro are having this issue in your image. Are you getting with with B.Carve too?

You made another post over on PixDither as well so I am not sure how to interpret your issue.

It sounds like you are having issues with GPU-accelerated After Effects plugins in particular, which might indicate issues with your graphics driver.

 Some others have had situations like this and some have had luck by just right-clicking the plugin file and clicking "Open" at least once. Try some of these solutions!

Is there any other thing that might have happened that correlates to when it stopped working? I'm getting a little stumped as to what it might be now after doing some more digging😥. Would you be able to provide a sample .sai file(it could just be a blank canvas or a squiggle or something) that fails to generate a thumbnail in explorer? What version of Sai are you using?

I've uploaded a new build with some more recent fixes that you may try out! Let me know how it goes. 

You can be sure that you have the latest build by right-clicking the .dll file and going into the "Details" panel to ensure the year is 2023 rather than 2018(The previous build was from 2018 and lots of fixes have happened since then.

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Hmm still looking into this, what version of Windows are you currently on? Had you upgraded your Windows version before it stopped working?

Hey! Just to make sure, are you using or When you extract the installer files and run the installer, is the .dll located somewhere stable such as next to your Sai installation folder?

Have you tried clearing your thumbnail cache? You can clear your thumbnail cache by running "Disk Cleanup" and selecting "Thumbnails" before cleaning. This should get Windows to re-generate all of the thumbnails entirely and invalidate any that it may already have.

You're so very welcome! So glad to help!

Can you please post a screenshot or something of the issue? I am not sure what specific error message you are running into. Is this similar to the issue other people have mentioned in the Bug-Thread where the solution is to right-click and press "open" on PixDither.plugin at least once?

PixSort community · Replied to Wunkolo in Bugs

Just following up to say that PixSort now supports Apple-Silicon MacOS!

For sure. To initiate a refund, please contact support with your Transaction ID and they can process the refund.

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Seems to be related to the fact that the application is "technically" unsigned and MacOS wants you to allow it explicit permissions, but it is not clear how to do so for a plugin. Some others have had situations like this and some have had luck by just right-clicking the plugin file and clicking "Open" at least once. Try some of these solutions!

Just updating to say that PixDither now works with Apple-Silicon based macs!

Apple-Silicon support has been added as of today! Thank you all for your patience 🙏🙏 Let me know of any new bugs you may have ran into over on the bugs thread!

Haha really I tried my best to ask around for a machine to remote into and even tried to setup a Virtual Machine of some kind using VirtualBox and Docker and such but it turned out to be too much of a headache that just refused to provide a stable workspace since Apple really only wants OSX software to be compiled on OSX hardware! So I just bit the bullet and bought a minimum-viable 8GB M2 Mac Mini and it should be coming today! Before, I used a Virtual Machine on my Intel workstation but with the latest Apple-Silicon stuff...that is no longer feasible so it's about time I just give in and get some Mac hardware around as a build and test server. Expect an Apple-Silicon port either the end of this month or the first half of march. I'll be sure to be loud about it once it's done!

PixSort community · Replied to Madnizz in Bugs

Apple-ARM support is currently in the works! Aiming for a release this half of the year.

I'll try for this half of the year for sure.  I can guarantee at the very least I want to try and get an OSX Virtual Machine setup and try to cross-compile some kind of ARM version for people to at least try and test, even if I don't have the hardware myself.

No news just-yet on a proper Apple-ARM release. I have yet to have access to Apple's proprietary compilation toolchain to assemble together a proper release though I might be able to set up an updated x64-based virtual machine or utilize a remote build server like GitHub actions and cross-compile an Apple-ARM build from it but won't be able to test and verify the ARM build on actual hardware.

Once I can secure a proper development pipeline though, I'll be updating all of my Pix-series plugins over to support Apple-ARM.

Oh wow that's a curious bug. Could you provide any more info relating to this like your GPU and driver version and such in the Bug Thread?

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This seems to be an artifact with trying to accumulate some very flowy vector-field values onto a raster pixel grid, causing it to "miss" some pixels while integrating streamlines. Basically, it will increment the current pixel into the next pixel by sampling the vector-field, but will "miss" the diagonal pixel that it may have touched along the way without knowing that it crossed two pixels rather than one. 🤔

This might take some time to figure out how to remedy without breaking previous projects(and hypothetically adding custom vector field support), but I'll try and look into it without changing the core algorithm too much.

For now, one way to remedy this is to put the PixSort on its own layer with "Interval Matte" view mode and use the "Median" filter with a 1px radius and enable the "Operate On Alpha Channel" option

PixSort community · Replied to ryting in Bugs

For sure! Sent it over 👌Sorry for the trouble.

PixSort community · Replied to ryting in Bugs
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Hey there! I responded to your email as well. Unfortunately PixSort does not currently support ARM-based M1/M2 Macs. 😖This is stated on the page for PixSort as well.

If you'd like I can begin the refund process for your purchase.