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A member registered 96 days ago · View creator page →

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This was amazing! I wish the game was longer because I liked it so much. Great work :)

Great game! I loved the suspense and the jumpscares got me every time with the bodies behind me. lol! But the ending was a bummer. I wanted more! haha! Hope to see more soon :)

I played both endings. The storyline was wild and very sad. It really had me on edge the first time I played. 

Loved this! The first jump scare got me too good. Almost jumped fully out of my chair! LOL. Great job :) Hope to see more in the future. 

This was great! When the father said he had her body I was like what the...?!? Can't wait to see the next part. :)

I LOVED this! It had me on edge the entire time. I can't wait to play the full game. Great work :)

Awesome! Thanks, I'll check it out. :)

This was a great game! I can't wait for the full game to come out. :)

Amazing! Great game :) Hope to see more soon.

(1 edit)

This was fantastic! I love SpongeBob and horror games so this was right up my alley. Great storyline too. :)

Great game! I hope to see more in the future. :)

This was way better than I thought it would be. Great game! :)

I played your Crawler game a while ago and this one was even better! Great work. :)

Great game! I loved it so much, I wanted more! lol 

The jump scares got the best of me!!! Great game! 

Too scary! Great game! :)

I LOVED this! Great game and great potential for a full game. Hope to see a full game in the future. :)

Can't wait to play the full game! Great work! :)

Great work! - All Endings

This game was amazing! All the jumps scares got the best of me LOL! Great job. Hope to see more!

One of the best Indie games I've played. Well done! The storyline was amazing and had me hooked.


Great game! The suspense was for real! 

AMAZING! Loved everything about it. Hope to see more soon :) 

(1 edit)

Fantastic game! I jumped too many times! lol Video includes all 3 endings.

Amazing! One of the best indie horror games I've played so far. Great work!

Somehow this was creepy and relaxing all at the same time. Great game! :)

Played your game and loved it! Hope to play more soon. Great job! :)

- Terrified Panda