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A member registered Jun 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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Not much of a dev myself but had tried to dabble in it through a few game engines. After the debacle with Unity though? I don't think I'll ever touch it again, that is until John Riccitiello and anyone else involved with pushing this scummy move are fired. In the meantime I decided to try messing around with Godot more and might even learn how to work with UE5 for stuff that's more "professional" because who knows? It might be a job prospect later on. And of course, I wouldn't mind tinkering with other game engines as well

Ohhh this looks neat! Definitely giving it a whirl

The and - keys worked! Thank you so much. 

As for the resolution, it's kind of a big res because of my monitor being a very wide gaming monitor, but it's 2560 x 1080

Hi there, I recently downloaded NAW and I tried to resize the window to full, but it appears that I can't get access to the top bar where the X, resize and minimize buttons are, alongside the normal toolbar for the software itself. Is there a hotkey I can use to resize it to a smaller window size? Thanks in advance!

Hi there! I just started playing and I was wondering if there was a way to make the window smaller? Besides that, this game's been pretty fun so far!

Ohh nvm I'm dumb lmao

Hey y'all! I'm looking to download the game, but apparently there's only the mac and linux versions? I'm a windows user

Looking good so far! Keep up the good work

I enjoyed this demo thoroughly on my first playthrough. I can't wait to see what's in store for the full game!

It appears as though there's a particle effects issue with the forking pathes floor whenever you have to start it over again. Dunno if you were intending to make fog for deeper floors or if this is a mistake with the reset. But even on the fastest graphics setting it's slowing me down, so perhaps a way to turn the particle effects off at some point would be necessary in your next update?

But other than that, I'm really liking the premise. I just can't seem to figure out how to get out of there! And the particle effects slow me down with each reset ;;

(1 edit)

It's an image

Also there's a strange one-eyed monster in this so uhhhhh minor warning?

BUT I do like making monster designs sometimes. They're just... fun!

Hi I started playing this on Windows but when I go to play some of the models have textures that are missing. I don't know if it's my end or not so I thought to ask if you know if it's a bug or if there's something I can do to fix it?
Thanks a bunch in advance!