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A member registered Aug 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed this game and loved how it ties in with the real life coast 2 coast call that took place. Loved it! you can check out my experience should you wish in the video below!

More then welcome! I really had fun!

Loved this game from start to finish! Can't wait for more! If you wanna check out my awesome experience of this great little game then please be sure to check out the video below! Subscribe if you enjoy! ❤

Great little game! Kinda didn't want it to end! I hope you can expand on it as it has a lot of potential. If you want to see my experience then please feel free to check out the video below!

I really loved this game! I think the mechanics of it are really impressive! It looks and plays really good also! Left me hungry for more!!! Hope this gets developed further! If you want to check out my experience, then you can in the video below! ❤

I really enjoyed this game. It looks great, plays great and the atmosphere is tense! the Demon/spirit is nothing short of creepy! I loved it and wanted more!
if you want to check out my experience of the game, feel free to check out the video below! ❤

Great little game. Graphics looked superb. Those woods look scary as hell! Should you expand the game you should definitely do something out there! Overall I loved it! should you wish you can check out my experience below 😜

I really enjoyed this game. Graphically looks superb and the story was captivating! I personally don't like reading that much in games but it was worth it. Very well done! If you want to check out my experience you can check out the video below 😜

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I really enjoyed this game! the atmosphere was very tense and the higher I got in the building the more vulnerable! Loved it! You can check out my experience of the game in the video below 😁

I really enjoyed this game! Graphically it looks really impressive. I personally loved the twist at the end! Thanks 🙂 should you wish you can see my experience of the game for yourself below

(1 edit)

Loved this game. The tension was cranked up to the max! can't wait to see where this leads to in the final release. Have it wishlisted on steam. If anyone wants to you can check out my experience of the demo in the video below. Much love!

I loved this game. Awesome atmosphere and location! Enough creepy events to keep interest peaked from start to finish! Love the art style and the ending was super impressive and left me hungry for more. Well done. Should you wish you can check out my experience of this game below 🙂

A fantastic game, that left me hungry for more!!! Graphically superb, still holds up to this day! The creature in it, is completely messed up. Nightmare inducing!!! Loved the whole thing! Thank you dev! If you want to check out my experience of this game then please feel free to check out the video below!

What a fantastic game. Money well spent! I loved the atmosphere and the thought that being chained up by some guy was the biggest of our problems, when it clearly wasn't! Loved it. thank you! 👌

You can check out my experience in the video below should you wish 😊

what? Lol

What a fantastic game!!! I absolutley loved it. It played as smooth as butter and I had a great time with it! The jumpscares were very tasteful and well done! Thanks for making this! You can check out my experience in the video below!😁

(1 edit)

I really loved your game! I was kinda led to it after playing Ratman which was also excellent. This game scared the shit out of me but I had so much fun playing it! Thank you! You can check out my experience in the video below 🙂 Both Endings in it.

That's awesome to hear! The game has so much potential it'd be a crime not to build off it. Ill drop a follow so I can keep tabs 😁

Despite how short the game is, I really had fun with it! It really left me hungry for more though! Thanks for your efforts Dev! You can check out my experience below should you wish! 😊

thanks dude. I'll try again. Great looking game..Dev needs to make this a tad more easier. Cheers bro.

A great experience. The game really left me hungry for more! I think you maybe need to creep up the girl a little though. Atmosphere and sounds where on point, kept me on my toes all the way through! Loved it. You can check out my unique experience in the video below. Thanks for making this, massive credit to you

Is there a timer on this because I zoomed in on it loads! lol

Same issue. Spent absolutely ages trying to figure it out. Wondering if its just trolling us?

Decided to visit this game. I have to admit, I am really impressed! Great atmosphere and the creepy elements are very tasteful! Great work! You can check out my experience in the video below. Drop a sub if your cool and appreciate my content!

thank you! I'll look forward to its release and revisit it!

I loved this game. Visually it looked great and the sounds where incredible! I had such a blast playing it! I am curious though as to what is behind the door and if you are going to update the game to reveal its mystery? Other then that a solid game, loved it! You can check out my experience in the video below. If you like the video, then please be sure to drop a sub so you don't miss out on any future content 😊

I really loved the way the game looks, plays and sounds. Such a creepy and tense atmosphere! Well done! Kinda wish we saw a little bit more of what takes us at the end though! Other than it was perfect. Thanks for your hard work! Should you want to you can check out my experience in the link below 😝

I really enjoyed your game. As folk have said down below though the Looping element of the game does get a bit repetitive. It is totally redeemed though by the game play once you get outside which I thought was fantastic! ❤️ A massive well done though overall as I did have fun with it! You can check out my experience in the video below. Feel free to drop a sub if you enjoy the content. 

thank you! Keep up the great work.

Loved your game! Great atmosphere and played really really well! I'll look forward to any of your future content! Should you wish you can check out my experience below! Drop a sub if you enjoy it 🤘

I really enjoyed your game. As a viewer pointed out to me, it is very clever of you how the scenes skip, as that is what happens in dreams. One minute your somewhere, the next your somewhere else. I agree. Very clever of you indeed! I really enjoyed my playthrough and I will closely watch you for future content. Many thanks for a great short experience. You can check out my experience below. Please consider a sub if you like what you see!

Absolutely loved your game! It provided such a tense atmosphere! The jump scare got me good, thanks for that! 🤣

You can check out my great experience in the video below 😊

I loved the game. Such a great build up of tension and it kept me on edge a lot! My only criticism is the sound. Not enough of it happening to really push the tension. Overall I loved the experience and I am so pleased for you because this is a great title.

If your want to see my unique experience of the game then check out my upload :D

I absolutely love this game dude! If anything it left me hungry for more! Well done man! The atmosphere and sounds are so intense its unreal. The jumpscares was tasteful. The chase scenes had me pretty much proplasing lol. Loved it and want more. I sincerely hope you stop making short games and make one long one.

If you wanna see my fuckin' nightmare of an experience then please check out the mindfuck that is my video below!

I really enjoyed the game, more so that it left me hungry for more! You did an incredible job of providing us with a very tense atmosphere. Your use of sound was absolutely incredible! Very well detailed. The game overall looked fantastic and played very smoothly! Congrats! You can check out my experience of the game in the video down below 😁

I absolutley loved this game! i really enjoyed the challenge! See my experience, including the ending in the video below!