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A member registered Jul 03, 2020

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I thought this looked like it could be good for VR too!

Not gonna lie, the sound effects in this need some work. They're extremely jarring, and not in a way that contributes to the experience.

The setting and over all feel are interesting though, would like to see this fleshed out!

is there something I'm missing? seems impossible to beat the all four animals

Absolutely need to be able to pick-up dishes again, within a window at least, after putting them down. Absolutely impossible to recover from minor mistakes like accidentally double clicking or slightly misplacing food at the table as it is now.

I'm on Windows, but maybe I just didn't realize this game is Mac only. :)

Missing exe? How do you start the game?

Nice to see that the update improved Day 19, but it's still sort of unclear what to do with the gun. It feels like I accidentally skipped something?

I'm planning to do some more playthroughs of this myself! I love everything about the art style, world and general PsX RPG vibe it has. Would love to see a full fleshed out adventure in that world.

Do you have any tips/hints to get any unique dialogue or scenes that might otherwise be overlooked? 

(2 edits)

it's not easy to get right, especially for smaller projects like this.

Gotta say though, that I appreciate you making status effects an essential part of combat to begin with. There's no such thing as "grinding" you just have to strategize accordingly, which beats the older style of RPG design where one hits the player with a cliff of difficulty every few hours.

Looking forward to seeing more from you!

edit: Also...what's this about a second optional fight??

I enjoyed this, the visuals were great. Humor was fun and didn't overstay it's welcome, and the ways combat encounters started were all unique and interesting. The dynamic between the characters felt good and I'd like to see them make a return sometime, maybe even in a sequel?

I would consider, though, adjusting the effectiveness of some status effects on enemies. Once I had access to stun and confuse I was able to deal with the rest of the enemies very easily, making the shark encounter the hardest fight of the game despite being only the second one. Maybe confuse should have a lower chance of applying and stun shouldn't last as long, or have a lower chance of missing a turn?

Either way, I enjoyed the experience and it's clear this came from a place of passion.

Looking forward to checking out your next work!

(btw, there's a typo in the item name for "gauze")

really enjoyed this game, great style.

Couple of the later fights were a bit tedious mostly due to moves like Wallop and Death Rattle but I had a good time with this game nonetheless.

would love to see more about this world

I found that place too but also got stuck there...closed the game before I realized there was no saving D=