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A member registered Nov 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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The knockback sending you flying 100 feet away destroying trees in the process is an inspired choice, I love it.

It's a cool concept with an interesting game flow. It became overwhelming pretty fast as I'm not great at these types of puzzlers but I stuck it through as long as I could and saw some of the real levels. I'll also echo the calls for a nicer control scheme and some resolution settings so it's easier to appreciate all the good art but I know gamemaker is unfriendly about resolutions.

It's a very interesting world you've built here. I was so busy running around talking to people I didn't realize there was fighting going on until I was being shot. Then I spent my time exploring around just seeing what all there was to see.

Saved the marriage, saved the power plant, crashed the plane for fun. I'm going down a hero, boys!

The screen-wrapping is a great way to change modes. It's a very natural, intuitive, almost diegetic way to handle it over allowing the player to switch through just a button press. It's good game feel.

I liked the slug but he did not like me back. We bonded so well over our lack of passion for sluggassin's creed and everything. Why slug? My poor heart.

I think the pose mode is a really neat addition to the format, I always looked forward to the next pose mode, especially on higher difficulties. Main thing I think would help the most would be some better depth perception, even something like a drop shadow would help a ton. Solid work!

Sweet and to the point. I do appreciate all the little things you added to the UI to make the game look fun, though. It really goes a long way into making a regular concept pop and you've demonstrated that really well here.

Gotta be honest, I just spent my play time zipping around with the grappling hook. There's some good momentum and swinging going on that I got more than my fun just screwing around with that.

A simple runner done well, and integrating simple physics into it is a nice twist. I appreciate being thrown in and left to fend for myself in the chaos.

It was really chaotic until I found out how the modes changed, then I fell into a bit of a zen state running around and shooting. There's a nice art style here and some good chunky sound effects too. I think you have some excellent fundamentals that could scale out well.

The art is good, capturing the cartoon style very well. I didn't find it too difficult though I did tank through with the help of a few cat credits. I wish there was a greater distinction between the shotgun and rifle, but I can't be too upset considering how easy the rifle was to acquire. There's a solid foundation here for something more, so you did a job well done!

The sound design was good and sold much of the concept for me. While the movement speed feels sluggish, it works well within the tight confines of the play area. Nice entry!

This is a lot of fun. Nothing else I can add here matters because it's just a lot of fun.

You got a nice NES aesthetic going on and pretty simple controls to match. It was a really smart move to theme the different worlds with different colors and materials as well to make it really obvious to tell which one you're in. It's a fun small game!

A highlight of the jam for sure! The art style is great and pairs well with the farming sim style. The movement has some heft to it and the guns have some weight to their sounds. The two different modes play into each other very well; their integration with each other so important the game couldn't work without both. You guys did an excellent job!

The fundamental platforming on this was good. You got the physics, the smoothness, just a nice feeling movement system down and I appreciate that. It adds so much to a platformer.

Cool idea and implementation! Even though the modes feel redundant and it was a little buggy as I got to manipulate the inputs to get me bonus actions, it was fun and the soundtrack bops hard enough to carry the experience.

I want to give a little appreciation to the level design in this. There's some good variety in the stages reminiscent of the old collectathons, the levels are pretty open and can be approached however but there are still directions given to help you easily and cleanly get to all the grass on each stage. I barely needed the arrow to help find the last stuff which is how I know you did good.

This is a real cool idea! It was quick to intuit what to do even without reading the instructions too much. I'm not much of a match 3 player so I'd swap between the different modes decently often, building a path, navigating it, then matching again until I can get closer.

Always nice to see the music theory interpretation of mode out and about. Interpreting it as literal combat modes is a nice layer too. I was a little sad to only see the 2 modes but I get it, so I'm interested in seeing your interpretation of Phrygian or Lydian should you continue this.

I like that you chose to integrate modes as both an alternate approach to gameplay and as difficulty rather than as only one or the other. It helps add some life and uniqueness.

Game feel and AI are such tricky things to get down in such a short period of time, aren't they? I know you did a pretty good job capturing that chaotic fun feel on Grow BIG so credit to you.

You understood the assignment. You made an awesome game around a unique concept that's a lot of fun to play. You nailed it.

Good work! I think the concept is interesting, a neat interpretation on modes. Desiring soup is very important and seeing that idea explored throughout the game was enjoyable. I had fun!

Some really strange vibes on this, and the instrumentation in the music is cool and unique.

I haven't punched so many trees since Minecraft.

I got the streamer to vape constantly and people loved it. Good game!

I like the sprite work! Definitely elevated when I saw there was shotgun mode.

Cool piece you got here! I appreciate the pacing, level design, and bit of tension towards the end. It's a surprisingly full experience given the time constraints so you ought to be proud of that.

I want to mirror some previous comments, the art style is really nice and I think you have some solid fundamentals to work with, and those two things will take you a lot further than you'd think. I'm also a fan of the scribbly guy that crashed the game when I hit him, that was funny.

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I could get about 12 dishes before becoming overwhelmed. I apparently do not have what it takes to be a gourmet artist. Or serve ice cream. Fun concept!

The mech is pretty cool. I think an over-the-shoulder camera would work nice for the gameplay and to help get a good look at the nice assets a bit better.

Sorry if it seemed obtuse. I designed the game to drop you into the middle of the systems, experimenting with them for the 10 minute timeframe being the main point rather than winning or losing the fight. While I personally like that style, I get that it's not for everyone. I do agree that additional clarity around damage and damage feedback would really help; it's been recurring feedback too. Thanks for giving it a try!

I had fun! The mechanics and fundamentals are good if a bit stiff. Being able to switch between original and remastered modes during the menu and credits too is a really nice touch; I appreciate details like that.

Really good presentation on this one, fun too with some intricacies in the multiple jumps. Wasn't really expecting a platformer, kinda puzzly type from the name but I'm happy that's what I got!

I'm a big fan of the sprite work and style going on. It feels very professional and modern.

All the settings being locked away and requiring their restoration is probably one of the strongest implementations of the theme I've seen in the jam so far. It's pretty inventive!

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Yeah, feel free to punish the opponent for getting stuck. Take any advantage you can get because just between you and me, I think he cheats.

The AI is a behavior tree. Here's a link to a screenshot of what it looks like because it's technically spoilers It's pretty bulky but it is very powerful and highly reusable. I don't know if you are familiar with the structure specifics but it shouldn't be hard to feel out in either case. There's a wiki article on it too if you were curious.

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It was a lot of fun! I mirror the other comments regarding the art style and vibe, it's a pretty specific older feel. Somehow got M ranks first try but only on the odd numbered levels.

Side note on the slowdown stuff, it could be the windows gamemaker scheduler issues that have plagued the space for some years now. There's a dll fix somewhere that might be worth looking into.