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A member registered Mar 14, 2024

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AHHHH love the sprites and the new logo!! soo excited for the extended demo (and kickstarter hehe)! all the best to the dev team! ^^

This was SO funny and unhinged I can't stop cry laughing TT And ending 7 took me so off guard, I'm glad I played that last! Also the body on PS5? wow like, how??? lol 

I ADORE this art style and the soft colours and cute music (and the cute burglar too ofc! hehe) and I definitely appreciate the eye tracking mechanics you did for the burglar - it was fun moving the mouse around while talking to him! such a fun little detail! Overall loved my time playing this!!! ^^

This was such a sweet little game! ^^ The MC is so relatable (down to the appalling sleep schedule lol), except for the boyfriend part... can I have a Lucas too? maybe having a sweetheart like him would help with my insomnia too T^T hehe anyway, the art, colours and music used are all so pleasant and calming - this has definitely become a comfort game that I'll replay whenever I need a soft warm hug! <3

(2 edits)

Ahhh after hearing so much good things about this game, I was finally able to make some time to play all three endings and I'm so glad I did! The art throughout the game is so beautiful and I love the way each route unravels. Also love the voice acting and music!! Overall this was so much fun <3

I loved the sweet ending the most (and it was the first one I got lol) but omg I lovvve Crowe's reactions in every twisted ending option, he's so cute! T^T I love him so much 

Also playing it three times meant I was able to choose all the three options for food options and everytime the food pops up I legit get hungry T^T I'm with the MC here, I LOVE FOOD lol 

The emotes are adorable and I'm so excited with the content plans!! The demo was really good so I'm sure the full version will be worth the price! Regardless, you guys deserve it for your hard work! ^^ Looking forward to seeing more updates hehe all the best!! 

A short and sweet game (Jasper a cutie hehe)! Congrats on your first game, looking forward to more of your projects!! ^^ 

loved this!! the art style is so beautiful and cozy (and was what drew me in to check this game out in the first place - which I'm so glad I did!)!! love the story and character writing, and I'm looking forward to the full game! 

mychael is so adorable, I love him so much TT I'm not usually one to play bad endings but I did this time just cos I wanted more of him (tho my heart hurt each time I got the bad endings lol) I'm excited for more!!

A very cute and quick game - loved the colours, art style and voice acting! Got ending 4 on my first go, which wasn't the ending I was aiming for, but I found it funny lol and then played the other endings afterwards hehe

Will probably be a game I return to for a bit of joy and cuteness ^^

no worries at all! will patiently wait and keep replaying the current demo in the meantime ^^ 

hope all is/gets well with you guys regardless!! 

Had my eye on Phil at first - still do, but now I'm also curious about the other two 😆

Loving the story, character styles, music and dialogues so far!! I thought I'd for sure know which LI I'd be most interested in from the prologue but now I'm not so sure anymore - they're all so cute! Looking forward to more!

Enjoying this so far!! Really appreciate all the customizable features, and the flavorful choices throughout the story are fun! Looking forward to the full game! ^^

Very cute! Can't wait for the full game!! 

yayy i can't get enough of chatsim romance games!!😭 this was very cute and i'm loving the guys' banter! looking forward to the full game!! 🫶

Absolutely loved this game!! Although it's a shorter play than Blooming Panic, it definitely scratched the chatsim otome game itch I've been having and the coding part of it is a lot of fun - wish there were more games like this! The art, the characters, the music, and the story are all top-notch! I just wish it was longer, only because I wasn't ready for it to end lol. WIll definitely be replaying this every so often!