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A member registered Mar 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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On occasion, they're listed on the product page. Possibly with some of the info in tags as well.

On other occasions... they aren't.

And if it's a web game.... while it's not guaranteed, chances are it will probably run.

Sounds cool!

I'd be willing to give it a look.

I understand how you feel.

I guess my premise is just "It can be tough out there. So if you have a paid game you want me to check out... possibly buy... here's an avenue to show me."


I gave it a purchase.

Will give it a try later.

Action games, platforming games and Visual Novels.

I can't guarantee I'll be able to fund every game that gets posted.

But I was wondering if anyone had a paid game or a game which accepts donations that they want me to check out?

Maybe I'll donate to one or two.


I appreciate your feedback

Thank you!


Just wanted to thank you again for doing this incredible video!

Awesome. Congrats!

Sounds like your games are seeing some success. That's great!

That's awesome!!


Thank you so much!

Fantastic video!

If you want, you can play my game:

I'd say so, yes.

I agree with AxalKay.

One idea you could try is time-traveling glitches. For example, all this time-travel could make it so there are past, present and future versions of the time-travel villain, due to time glitches.

This is pretty cool.

Not bad for a beginner.

Poor fish. It just wants to play a rhythm game, but star fox won't leave it alone.

Lol. 🦊 

So about the image, I'll say... this is an interesting thought brought to life. Kind of like a dream someone has while they're asleep.

Hi, congrats!

Just checking... did the file upload right? Page says the download is only 214 bytes.

That's very true.

Getting things right can also be a learning experience. Sometimes, it makes one grow.

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Honestly, I'd ask the developer first about it on such a subject and such a scenario, and listen to them. For example, if they say "You can give the copy to a few people at _____.", then I don't see the problem with it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't really re-upload it, in my opinion, as the developers probably have their reasons for taking it down (even if they're personal ones).

I understand alternative views. Some see a game as a work of art, and think art must be preserved. But, I think the comparison can still get a little muddy past surface level, so I'd still ask the developer.


Looks really cool! I like the choice of colors used on the graphics.

Another thing I "might" have picked up on, but I'm really still thinking about...

While there may be Visual Novels that read like an actual novel........ as I play more Visual Novel games, I spot a slight difference between the two sometimes. The Visual Novel games I play, often focus on characterization and getting the personality to the characters correct, even at the expense of tight grammatical correctness in script. This makes me think that the writing to my own Visual Novels is too "tight", as it focuses too much on grammatical correctness, without the normal and "messy" short chatterings of characters.

I'll think about this some more, but if I need to change some things, it really isn't that hard of a change. So I'll think about it.

Wreck-It Ralph. :)

Good work.

I haven't had time to play it yet, but it looked good, and I really appreciate all the hard work devs put into their games. So this was a game I donated to.

I just posted a thread where I covered a couple of subjects, including slowing down. Here it is if you're interested:

Things you've learned / picked up in the last week - General Discussion -

So my advice is to slow down, and that slowing down for just a bit isn't always a bad thing.

But, you could maybe also sometimes think about ideas for the game when slowing down? If you want to.

What are some things you've learned about game development, programming, art, music, sound, time management, writing, or personal goals in the last week?

I'll list mine:

I learned that my way of looking at things can be a bit rigid, and I'm working on that now. For example, I don't have to see art as "good" or "bad", there are many cases where two forms of art have quality or merit, but portray different styles or vibes. And there is also art which doesn't really seem like art form, but even it can portray a particular style sometimes and in some cases.

So, I think I need to "slow down", even if game development is a type of thing which encourages time-crunches sometimes. For example, I'm getting progress done at a pretty steady rate on my newest project, but I think it would benefit the game for me to take 2-3 days off from actual development to weigh the direction of it going forward and plan from there. Especially with a game like this with a pretty strong visual focus.

Seems cool. The graphics are good, and the music even better still.

One thing I might recommend is listing all the keys for controls in the screen which says, press E to start.

I tried it on my handheld PC and the handheld didn't appear to have the right control scheme for it, unfortunately. That being said, the screen with the boxes and the ball did look cool.

Looks really good! I like the dark rooms and the glow effect.

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I no longer see the warning. Just testing for you.

I've just kind of had a hobby interest in computers, and by extension, programming.

I wish I had some big inspirational story to tell about how I decided. But it wasn't until I released my first game demo and saw some feedback, that things took on a life of their own, and I felt more inspired to make games. Before that, I saw making games as a type of cold, hard programming project with moderate to strong visual focus.

(1 edit)

Linus Tech Tips



Just kidding!

I like channels like Gamers Nexus, the popular accounts doing the Beluga videos, etc.

Edit: I see you mentioned gaming. My picks both apply and don't apply there.

I was scared when I read someone found something on YouTube.

But then I saw the video... and realized that everything made sense 😊.

I don't see too many truly "general / off-topic" threads on this board, now that I think about it. But honestly... I like your encouragement.

It's like Sonic giving a pep talk to Shadow. And I'm Shadow.

Sounds unique!

The game page also looks good and well-decorated. Though, I thought I'd just point out - a piece of code in the "Introduction" section seems not to have worked correctly, and got shown.

Sounds like an interesting game, though.