Thank you! I really enjoyed making it, wish I could have added more in the timeframe.
I have checked out your video, thanks for including it! :)
I quite enjoyed this, I have only spent about 20 minutes in game so far but I would love to find out how deep it goes! so I will be playing again later.
Music is nice, its quite subtle but its quite mysterious it does add to the vibe of the game.
And wow that skill tree, you have crammed a lot of stuff into this. Awesome work.
Only issue I come into (not game breaking) was if you load the upgrade tree > pickaxes, then select sell and then close pickaxe menu. You have then the upgrade tree overlaid on top of the Sell UI. I found just pressing 'Sell' again fixes this pretty easily.
Overall I liked it!
Thank you! Lovely feedback.
I was aware of PlayerPrefs, and it was on my list of things to add before deadline but honestly ran out of time and wanted at least something uploaded. But as well I was not aware of the background / minimised issue, I will have to have a look into the build settings. Glad you enjoyed :)
Thank you! and thanks for the feedback. I will look into all of these issues when the Jam is over. The volume issue & resolution issue I was aware of and struggled for a fix if I'm being honest, same with the enemies seeing you through walls, I was trying to get the occlusion working.
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and also found the little bugs, gives me something to work towards fixing :)