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Tofu Sheets Visual

A member registered Apr 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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The padlock is the only interactable thing. If you pay attention to the story, the secret to what the padlock's code is is hidden within the playlist. The numbers corresponding with the songs on the tracklist, what kind of songs does Shelly like? There are two endings, one for solving the puzzle and one for not. 

Hi! Due to some unforseen circumstances in my life, I have not had the time for game testing or much dev. So I had been unable to look over the build. I went ahead and told El to post it at her latest convenience. So while I am not sure when it'll be up, it should be up soon, and properly labeled as "[Accessibility Build]"

Thanks for playing! Glad it was enjoyable despite the short length!

Also yeah, playing the Mage is one of the most useful classes, but Thief as well as you can finish a lot quicker since you can skip finding keys haha (and for non-mages, there is a way to still make it out if you're nice to a certain fluffball lol). 

I would've loved to make the mech game too, I do have the script still so I'll just have to make that game another time. This was a fun experiment I'd love to do again for a more serious experience and better graphics, and actually layer sprites over background images as I was really inefficient here haha.

Yeah, I would have loved to add music beyond the menu but I wa just so tired I was like screw it, lots of super old cRPGs had no music anyway xD

Always an honor to see a review from the jam leader himself! Glad you enjoyed it despite the short length, even finding it more of a blessing rather than a hindrance! 

Thanks! ^^

Hi. What the hell did I just play? lol. I left my review on the vote page, but man, definitely another one up there with your other classic shooters. I also want to add I really liked that one room where it showed boxart of all your games. That was cool.

This was an absolute janky mess. I loved it lol

That dodge roll was hideous. I liked the mechanic of enemies going into slow mo when you aim. Billy's voice was so distorted, thankfully there were subtitles or else I'd be like ??? The night vision level was absolutely creepy. And the twist at the end? My head was like fhdufhudhfdud man and I thought I was the queen of mind-numbing plot twists, perhaps I was wrong.

If I had any complaints, the bear was the first and HARDEST boss. I had to fight that bastard like 5 times before I passed lol. Well the first was 3 times, but then I accidentally hit quit game when the menu came up when I died in the following level, so I had to redo it twice lol. So the menu coming up after you die when you're still shooting stuff evidently is problematic haha. I thought the hippos were too loud, I'd probably bring their volume down a little as it was a bit grating.

Also, twas a pleasure to voice the hostile woman, when I saw the character model though I was like is that Lara Croft? LOL

Overall, thoroughly enjoyed this absolute mess of a game. It felt unforgiving at times, but it also wasn't too long where redoing sections was too much of a chore. 

Thanks for your review! I wish I had added more music too, but by that point I was too tired to find anything lol. I almost didn't even put menu music. Though perhaps post-jam I could add a little more music. 

Thank you! One thing about SBIG is it allows you to experiment, and making a "dungeon crawler" in Ren'Py was a fun thing to experiment with, probably a concept I'd love to do for a serious game someday.

This thing was an absolute, total mess! Sometimes I had no idea what was going on and if I was actually choosing cards or not. The sounds oddly worked, the cards were of so many styles, the ghost was really cute. Absolute mess, brilliant!

The settings black out on me which sucks as I wanted to go to my save (I like to save before final choices), so I hadn't gotten to the part where you pick a partner, but overall this had a surprising high quality style to it, but it also feels really random yet no disjointed. The way the speed dating is conducted is so messy as they only ask like one or two basic questions before throwing you at the tables, so talking to people felt less like dates and just trying tp seedrun knowing everyone in the room. The fact one of the dates was a giant lizard who can't even talk was hilarious. Also the horror noises going on in the kitchen was quite disturbing haha, I did not expect the sprinkle of horror atmosphere. Running it on the browser is slow, and it says my browser doesn't support video playback in that mode, so I do recommend making a downloadable build as it was quite choppy for me. Also, nice to see a fellow Ren'Py user!

Hi, we cannot give a definitive date yet. There's been a lot of IRL stuff that has been taking my time so I have not had a lot of time to sit and test the game. I will definitely try to get it done before the year is out though!

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If you're using the newer engines (RPGMaker MV and I think MZ does the same), there is a nifty feature where you eject all unused assets so only assets that appear in the game will be present (so no bloat). This not only saves on filesize, but would be able to meet the requirements of O2A2 if you were to make it into a visual novel. This is a feature used when you pack your game, where you checkmark exclude all unused assets ^^

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I really enjoyed this short little piece! I must admit, though, it felt like it was too short and could have been fleshed out more, but the concept was really interesting and I like the dilemma Viola feels after seeing her wish and prayer granted. The fact that it was a prayer is also what attracted me to this game, and....


Even if Viola chooses to stay in the wish, she has a nagging feeling this isn't right, like she is living in a dream she has no right to be in. And although praying for the wish to be reversed is bittersweet, she no longer feels the sting of unrequited love and I like to believe maybe Viola found her true happy ending. I would like to think the prayer being granted in the first place and the nagging feeling Viola had was to make her think carefully about what she prays for, as her first prayer "make him fall in love with me" is not a good idea in the least, and if it meant living with that nagging feeling all her life -- it's not worth it. 

Also, kudos to the voice acting! That was a special treat added to the game!

I'm glad you ended up enjoying it!

I was amazed at the depth of this story. How clicking on different objects triggered a different memory for Rachel. I found 94 of 104 memories, so I'll definitely go back to grab the other 10. But it was very emotional, not only learning what happened to the crew, but it felt really personal since it was through the memories of Rachel. I like how it totally breaks the "show, don't tell rule" because you're literally having Rachel tell you about this and that, and yet it feels so immersive and real since the concept is learning what happened through the eyes of one of the ship's crewmates, so it felt quite realistic. This story definitely is worth a look!

Hello again! Unfortunately, I do not know too much about accessibility scripting. Although I have used Ren'Py for years, I am still learning how to do a lot of features. I could ask my co-creator if she knows how since she is more advanced than me when it comes to code. 

It just has one, you just have to solve the combination of a lock.

Happy anniversary to the game that game that made us friends!! ^^

Also ooh..... I'm liking what I am seeing for the new project ~

I am so pleased you're enjoying it! I hope you're having a fantastic adventure, and good luck

I had been meaning to play this for sometime but never got around to it. I absolutely adored this short RPG, which explored the feeling of loneliness and the mundane task of tagging asteroids. The tagging gameplay is simple, to the point, and oddly relaxing, and is never overdone. The true gem to this RPG is its story. There's two endings, and I must say.... that second ending... anyway, good job! I really love the use of muted colors to give it that lonely space feel. 

I honestly really enjoyed this game. It had a lot of heart, and the story was intriguing, and I loved the voice acting! It felt like I was watching an anime. What a cliffhanger to leave it on, I hope to someday see more of it, but even as is, it was a fantastic story!

Okay thank you so much!! I'll submit the page tomorrow, and the actual download release will be online bright and early the following day!

I have a quick question -- would it be OK to submit a game page without a download before the deadline, as I will be uploading our demo on the 15th (I had made a mistake in thinking it ended on the 15th in my timezone--it says 14th at 9PM for me), and I have access to better Internet anyway on Monday. Would this be alright? If not, I also understand. Thank you ^^

Super excited for this! I'll be setting some money aside for the full release, but for now, I'll find time for the trial release in the meantime.

Awesome, thanks!

Thank you for responding so quickly! We are excited to finish our project here ^^

One more question... would we be allowed to use the jam's logo in our game's end credits?

Hello! This looks like a beautiful jam!

I think the jam would be perfect for continuing our NaNo project "Wish List" (since for that jam, we're only able to release a demo). But I want to make sure that it fits! The novel does feature a budding romance (friends to lovers) and actually happens during springtime (despite they do go to the beach in a couple's rainy though haha). It is also about healing, since the story revolves around last moments with someone who is terminally ill and coming to accept and cherish those moments--sort of like how fleeting spring blossoms can be. Would a VN like this be okay to submit to Blossom VN Jam? 

Hey there! We just wanted to let you know we used your template in our upcoming project Wish List !

Hehehe yup!!! Prepare for all sorts of shenannigans and PUNS!

Haha thanks!! We hope to get the full version out by the end of SuNoFes, so stay tuned ~

Thank you!! I hope you will enjoy it! ^^

Happy anniversary to TPPM! Also that artwork looks SO COOL! I love those two <3

Definitely checking this game out, will be saving up for it ~

I'd like to thank everyone who submitted for participating in this jam! ^^

I have been a bit busy lately, so I sadly was unable to put in a vote, but I plan to listen to all the entries and leave comments on each entry as soon as I am able!

Awesome! ^^

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This was such a sweet story and I loved all the puzzles! The illustrations are lovely to look at and it had the right bit of emotion to it as well, leaving me wonder what will happen next after the "to be continued". Are the other blackbird games you have a continuation of this one? Or are they all standalone? (I plan to play them soon, but if they continue, I hope to play in the right order ^^)

This sounds awesome, looking forward to it ~

It's time to vote! Be sure to listen to all entries and vote on them! Good luck everyone ~

Haha no worries, do take your time, the game is not going anywhere!