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Hello! Thank you very much for your lovely comment.
I've been thinking about it and the truth is that I feel more and more tempted to extend it (actually i will hahahaha). Before starting to create the game I had written a personal novel (which is incomplete haha) that went deeper into the world and other characters...
I would even like to add more routes, more specifically Quattor's route or Duae past.
But! First I have to finish the 3 main routes and it might take me some time.
Holaholaaa, ajdjajdj por ahora no tengo pensado en hacer una ruta con Fames 😭 por temas de tiempo, peeero en algún futuro, tal vez! Pero tengo que avisar ahora queee, le cambié un poco el diseño hahdhs pero solo la máscara jaaaa.
El programa que uso es Renpy! Y el paint tool Sai para los dibujos (sé que hay mejores programas para dibujar en digital, pero lo mío con el Sai es algo serio,,,, no lo puedo soltar).
Cuando hagas tu novela, avísameeeee, me encantaría jugarla.
Thank you for your comment!💕 And thank you for the playthrough (I definitely will see it 💕).
And yes! The games has intentional Biblical references, cus I lovee the concept! Hope it doesn't offended anyone (・ัω・ั).
Hope you can play the next update! we will know what's the deal with Nulla, what he wants and maybe who he really is (^^) haha
Ahhh thank youuu💕
I love metafiction, both its concept and the execution that can be put into its works... I couldn't stand not having more works like that to read or play, so I tried to make one.
I really hope it lives up to it.
As for translation problems, I hope that in the next update there will not be any, I will do my best!
ANDDDD, SEPTEM IS THE BEST, I LOVE THAT RAT, next update we will know what he wants and who he really is (^^) haha