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(this is the same build as web version. i tried it out a couple of minutes but it is not testet thouroughly at all. also i never made a web build before... so try at own risk). but at least it should be playable for you now. just remember: save/load might crash the game on web so don't try it
I really enjoyed playing the nexus grave. the ui (especially inventory system and levelling) was the star for me. very elegantly solved. on i side note i tried to pick up the first mushroom i saw for like a couple of minutes until i realized that you can't ;-) an option to disable the fog would have been nice. for me personally, i would like to disable it because my orientation sense is not great and seeing less of the level doesn't help it. i also had a hard time finding the stairs when on a platform above it. you can't see them from a distance. i played for over half an hour and sadly had to stop on a bug. the cursor was spinning endlessly as a sandclock and i could not fight anymore. i could reproduce this bug. if you spam the attack button a lot it keeps happening. aside the remarks, this is a very, very well made dungeon crawler