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A member registered Jun 07, 2024

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Echo is the second VN I play after Adastra and is the game that sent me into FVN rabbit hole. I finish this game about a month ago now and it's still on my mind; what a wonderfully written world and character we got here and apparently this game has been in development since 2019 finished in 2021, what and old game. It's a real shame most people will never get to read this becasue of how niche it is but I doubt it will ever be forgotten by the community anyday soon either.

Without spoiler what I say about the game is that it's set out to do what it's want really well. This is a horror game and it's been a while I feel scare going to a bathroom when the light is turn off especially when you play past midnight, You might also learn something about trama love and red flag. At first I was only going to play TJ and Leo route when the brance come up because who have time to play every route right? but then I finish TJ and feel bad for Flynn so I play him next and oh boy, before even half way through I said to my self "Oh no, I'm going to have  to play every route now isn't it." Each route is different and that is not what I expected at all and in each you learn more and more about echo and your friend, a part out of corner in one route but will smack you in the face this route with different context and perpective. My order is TJ>Flynn>Jenna>Carl>Leo I heard you're not suppose to play TJ first from some comment later but you know it happen and I think you should still play whatever character you care about most when that brance come since you will actully care about what happening to chase and that character. And after the first two I'm glad I play Jenna and got happy ending lol.

I think TJ is the best route because TJ is the best boi. Leo, Flynn, Jenna and Carl follow. Not that Carl route is badly written but I connect with him the least despite understand him since his route go to place a bit far from many other main character but I get why this happen. Also having one not very useful side character is not help while in other route the side character is all wonderful. One day I'll be back to play TJ route again and maybe more if I feel like it. The only reget I have is a habit of mine to read too fast sometime and go through a scene before I can feel all the emotion. If you're about to play this game take your time, stop between the line and listen to music and reflect on what you are feeling. There won't be many game with story like this and trust me you don't want to hurry along to the finish line and I can't forget to mention the music, it's simple beautiful and add to overall feeling and tone when you finish this game and come back to listen to a song it's just cathartic.

I do believed the best story is the one that can evoke feeling of love Joy and sorrow at the same time. And that for me make this one of the great game that I ever got a chance of experiencing.