But hey, thanks a lot!
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I love the message of the game. It's not your typical "get to the end of the level" platformer. In every single second of the game, you feel like you're working toward something. Something meaningful.
The visuals are great. Art is simple but clean, and that's a good thing. Colors make it easy to understand what's safe and what's not. Animation is simple, but still makes the world feel like it's not stagnant. Like it's... real.
The worldbuilding makes the game feel surprisingly immersive. I enjoyed each and every different area, and the personalities of the people, which differs from area to area--progressing and seeing the world changing, leaving people behind and meeting new ones, really sells the fact that you're not there to stay, and just "passing through". It makes it feel as if you're making progress and doing something productive.
Overall, well done.
BTW: Who's Mikey?
Really cool game! Would be a lot more responsive though if there's some coyote time and jump buffering (emphasis on the jump buffering, it doesn't feel that great when I press the spacebar just a bit too early and he doesn't jump) other than that great game! Really polished and I like the screen shake, the visuals too :) Great work!
Hey guys! I just wanted to say, I'm so happy to have participated in this jam! I've played and rated so many games, and also had my game played, it's been such an experience for me. I truly feel like I've grown so much as a developer. I feel honored to know that I am one of the thousands who joined this jam... thank you fellow jammers and a big thank you especially to Jonas! 🎉🥳
Hey my game's made in Godot too!
Hope you enjoy!
The Paper Square - By ClumsyDog | Rate for rate!
Thanks for playing! 🎉🎊
Very nice visuals (I see from other comments no on talks about it, so there :)) The gameplay is cool, but something I noticed was that asteroids would pass in front of the UI, so I couldn't see how much energy I had left. SFX are pretty satisfying. With some more polishes this could be released as a mobile game!
Thank you for your feedback! I agree, I've gotten other feedback similar to this and I'm not sure what the right fix should be. Possibly a checkpoint system that respawns you in a new location if you get far enough? Well, if I keep brainstorming I'll find the best solution sooner or later. Thanks for playing! Hope you enjoyed it :D
- Really spend your time polishing your game. Building levels can be done another time. Though if there are only a few hours left and your game has absolutely no levels, then I suggest you get started. Unlike me, who foolishly threw all of the game's levels together in the last hour of my time budget. That was not fun.
One good game design trick I've heard of is to strip the game of its level design, visuals, and sounds, (essentially turn the player into a square and trap them in a box) and if the player feels good and fun to just move around and can keep your attention even with no real objective or challenge, you've got yourself the foundation of a great game.
- You have to make them interested in your game. What good is a great game if the player doesn't notice it among all the others? There could be some true gems hidden here and there that don't get noticed because of the lack of a cover image and a catchy title. That's why marketing and communication are important for your game to get seen and played.