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A member registered Jun 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Yeah the I noticed that with the effects - if I were to spend more time on it I'd move the UI to a higher layer. Thanks for playing!!

This is AMAZING!!!

The objective is to collect enough samples from the fleshy masses to prove the origin of life.

The progress bar in the top right needs to be filled to do that.

Thanks for trying and for reporting that issue. I've had another user report similar, not sure why it is happening at the moment - looking into it. In the meantime, I'm afraid the only way to play would be in another browser (chrome and opera gx both work fine).

Thanks Fodi, glad you enjoyed it!

Hey Daz, for a first game this is great! I look forward to seeing your next creation!

I don't recall playing it back in the day, but have played it since. The original paged between screens rather than the nice smooth scrolling that this has, so you would just restart on the screen on which you died.

Great take that remains pretty true to the original, although thankfully seems a little more forgiving in many ways. Really good to see it completed. Looking forward to seeing more projects from you in the future!

I'm glad you liked it. GameMaker is actually capable of a LOT more than this in 3D, but I wanted to try something simple and rely on as few assets as possible. Just a font and a couple of sounds, everything else is code.

Hi, no there is no end, it's just a chase the high score kind of thing. Speed tops out at around 63 and then it's just a matter of missing the blocks.  It loops seamlessly at some point, so you will get the same arrangement of blocks again. The arrangement is different every time you play.