confusing game
my big bro simply walked to the final area from a side, not through the doors xD
this has potential
i'm focusing on finding good serious games, like this one :)
sad :(
this kind of games need hints, else players may lose interest if they get stuck
SCP inspired , yes?
maybe "overrall" rate may change to "theme feel"
i had the same idea of switching control on enemies, but left it on paper
nice work
this game motivated me to complete the 25 rate system queue and be able to rate it, maybe not the best presentation, but hey, its a classic's mix, they didn't have it either
that is (not) a good try
"not fair", fair enough
i use 32 bit version, having issues with half the games i try, dont worry
web version, on firefox, game over, bye :)
this game must be top 20 at least
broken replay
using keys like ctrl for controlling the game is kinda bad when you play on browser= i did ctrl w and tab closed
needs more variability of teachers, and students to be more awesome :)
lol, night class is the best xD
Good mix, needs a little more of sound