I was really impressed with the presentation, it almost feels ready to release as is! Most of the issues come in the form of gameplay and balance issues, as is expected for a jam game with limited playtesting opportunities.
All of the things I noticed have already been mentioned by others, but I’d still still like to point out what I feel was the biggest issue: Biboo felt very difficult/imprecise to control. I think this largely comes down acceleration and (more importantly) deceleration being much too high for a game focused on precisely positioning yourself, both to hit enemies and dodge incoming attacks. The fact that you can’t move left while shooting right (unless I missed something) is also something that I personally didn’t like.
The idea of a corruption bar filling up, instead of a health bar ticking down, was also really interesting. I can see the risk-vs-reward mechanic here having a lot of potential for expansion (such as having an altered moveset at high corruption, including a different ultimate).