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A member registered Nov 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Haha, yeah! The art style and most noticeably the backgrounds are inspired by Sr Pelo's Spooky Month, It has this charm that I really liked and i wanted to try to capture that.  Thank you!!

This is really good! I love the cozy artstyle, it makes the turning point hit so much harder, the story and characters are really fun and fleshed out too. Love this!

Great game! The story was straight to the point, very clear and clever. and the art was really cool! I really enjoyed the puzzles, however I did notice on the web page that when i tried to replaythe game without refreshing the page, the game gets stuck when you solve the first puzzle. 
Awesome work overall!

Thanks a lot! I'm glad you enjoyed it! And I'm sorry I didn't add a warning, it hadn't crossed my mind, so thanks for pointing it out.

The story's really good! The idea is super interesting and the twist is really cool, I like the decent into darker and darker themes, and the concept of a twisted version of a character you knew was really creepy and well done. Nice work!

This is a really great game! I love the artstyle, it really sets the mood, and i love how the characters show inside the orbs in the realm, it made for a really funny moment when i saw the mouse, thought it was a fun easter egg, and then realized he was actually a character. Really polished experience!

This was really good! I enjoyed the interactions between the characters a lot, really well written. and the art style was really cool as well!

Really fun story! All characters were really nice to look at, and they all had identity. Looking forward to seeing more!

Happy to hear! glad you enjoyed it ^^

Thank you! that's good to know, I'm still figuring UI stuff out and haven't got the whole hang of it yet, so I appreciate the feedback!

Glad you enjoyed it! and thanks for the help again!

Really cool! I love the art and color coding of all of the characters, it's really nice!

Nice game! It's very quick but the idea goes a long way with all the endings, my favorite's curse, but i don't want to spoil the game in the comments. awesome work!

Apologies for the triple reply. But there's a new patch for the game with a resizable screen, not quite perfect but should get the job done for now.
Again, thank you so much for bringing this to my attention!! and hope you enjoy the game! ^^

Okay, slight update, I haven't quite figured out how to patch it yet.
If you'd like to fix it locally, you could alter the size by going into the files.
TWTCS > Config > Settings.xml, and then alter the vn_win_width and vn_win_height parameters at the top of the page from 1920 and 1080 to your screen's resolution.
I'll keep you posted for a patch once I get it fixed. Thanks again!!!

Oh, I appreciate the feedback! I had no idea.
I guess once I've got it working on my screen I figured it's one size fits all, I haven't thought it wouldn't fit on other screens. I'll look for a way to fix it and tell you as soon as I know how. Thank you!!!

Really cool! I love the art style, it's very polished!

Really interesting story! and i loved the soundtrack on your page!

Wow!! Awesome game! the way it's told is super intruiging and unsettling.

Really clever concept! I enjoyed it a lot.

Played this with a friend the other day and had a really good time! Very touching story.

Really cool concept! The web program was slightly buggy with the player character sometimes. though it was still a very fun and well made game!

Cool game! I really appreciated the indicators as to when the scale is good and when it isn't good again, it made it way clearer what needs to be done. great work!

Awesome game! the gameplay is so dynamic and interesting, and the tutorial did a great job explainging everything i needed to know for the rest of the game. great work!

What a cool game! I really enjoyed the puzzles and the curve in which everything is shown to the player!

Really cool game! I was so floored when it dawned on me i'll need to dodge cat-me when i started playing the rat. super fun!

Very nice! its a very challenging game and it forces you to seprate what you know about wasd keys in a really fun way!

Really fun! its amazingly polished and the puzzles are all well thought out, good work!

Really fun game! the mechanics are very fun to work with, and the learning curve is really well made. awesome work!

Really creative game! It got really challenging in the best way the farther along i got into it

really cute  and difficult game, i love the artstyle of the notes with the faces!

This is a really really good game! it's so polished and the extra events keep it engaging. great work!

This is such a great game! I love the puzzles and the controls are really nice!

Thanks for playing! You're totally right, I actually did wonder if I could fix it but the solution hadn't come up to me during the jam, thanks for the feedback!

There is a Controls menu when you open the game, though i agree there could have been done more in the levels to indicate controls if the player got stuck while playing, thanks for the feedback!

Really creative! I love the mechanics, it's all really clever!

Very cool game! I really liked the tank controls, and the way the bigger bullets actually sound big. great work!

Very good game! its really polished and im kind of a fan of the unity grid style, it fits the feel well!

Really good puzzles! the use of the toaster in the title screen was really clever and even saved me at first