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A member registered Jun 11, 2020

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Already adored the original but this was insanely well built upon, really well crafted and so unsettling, had more fun with the dating sim than I'm ready to admit

One of my favourite space/spaceship horror games I've played recently, the story was incredibly interesting and the themes were well developed, and the subversion of what the threat is expected to be is very unsettling, loved it

Stunningly beautiful piece of horror media here, I've always loved Midnight Scenes games but this one absolutely floored me, the mixture of tragedy, emotion, dread and hopelessness culminated in one of the most shocking endings to a game I can remember, stellar work

Genuinely one of the most unique short horror experiences I've had, trying to take shots while being pursued was genuinely heart pounding and the world and atmosphere was fantastic

loved the feel and atmosphere of the game, with how short it was and how easy it was to replay, it really made me want to experience all of the possibilities, fantastic audio design and the scares felt very authentic and responsive, really enjoyed it

everything about this was so well put together, the cheesiness, the humour, the genuinely scary and unsettling body horror that very quickly turns what feels low stakes in to a tense and uncomfortable situation, incredible vibes all around I loved it

loved the open world feeling while still retaining the soul of a short horror experience, every character I met was so uncomfortable I thought almost all of them were the mimic at one point or another, great replayability and the screaming at the end was very unsettling. Good shit as always!

Super faithful to the original creepypasta, the visuals were super pleasing to the eye and faithful to the aesthetic and the scares got me more than I thought they would, great short piece!

There aren't enough werewolf games, so I was super happy to take a look, love the PS2-esque vibes and the tension walking in the forest was incredibly uncomfortable and well done, the preview for Chapter Two is super exciting, that house looks terrifying!

Honestly it was surprisingly fun to wash and dry the clothes and I liked how interactive the environment was, the first scare got me good and it was a very fun short horror piece, the environment looked really good!

such a unique horror game, loved all of the nods to the twilight zone and the clay visuals were incredibly unsettling, super impressive for a game set in one room, absolutely loved it

Super interesting game, the story was disturbing and uncomfortable and the scares didn't let you rest

Really entertaining and fun dialogue, trying to answer trivia while dodging eldritch interdimensional spikes put my heartrate through the roof, loved it :)

Really great visuals and feel to the game and the bus itself was incredibly well designed and driving felt fun and easy, so much so that I almost forgot for the first 5-10 minutes that it was going to scare me, really enjoyed the random events and trying for different endings. Great little horror piece!

scared the shit out of me several times and some really great improvements over the demo, the twist eluded me and I enjoyed the way the story slowly unravelled, great stuff!

One of the most unique short horror pieces I've played in a while, absolutely adored the old PC game feel and it made me uncomfortable in like 5 different ways, so sick

Loved the environment and felt a deep need to explore all the nooks and crannies to find more information, combined with the visual vibe of the game and the slowly developing unsettling feeling of safety really fostered immersion even in the short time you spend in it, fantastic work

this was SO WELL DESIGNED and was far scarier than it had any right to be when its about killer cars, absolutely insanely well done


fantastic vibes, loved the setting and the idea of being abducted and waking up in that scenario is terrifying

Incredibly well designed short horror piece, I could feel lots of influences that were all weaved together to create something unique and terrifying, the final scare made my soul leave my body, loved it!

The sequence at the end was very unsettling and the build up felt very unsafe as every person you met felt slightly off so you never felt safe, I think actually the scare down the alleyway got me the most and thats mainly due to atmosphere. Super cool!

The level of faithfulness to Mario Kart 64 really enhances the feeling of something familiar and safe being slowly and subtly twisted by something malevolent that gets worse and worse until the finale hits you like a brick wall, so well designed I loved it

Really loved the atmosphere and build up, the combination of being trapped in a small space with no control over whats happening really put me on edge and a couple of the scares really got me, fantastic job and looking forward to taking a look at more of your work!

absolutely adored this, really uncomfortable feeling throughout, the atmosphere was pitch-perfect and the longer the game goes on the more you start to think that somethings not right and maybe it isn't actually happening the way you think it is, loved it

EASILY the most claustrophobic horror game experience I've had, the limited movement and physical actions you need to repeat all add to a feeling of being penned in, absolutely loved it

I was
I wasn't expecting the twist, nice subversion of expectations

Fantastic short horror piece, the painting sequence is SO uncomfortable, loved it

this was DEEPLY upsetting, I fucking loved it as always, incredible work

Genuinely one of the scarier psx short horror games I've played recently and the addition of analog horror makes it incredibly unsettling 

super cool idea for a horror game and the car controls very well, loved the concept and it scared me to death several times, now if only I was GOOD at driving

incredible vibes and really unsettling atmosphere, the disconnected nature of the storytelling really sells the uncomfortable nature of it all, really intriguing pilot with great voice acting, excited for more!

really entertaining short game, the crowd as an obstacle was very well designed and really added to the suspense of the slow neverending chase, loved it

Really really interesting psychological horror piece that I'm incredibly interested to see in it's full form, tonnes of potential!

The visuals were stunning and the atmosphere was absolutely out of this world, made me incredibly uncomfortable, can't wait for more

You didn't have to do me like that with those questions, really unsettling!!

Incredible atmosphere and really clever scares that you don't see coming, also the twist was absolutely nuts lmfao

Really fun short horror, kept my interest, unsettled me and then scared me so hard I had to take a few minutes to calm down, loved it

Absolutely incredible, adored The Building 71 Incident and this was no different, insane atmosphere and unsettling themes, will be thinking about this for days

Really love the way you expanded on the demo, kept the vibe while enchancing the dread and the build up 10x, loved it

caught me by surprise and was so absurd it was somehow made even scarier, loved it